Explore advertising options such as banners and chalking spaces, which can be reserved through EMS.  Most scheduled events will be shown on JMU's online Calendar, so make sure your title and reservation description fields in EMS are chosen carefully with this mind. 

  • All banner, advertising and chalking spaces are found in the “Promotional Spaces” building in the VirtualEMS scheduling software.
  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • There are six reservable banner locations in The Union on the second floor.
    • Each space can accommodate banners up to six feet wide by three feet high (horizontal) and may ONLY be reserved for a one-week period (Sunday – Saturday) per location.
    • Banners must be removed at the end of the reservation period (Saturday night) or before to allow for the following week’s posting.
    • The reserving organization must bring the banner to The Union Event Services Desk the day before the reservation begins.
    • Banners will be placed under the permanent clips on the wall strip on the second floor.
    • The Union Event Services staff will not be responsible for banners left beyond the reservation period or for theft or damage to banners displayed.
  • There are six reservable banner locations in T.D.U. on the outside wall in the stage area between the windows.
    • Each space can accommodate banners up to three feet wide by five feet high (vertical) and may ONLY be reserved for a one-week period (Sunday – Saturday) per location.
    • The reserving organization must bring the banner to The Union Event Services Desk the day before the reservation begins.
    • Banners will be placed under the permanent clips on the wall strip in this area.
    • The Union Event Services staff will not be responsible for banners left beyond the reservation period or for theft or damage to banners displayed.
  • There are six reservable banner locations in the Festival, all located on the second floor balcony next to the stairwell.
    • Banners can be a maximum of ten feet wide and three feet high (horizontal).
    • They must be supported by tying them to the base of the railing posts.
    • The use of tape or tacks is not permitted.
    • Banner space may ONLY be reserved for a one-week period (Sunday – Saturday) per location.
    • Priority is given to the University Program Board for one of the spaces.
    • The user is responsible for the placement and timely removal of the banner.
    • Banners must be removed at the end of the reservation period (Saturday night).
    • Student organizations or university departments may reserve spaces up to four times per year with no more than one banner space being used by an organization at a time.
    • The Festival is not responsible for banners left beyond the reservation period or for theft or damage to banners displayed.
  • One outside banner space will be available on the grassy hill on the north side of the Warner Commons and may be reserved for one week at a time (Sunday – Saturday).
    • This space will support a banner 8 feet wide by 3 feet high.
    • The banner must be made of vinyl with metal grommets on each corner.
    • The banner’s content / apprearance must be approved by Th Union Event Services staff before it can be hung. Inappropriate material will not be displayed. The Union Event Services staff will remove the banner at the end of the reservation period.
    • Once your reservation period ends, your organization must pick the banner up from our office within 5 days.
  • Events are pulled into the Calendar from the campus wide scheduling software, VirtualEMS.
  • Calendar Managers curate the events and make sure they are displayed on the appropriate calendar.
  • The information you enter when making the reservation will be displayed for each event.
  • If you have additional questions about the Calendar, please contact Susie Hoffman or one of the Calendar Managers
  • All chalking spaces are found in the “Promotional Spaces” building.
  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • There are 6 areas on campus which can be used for chalking to advertise an event: Warner Commons, TDU Patio, Festival (patio), Godwin (front sidewalk), Showker (front sidewalk) and King Hall (front stairs).
  • Chalking must be at least 10 feet from the building.
  • Student organizations or university departments may reserve blocks of three days per area.
  • Chalking areas are booked with back to back reservations – please be aware that chalk from a previous reservation may still be in place. The reserving office is not responsible for cleaning the previous chalking.
  • The Club House, located in The Union Room 208, is a part of Student Leadership & Involvement and is a centrally located resource center that supports organizational development and promotional needs of all recognized student organizations at JMU.
  • All recognized student organizations may use the Club House for free!!
  • Non-recognized student organizations (offices, etc) may pay to use the Club House on a semester basis.
  • Please check out the Club House website for more information.
  • Digital signs are located throughout campus, and can be used to advertise Student Organization or Departmental events/information.
  • To submit, in Chrome or Edge browser fill out this Digital Signage Submission Form using the category that best aligns with your message and attach your 1920 x 1080 image.
  • Requests must be submitted at least 3 business days before advertisement needs to run.
  • Once published your message is played in the Festival, The Union, the Student Success Center as well as various buildings across campus.
  • For more information, contact JMU Digital Signage

