Inclusive Excellence Governance & Resources
  • CSM Inclusive Excellence Council The Inclusive Excellence Council serves as a standing committee involved in governance of the College. The Council recommends, promotes and monitors IE related projects and activities college-wide; works with department IE Activators and AUHs to recommend, promote and monitor IE related projects and activities within their respective departments; and advises the Dean on the efforts to address issues of access and inclusion for CSM students, staff and faculty. The Council includes representatives from all five departments. The Student Success Coordinator & IE Director serves as Council Chair and the Dean serves as an ex officio member.
  • Office of Access and Inclusion (OAI) OAI’s mission is to assist and lead in creating an inclusive environment for JMU’s faculty, staff and students.
  • Glossary of Racial Equality Terms created by Racial Equity Tools, an organization that supports groups working to achieve racial equity. All terms contain detailed definitions, use cases and examples.
  • Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) administers JMU’s commitment to providing an equitable and safe environment free of discrimination for the entire JMU community.
  • Options for Reporting Discrimination & Harassment 
Professional Organizations with a JMU Chapter
  • Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) The mission of the AWG Foundation is to attain equality of opportunity for women in the geosciences and train new leaders by funding high impact programs for women in the geosciences. The JMU chapter aims to personify this mission in the JMU and Harrisonburg community. The national AWGF funds scholarships, professional development programs, travel grants, awards, and outreach programs. All majors and genders are welcome, geoscience-based (Geology, Geography, ISAT, Chemistry, etc.) are strongly encouraged to join. 
  • Association for Women in Mathematics We strive to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. 
  • Society of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is dedicated to fostering the success of, but not limited to, Chicano/Latinx/Hispanics and Native Americans (including Indigenous communities) - from college students to professionals - to attain advanced degrees, careers, and position of leadership in science. Please contact Dr. Ángel A. Garcia Jr. ( for more information.
Other Professional Organizations

If you'd like to learn more about these organizations, you can contact Dr. Celestine Woodruff.

  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) AISES is a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies and careers. 
  • National Association Black Geoscientists (NABG) organized to 1) Inform students of career opportunities that exist in the field of Geosciences; 2) Encourage them to take advantage of scholarship programs, grant, loans, etc., that are established for minority students; 3) Give financial support to students pursuing degrees in Geology and Geophysics; 4) Follow the educational careers of the scholarship recipients; 5) Aid minority students in the search for summer employment and aid corporate members interested in obtaining summer employees for positions that will enhance the students' background and marketability; 6) Allow minority geologists and geophysicists to establish professional and inter-company relationships; and 7) Assist in the development of professional standards and practices of members within their geoscience careers and entrepreneurial pursuits. 
  • National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) is a non-profit professional organization in the mathematical sciences with membership open to all persons interested in the mission and purpose of NAM which are: promoting excellence in the mathematical sciences and promoting the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities.
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) NOBCChE is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to assisting black and other minority students and professionals in fully realizing their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and allied fields. 
  • National Society of Hispanic Physicists The purpose of this society is to promote the professional well-being and recognize the accomplishments of Hispanic physicists within the scientific community of the United States and within society at large. The Society seeks to develop and support efforts to increase opportunities for Hispanics in physics and to increase the number of practicing Hispanic physicists, particularly by encouraging Hispanic students to enter a career in physics. 
  • National Society of Black Physicists The mission of the National Society of Black Physicists is to promote the professional well-being of African American physicists and physics students within the international scientific community and within society at large. The organization seeks to develop and support efforts to increase opportunities for African Americans in physics and to increase their numbers and visibility of their scientific work. 
Inclusive & Multicultural Resources at JMU

To learn more about any of the student groups below, visit BeInvolved JMU and search for the group name.

  • African Student Organization is a group of students committed to nourishing cultural, intellectual, political and economic awareness about the African continent and its connection to the JMU community. We value people from different backgrounds who hold different ideas about life and we celebrate the diversity of our campus and our world. We also organize various cultural, educational and social events to enrich the JMU community and foster collaboration amongst African students and those interested in Africa. Finally, we aim to encourage awareness of Africa within our JMU community and in the greater Harrisonburg area, ultimately contributing back to our continent.
  • Biology Students of Color (BioSOC) BioSOC aims to support students of color over the course of their careers at James Madison University by creating an inclusive space, providing resources for academic and professional development, bridging the gap between students and faculty, and building a stronger community. 
  • Black Alumni Chapter The mission of the JMU BAC is to serve as an instrument to promote positive relationships between the JMU African American student community, JMU African American alumni, and the University; to serve as a network of support to the JMU African American student community. 
  • Black Student Alliance (BSA) is an organization that serves as an advocate of the black voices on JMU's campus and exposes all of James Madison University to new ideas and experiences in order to create forward movement. 
  • Center for Global Engagement offers opportunities to study abroad and participate in programs at JMU designed to promote and support international life and culture.
  • Center for Multicultural Student Services (CMSS) CMSS provides educational and celebratory programs and services that support an inclusive campus community in which members value diversity within themselves and others. The site also has a complete list of multicultural student organizations
  • Furious Flower Poetry Center aims to advance the genre of African American Poetry by providing opportunities for education, research, and publication.
  • JMU Interfaith Coalition The vision of the JMU Interfaith Coalition is to facilitate mutual understanding of any and all religions and world views, and to promote positive civic engagement in the JMU and local communities. 
  • Latinx Student Alliance provides Latinx students at JMU a way to network with others who shared similar cultural backgrounds and a forum for all other students interested in learning more about Latin American cultures. The Alliance aims to promote Latino cultural awareness, provide a forum for Latino students on campus, as well as participating in philanthropy benefiting the Harrisonburg Latinx community. 
  • Madison Equality is JMU's support community for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students. The primary mission of the club is the promotion of tolerance and acceptance through education and awareness. The club holds weekly meetings and does periodic educational programming on campus. 
  • Multicultural D.E.E.P Impact The program promotes diversity awareness throughout the JMU community by encouraging the transitioning student body to embrace multiculturalism. The program places special emphasis on assisting and supporting first year multicultural students who are adjusting to life at JMU. 
  • Office of Admissions offers opportunities to join Students for Minority Outreach or Student Ambassadors to recruit future students to JMU. Student Ambassadors offers various recruitment weekends to visit the campus in the fall and spring semesters.
  • Office of Disability Services (ODS) assists the University in creating an accessible community where everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in their educational experience. 
  • TORCH (Together Obtaining Resources for College Help) is a student organization dedicated to serving first generation college students both at JMU and in the greater global community.  Dr. Yenisei Montes de Oca, Assistant Professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, serves as the faculty advisor for TORCH. 
  • SafeZone is a voluntary network of faculty, staff and students who believe that every member of the university community should have an equal opportunity to grow and learn in a safe and open environment. 
  • Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) works toward promoting James Madison University's commitment to diversity through education, support, advocacy and the fostering of equity for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Located in the Student Success Center, 1st floor, The Lavender Lounge offers a free and confidential space to check out over 1500 books and movies about LGBT issues. SOGIE supports JMU's commitment to diversity by providing volunteer opportunities for students and educational events about the experience of LGBTQ identified students at JMU.
  • Queers United for Educating Stem Together QUEST is a support and advocate group for people who identify within the LGBTQ+ community and work in the STEM field. We aim to educate scholars, professors, and fellow students about marginalized identities through organized facilitations with other groups on campus. We also provide support to students who are majoring in scientific and mathematical fields that identify as LGBTQ+, with weekly meeting on campus and social events. 

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