All courses in the PA Program are required. Below lists the sequence of the curriculum. For additional information, including full course descriptions, please visit the PA Program section of the JMU Graduate Catalog.
Resource Links for Enrolled Students
Download the Systems-Based Plan of Study (PDF)
Clinical Phase Details
- The 11 rotating courses listed above are the required supervised clinical practice experiences (SCPE). Each SCPE is 4-weeks long and may take place in Virginia or out-of-state.
- Two of the eleven SCPEs are an elective – students will work with the Director of Clinical Education to decide on what works best for them and their interests.
- The Director of Clinical Education determines the SCPE sequence and locations for each student.
- The Program is under no obligation to meet any individual or personal needs of students or student requests. The Program’s priority is to provide all students with optimal learning opportunities. This may include sending students to distant sites in states other than Virginia. Previously utilized clinical sites (that we may use again) have been in Michigan, Florida, Kentucky, California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and more.
- In addition to SCPEs, there are three traditional classroom type courses during the clinical phase: Health Promotion & Disease Prevention, Values & Ethics in Medicine, and Transition to Practice. These only meet when students return to campus for 1-week following every two SCPEs.