Virginia Kidwind Renewable Energy Challenges FAQ

At least one student is required to form a competition team. Although the maximum number of students lies at the coach’s discretion, we strongly recommend that a team consists of no more than five-six students in order to ensure a positive experience for all. 

A coach may lead up to three teams in any one grade division or energy challenge at each regional challenge location. If a coach wishes to lead more than three teams in the same division, they should plan to bring the additional teams to a different regional challenge.  

For example, the following would be acceptable ways to have more than three teams (this is not a finite list of all of the ways)

  • 3 Middle School Wind Teams and 3 Middle School Solar Teams
  • 3 Elementary Wind Teams and 3 Middle School Wind Teams
  • 3 Middle School Wind Teams at one regional challenge, 3 differerent Middle School Wind Teams at another regional challenge
A solar challenge starter kit contains alligator clips, loads (LED lights, water pump + tray, buzzer, & DC motor), and a multi-meter. A wind challenge starter kit contains a pvc turbine, alligator clips, bag of dowels, a hub, a KidWind generator, a multi-meter, a pitch protractor, and a resistor. 
Learn how to here! We can’t wait to see what your students create! 
Students in grades 4-12 can participate in a challenge! If a team is comprised of students from multiple grade levels, the team will compete at the highest grade level of any student on the team. 
Although there are no rules prohibiting teams from participating in both the solar and wind challenges, we strongly suggest that teams select only one. 
Registration for both the solar and wind challenges is free! First-time coaches will receive a free starter kit as well. Teams may choose to purchase additional materials such as extra hubs, additional loads, etc. It is important to note that even if a coach chooses to enter multiple teams in the challenge, they will only receive one solar starter kit and/or one wind starter kit. 
Regional competitions across the state take place in March (click here to find your regional challenge). The state-wide competition takes place in April at James Madison University! 
Teams that score a top place in their regional challenge will qualify for the state-wide competition. The number of qualifying teams per regional challenge will depend on the number of teams competing at the regional challenge. Similarly, teams that score a top place in the state-wide competition will qualify for the national competition. 

For technical questions on building your project, we encourage you to contact your regional trainer! Regional trainers are experienced coaches who can help newer coaches navigate the path to the challenge. We also encourage you to attend Kidwind's virtual webinars and to look at our virtual coach’s resource guide!

Please direct logistical and all other questions to 

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