Policy Number:  300-1

Last Updated:   2/25/2020

Policy Title:  Contracts Overview

Administrative Contact & Phone:  Athletic Business Office:  568-3829 or 568-2367 

JMU Contact & Phone:  Procurement:  568-7935 or 568-7936

Website:  JMU Financial Procedures Manual

POLICY: Unless specifically authorized by the JMU Policy #4100 in the above website, no employee may enter into contractual agreements.  Therefore, Athletics employees / staff members / coaches may not sign contractual agreements for their sports or programs.  All contractual agreements (unless specifically excluded) must be reviewed by University Counsel for legal sufficiency and approved by the University Procurement office.  All Athletic contracts must be forwarded to the ABO. 

PURPOSE:  To provide general guidelines for Athletic contracts.


  • All contractual agreements must be forwarded to the ABO for review and processing through University Counsel and University Procurement.  ABO will forward the contract for review and retain a suspense copy.
  • The Athletic Director has contractual agreement signature authority for sponsorship, advertising and game contracts. 
  • Refer to policy #200-1 (Procurement) in this manual for information on procurement contracts. 

Lodging Contracts:  Competition travel contractual agreements for lodging and/or transportation.

1.  Sport program schedules lodging to support team travel and the vendor wants agreement supported through a contract. This also pertains to agreements that have “contractual” language or require signatures from both the University and the vendor.  

2.  Email contract to JMU Procurement Services - Proc-Athletics@jmu.edu

3.  Lodging contracts that reflect rates above per-diem table maximums must contain justification and appropriate forms for ABO per-diem overage approval prior to our sending the contract to Legal Counsel and Procurement. Procurement and Legal Counsel DOES NOT review contracts for per diem, so please ensure that the agreement meets State-regulated per diems, or if over per diem, appropriate documentation is completed.

4.  See policy #120-4 (Lodging) regarding hotel lodging for team travel and the direct bill process.

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