Inclusive Excellence Governance & Resources
  • CSM Inclusive Excellence Council The Inclusive Excellence Council serves as a standing committee involved in governance of the College. The Council recommends, promotes, and monitors Inclusive Excellence (IE) related projects and activities college-wide; works with department IE Activators and AUHs to recommend, promote, and monitor IE related projects and activities within their respective departments; and advises the Dean on the efforts to address issues of access and inclusion for CSM students, staff and faculty. The Council includes representatives from all five departments. The Student Success Coordinator & IE Director serves as Council Chair and the Dean serves as an ex officio member.
  • CSM IE Action Plan Links to the current version of the CSM IE Action Plan. This page requires login with JMU credentials. 
  • Glossary of Racial Equality Terms created by Racial Equity Tools, an organization that supports groups working to achieve racial equity. All terms contain detailed definitions, use cases and examples. 
  • Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) administers JMU’s commitment to providing an equitable and safe environment free of discrimination for the entire JMU community.  
  • Options for Reporting Discrimination & Harassment 
Professional Organizations
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies and careers.  
  • National Association Black Geoscientists (NABG) organized to 1) Inform students of career opportunities that exist in the field of Geosciences; 2) Encourage them to take advantage of scholarship programs, grant, loans, etc., that are established for minority students; 3) Give financial support to students pursuing degrees in Geology and Geophysics; 4) Follow the educational careers of the scholarship recipients; 5) Aid minority students in the search for summer employment and aid corporate members interested in obtaining summer employees for positions that will enhance the students' background and marketability; 6) Allow minority geologists and geophysicists to establish professional and inter-company relationships; and 7) Assist in the development of professional standards and practices of members within their geoscience careers and entrepreneurial pursuits.  
  • National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) is a non-profit professional organization in the mathematical sciences with membership open to all persons interested in the mission and purpose of NAM which are: promoting excellence in the mathematical sciences and promoting the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities.
  • National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) a non-profit professional organization dedicated to assisting black and other minority students and professionals in fully realizing their potential in academic, professional, and entrepreneurial pursuits in chemistry, chemical engineering, and allied fields. 
  • National Society of Black Physicists The mission of the National Society of Black Physicists is to promote the professional well-being of African American physicists and physics students within the international scientific community and within society at large. The organization seeks to develop and support efforts to increase opportunities for African Americans in physics and to increase their numbers and visibility of their scientific work. 
  • Society of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is dedicated to fostering the success of, but not limited to, Chicano/Latinx/Hispanics and Native Americans (including Indigenous communities) - from college students to professionals - to attain advanced degrees, careers, and position of leadership in science.
JMU Resources
  • ALANA Network draws its name from African, Latino, Asian and Native American and serves as a network offering professional support and fosters a sense of community among multicultural faculty and staff. The Office of Access & Inclusion sponsors a meet and greet reception each fall welcoming the new multicultural faculty and staff into the JMU community. Contact OAI ( for more information.
  • Center for Faculty Innovation (CFI) provides comprehensive professional development opportunities for JMU instructional faculty at all levels and stages of their careers. CFI initiatives are designed to enhance academic culture and support innovations in teaching, scholarship, and career development. 
  • Innovative Diversity Efforts Awards  
  • The Center for Global Engagement helps organize regular happy hour and dinner potluck events for international faculty, staff, and researchers to which all members of the JMU community are welcome. The goal is to provide informal networking opportunities that include international members of the JMU community. Events are organized through an email listserv.
  • JMU Human Resources The James Madison University Human Resources departmental site provides detailed information including employment, benefits, and HR services. 
  • LGBTQ Employee Group Do you consider yourself a member or ally of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) community? Are you an employee at James Madison University? Please consider joining the JMU LGBTQ Employee Group! Current interests and activities include benefits advocacy, data collection, and social events. More ideas and energy are welcome.
  • The Madison Hispanic Faculty Caucus an organization whose purpose is to be an advocate for Latino issues in higher education, including the educational welfare and advancement of Latinos/as at our University. Our goals are to cultivate a supportive and inclusive community on campus, promote social and cultural dimensions of Latino topics as related to education and well-being, and encourage a vibrant engagement with the diversity of Latino cultures.
  • Madison Caucus on Gender Equality updates the historic Faculty Women’s Caucus that was initiated in 1973 to address discrimination against women in the JMU workplace. The caucus reaches out to all professional women and men on campus, understanding that gender based workplace bias affects not only women but men and families as well. In the 2011-2012 academic year, dedicated JMU citizens gathered to discuss how we might continue the activism of the original caucus in the 21st century. We have revised our constitution, updated our name, and identified goals and activities to guide us. Please consider joining the Madison Caucus for Gender Equality; there is plenty of work and good community to be shared.
  • Sisters in Session is an organization dedicated to the support of Women from African/Africana and Black decent as they navigate and traverse academic and higher education at James Madison University. Contact Ms. Esther Nizer ( for more information.
  • TORCH (Together Obtaining Resources for College Help) is a student organization dedicated to serving first generation college students both at JMU and in the greater global community.  Dr. Yenisei Montes de Oca, Assistant Professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, serves as the faculty advisor for TORCH.

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