Tours & Training
Thousands of students from universities, middle schools, and high schools have toured the Small Wind Training and Testing Facility (SWTTF). If you wish to schedule a tour and explore how wind and solar energy can be integrated into our everyday lives, please contact Anna Reyes

Small Wind Training and Testing Facility
SWTTF Equipment and Facilities
- Bergey XL-R 7.5-kW turbine
- Rohn 120-ft lattice tower
- System hybridized with 750 W of solar photovoltaics (PV)
- LED Interior and exterior lighting
- The facility can operate in net-metering, grid-backed, or islanded mode
East Campus Hillside Solar Facility
Other on-campus facilities include the East Campus Hillside Solar Facility (HSF) which connects directly and provides clean power to King Hall. The HSF was recently updated to include 720 410-watt panels. The panels are housed in front of King Hall and are surrounded by a local pollinator garden.
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Engo 0001 (High Bay Lab)
CASE shares a small dedicated laboratory and a large high-bay space in the EnGeo building on the east campus of JMU. This space serves primarily undergraduate and graduate students and is equipped with an array of infrared imaging and detection equipment, a PLC-controlled Lotus Wind Turbine Trainer, Amatrol Nacelle and Hub Wind Turbine Trainers by Amatrol, and a K.H. Steuernagel Solar Simulation System.

Technology Drive
Additional sustainable energy facilities are located off campus. In particular, the facility at 1401 Technology Drive features a 4,000-square-foot high bay space that stores meteorological towers that are deployed to collect wind measurements. Other equipment include two remote-sensing wind profilers, an environmental chamber, wind tunnels used for educational purposes, and other systems. A variety of model wind turbines are displayed in this space.