In order to more effectively communicate information to our students, Student Affairs sends a weekly digest called Dukes Weekly. This weekly email goes out every Monday morning to all JMU students and replaces bulk emails being sent to all students. Dukes Weekly contains information about each week’s events, announcements, job/volunteer opportunities, etc.

Content submissions are be due one week prior to the Monday release date. Please submit your content through this Submission Form. If you have any questions or comments, please email dukesweekly@jmu.edu.

  • At this time, Organization Mailbox stuffins is not available
  • One of the few ways to personally get the word out to a vast amount of people is to put advertisements in mailboxes of on-campus students.
  • The JMU Post Office lets student organizations “stuff” mailboxes with fliers or letters Monday – Friday, 10:00am to 4pm.
  • Go to the JMU Post Office and secure a time to stuff the mailboxes. Postal Services lets students stuff for 2 hour blocks in the morning and afternoon.
  • Keep in mind there are 6300 mailboxes.
  • Contact JMU Postal Services at least a week before you plan to stuff mailboxes, as other student groups also reserve times.
  • For more information contact Tina Custer, (540)568-7869 or Shavonne Richardson, (540)568-6042 or email mailservice@jmu.edu
  • Flyers are the traditional tool of advertisement at JMU.
  • The University has provided general purpose bulletin boards for flyers all over campus. From the lobbies of The Union to the Student Success Center to the back hallways of Harrison, there are places everywhere that Student Organizations or Departments can post flyers.
  • Since hanging flyers is so popular, it is necessary that your flyer is attractive and noticeable. Use big bold letters, eye-catching pictures and color if possible.
  • Avoid including too many words on the flyer. Keep in mind that a student is going to glance at the poster for less than a second before looking elsewhere as he or she walks down the hall, so the poster must grab attention!
  • Please read the University Posting Policy prior to creating your poster/flyer.
  • Create your flyer following University Guidelines. Once your flyer is finished, make up to 100 copies and take them to any of the following locations to be stamped: Festival Scheduling Office, Room 2001, T.D.U. Information Desk and The Union Event Services Desk.
  • EACH POSTER MUST HAVE A STAMP or it will be removed! If a club breaks too many posting rules, they could be barred from posting and other publicity/advertising formats.
  • After all flyers are stamped, hang them all over campus on approved posting boards. Take along a stapler, thumb tacks and a few volunteers to hang the flyers up.
  • Flyers and posters need a stamp from any of the 3 information desks. Flyers can be hung for two weeks.
  • For more information, contact the Festival Scheduling Office, Room 2001, T.D.U. Information Desk or The Union Event Services Desk
  • Flyers may be posted on the Harrisonburg City buses to advertise upcoming student organization events.
  • Flyers must be printed on 11×17 cardstock, landscape orientation. There are 39 buses in the transit fleet.
  • Take the flyers to The Union Event Services desk (2nd floor of The Union), T.D.U. Information Desk or the Festival Scheduling Office (Festival 2001) to be stamped for approval.
  • Once the flyers have been stamped, the student organization will need to deliver the flyers to the Bus Depot at 475 E. Washington Street (by the water tower). Please use the visitor entrance on the top floor.
  • The office is open Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm.
  • Flyers should be delivered by Friday 2 weeks prior to the event you wish to advertise.
  • For more information, contact Elliot Menge at (540)432-0492.

At this time, there are no available spaces for Table Tents in The Union

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