The CSM Faculty Research & Awards Committee (FRAC) is a standing committee involved in governance of the College. The FRAC serves as a research and awards advisory committee for the college. The FRAC advises on, and reviews for, college-level funding programs, Educational Leave requests, and faculty recognition awards administered by the College. Two faculty representatives from each department/school are each elected to the FRAC for a three year term. An Associate Dean convenes the FRAC as committee chair.
Biology: Morgan Wurch & Kris Kubow
Chemistry and Biochemistry: Gina MacDonald & Sasha Kokhan
Geology and Environmental Science: Dhanuska Wijesinghe & Kirsty McKenzie
Mathematics and Statistics: Josh Ducey & Zev Woodstock
Physics and Astronomy: Gabe Niculescu & Kendra Letchworth-Weaver