In September of 2023, the Provost’s Native American Land Acknowledgements working group was elevated to a university committee under Dr. Malika Carter-Hoyt and the office of Vice President for DEI. The group was renamed the Native American Indigenous Awareness, Relations, and Action Working Group.

Following are two of the seven objectives for this working group.

  • Calling together CFI, CVPA, Student Affairs, and any other unit on campus that has constructed a land acknowledgment statement to discuss why/how they did this work, how they use their statement, and what they hope it will achieve.
  • Consulting with Native American communities on the creation of a JMU Land Acknowledgement Statement.

While this work is being done, the CFI Indigenous Land and Enslaved Peoples Acknowledgement webpage will temporarily be unpublished to reduce confusion. We encourage faculty to visit the working group page for updates on this process.

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