Policy Number: 200-5

Policy Title:   Procurement-Student Assistance Fund (SAF)

Last Updated:  2/25/2020

Athletic Business Office:  568-3829 or 568-2367                                                                               

Athletics Dept. Contacts: Assistant AD for Compliance: 568-7357 and Associate AD for SAS: 568-6250

JMU Contact & Phone:  Operations Manager of Payroll Services: 568-8034


All student-athletes are eligible for Student Assistance funds (SAF) for Educational Expenses and Fees (Graduate School Exam Fees, Professional Program Testing, Etc.); Health and Safety Expenses (Medical/Dental/Vision Expenses not covered by another insurance program, etc.); Personal or Family Expenses (Clothing Allowance, Emergency Travel Home, etc.), Institutional Academic or Programming Enhancements (Academic Achievement or Graduation Awards, etc.) within NCAA guidelines.


 To outline procedures used to process fund requests for student-athletes from the Student Assistance Fund account. 


  • SAF/SAOF Payment Request SharePoint/Sports/Documents
  • NRA Student-Athlete Opportunity Funds Request generated by payroll services


  • Emergency Travel for Student-Athletes:

Reference the Athletics Staff Handbook under “Information for Coaches”, see “Emergency Travel for Student-Athletes” for appropriate procedures.

  • All Other Expenses:
  1. Student-Athlete brings receipts to the Administrative Assistant for SAS who fills out the SAF or the NRA Payment Request form.  If the request is for an international student, the student-athlete meets with the Operations Manager of Payroll Services (OMPS). The OMPS prepares and emails the NRA (Non-Resident Alien) SAOF Request for the Administrative Assistant for SAS.
  2. The following items will be properly filled in on the form:

a)      Student’s name, ID#, and Sport (they will confirm that these items are correct)

b)      List amounts requested in the proper categories

c)      Signature of the Associate AD of SAS

  1. Administrative Assistant for SAS completes a Chrome River reimbursement for the amount requested. Attach the SAF request and receipts to Chrome River. Chrome River is not needed when reimbursing an international student-athlete.
  2. Once the expense report has gone through the approval process, the Administrative Assistant for SAS should print and retain a copy of the report.

When requesting funds for an international student-athlete, a copy of the payment request is also sent to Financial Aid (Asst. Director for Scholarships) and the UBO.

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