Policy Number:  200-8                                                                  

Last Revised:    2/25/2020

Policy Title:  Procurement – Costco Policy                              

Administrative Contact & Phone:   Athletic Business Office:   568-3829 or 568-2367

JMU Contact & Phone:  Accounts Payable:  568-6539

Websites:  JMU Financial Procedures Manual


Athletics has a membership with Costco so that pre-approved purchases can be made within the parameters set forth by JMU Accounts Payable. 


To specify procedures that will be used in Athletics for Costco purchases. 


  • EP
  • Costco Log 




Admin Assistant/Sport Program

1. Purchaser communicates with Admin Assistant who prepares EP in eVA.  Also state on the EP that the item being purchased is “not to exceed” a specified dollar amount.

2. Print hard copy of EP for purchaser.


3. Bring EP to the ABO - Athletic Business Manager


4. Make a copy of the EP and enter EP#, Costco Card Number, Sport Program Name, Staff name, Description of Purchase and Estimated Amount into the Costco Log.  Give Costco card to the purchaser.


5. Visit Customer Service Desk at Costco to Receive EP information.

6. Puchase Necessary Items. At checkout, give the EP to Costco clerk.

7. Bring original invoice back to Admin Assistant. Bring a copy of EP, receipt, and the Costco card back to the ABO immediately.

Admin Assistant/Sport Program

8. Send one copy of EP and FBCF (if applicable) to AP for payment processing.


9. Enter invoice number and actual amount of purchase into the Costco Log. 

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