If you are planning an event as part of an academic class project, there are certain steps you must follow.

  • A member of your group must meet with a member of the JMU Event Management Team (The Union 102) to discuss the project. Please call Deanna Carter (540-568-7901) or Sue Burket (540-568-6867) to schedule a meeting.
  • You will need to complete the Academic Class Sponsored Event/Sales Approval Form which will be provided to you when meeting with Deanna or Sue.
  • Once completed, the form will need to be signed by Jason McClain, Assistant Vice President for Academic Resources and then returned to the JMU Event Management Office.
  • When approved, we will schedule space for your event and/or sales.
  • The American Red Cross reserves large facility space each semester for student organizations or university departments to sponsor blood drives.
  • The student organization or university department must contact the Account Representative listed below to sponsor a blood drive event.
  • The student organization or university department should then contact Festival Scheduling or The Union Scheduling to complete necessary paperwork.

Contact Information:
American Red Cross: Trevor Ottman, Account Representative, (434)242-2881, trevor.ottman@redcross.org

  • General purpose classroom requests begin one week after the first day of classes each semester.
  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.
  • Weekly meetings are limited to 2 hours in large classrooms (over 100 capacity).
  • The primary purpose of classrooms is to accommodate academic courses. If there is an academic course need, your event may need to be altered or moved in order to accommodate that need.

Student Organizations

  • For classrooms on the West side of campus – Gabbin, Godwin, Keezell, Memorial, Miller and Roop:
    • A member of the student organization must pick up a key from the The Union Event Services desk prior to the meeting. The student will be required to leave his/her JAC card. Immediately following the organization’s meeting, the key must be returned to The Union Event Services.
  • For classrooms on the East side of campus – EnGeo & King:
    • A member of the student organization must pick up a key from the Festival Building Manager in FEST 2001 prior to the meeting. The student will be required to leave his/her JAC card. Immediately following the organization’s meeting, the key must be returned to the Festival Building Manager.


  • For classrooms on the West side of campus – Burruss, Darcus Johnson, Duke, Gabbin, Godwin, Harrison, Keezell, Memorial, Miller, Moody, Roop – make the request online using VirtualEMS. For specific questions about the facility, contact the Registrar’s Office, Laura Lear, Registrar’s Office, (540)568-7005.
  • For classrooms in Health and Behavioral Studies – make the request online using VirtualEMS. For specific questions about the facility, contact CHBS Dean’s Office, Loran Bowes, bowesln@jmu.edu, (540)568-2760.
  • For classrooms in the College of Business (Hartman/Showker) – make the request online using VirtualEMS. For specific questions about the facility, contact CoB Dean’s Office, Kristen Herring, herrinkl@jmu.edu, (540)568-3252.
  • For classrooms on the East side of campus – EnGeo & King – make the request online using VirtualEMS. For specific questions about the facility, contact Marion Jones, jones2mb@jmu.edu, (540)568-4660.

Collection boxes are used to collect non-monetary donations for food drives, clothing drives, etc.

Festival Conference & Student Center

  • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • One collection box space is available on the upper level by the elevator and the other collection box space is available on the lower level by the elevator.
  • The reserving organization must supply the box and signage and is responsible for collecting the contents of the boxes weekly.

The Union

  • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • There are two collection box spaces available by the facility directory on the 1st floor. When requesting this space in VirtualEMS, choose The Union 1st Floor Collection Box 1 or 2.
  • There are two collection box spaces available across from the Event Services Desk on the 2nd floor. When requesting this space in VirtualEMS, choose The Union 2nd Floor Collection Box 1 or 2.
  • There are two collection box spaces available inside the west patio entrance on the 3rd floor. When requesting this space in VirtualEMS, choose The Union 3rd Floor Collection Box 1 or 2.
  • Collection box spaces can be reserved for two weeks at a time.
  • The reserving organization must supply the box and signage and is responsible for collecting the contents of the boxes weekly.

Student Success Center

  • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • There are two approved collection box locations and a single reservation reserves both of them. They are located within the vestibule at each main entrance to the atrium.
  • Collection box spaces can be reserved for two weeks at a time.
  • The reserving organization is responsible for supplying the boxes, the signage and collecting the contents of the boxes weekly.
  • Dances are social events with a DJ or band. Most dances go beyond building hours so make sure you indicate that in the Additional Setup section when making your initial request.
  • Concerts are performances by a band, group or solo artist which may expect a large crowd and have amplified sound.
  • DJ/Band must provide their own equipment.
  • Dances and Concerts REQUIRE a meeting with Campus Police to discuss event specifics and obtain approval signatures on the JMU Event Approval Form.
  • This meeting should take place shortly after you book your space in order for Campus Police to prepare for your event. Waiting until 2 weeks prior to your event may result in cancelation due to lack of Campus Police staff availability.
  • Please note that some events may require the presence of an officer or cadet and charges may be incurred by the sponsoring student organization.
  • Requests must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the event date.
  • To reserve space, contact Special Event Catering at 540-568-6637.
  • Please be aware in booking this space the President's office does have the ability to override your reservation for a Presidential event.
  • Food & Beverage minimum is $500.
  • Room rental price (waived if paid by JMU Budget Code) is $500.
  • Room layouts as follows:
    • Banquet style – 184 for buffet or served meal
    • Reception – 252
  • Requests must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the event date.
  • To reserve space, contact Special Event Catering at 540-568-6637.
  • Please be aware in booking this space the President's office does have the ability to override your reservation for a Presidential event.
  • Food & Beverage minimum is $350.
  • Room renetal price (waived if paid by JMU Budget Code) is $350.
  • Room layouts as follows:
    • Banquet style – 80
    • Reception – 100
  • There is a patio off the Montpelier Room that may be used as part of the event.
  • To make reservations call (540)568-3194, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday – Friday.
  • More information can be found on the Arboretum website.
  • Routine reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.
  • To make reservations, fill out an online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • Event confirmation will be e-mailed to the requestor. Confirmations should be carefully reviewed for accuracy and important information concerning the event.
  • JMU Special Events / Catering maintains exclusive rights to provide all food/beverages in the Grand Ballroom.
  • Any charges associated with the event will be invoiced the week following the conclusion of the event. Payment is due in full within thirty days of the invoice date.
  • Additional facility information can be found on the Festival Conference & Student Center website. For specific facility questions, contact Bob Davis at (540)568-1715.
  • Events that require setup and or/approvals should begin planning a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the event with all paperwork turned in to The Union Scheduling Office 2 weeks prior to the event, otherwise the reservation will be canceled.
  • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.
  • Additional staff is required for events in this venue; therefore, last minute requests may not be able to be accommodated.
  • If a JMU Event Approval Form is required, this document can be printed from the Forms section of this website.
  • If a diagram is required, click on Facilities / Room Information. ClickThe Union and then choose Grafton-Stovall Theatre.
  • All paperwork requiring approvals is due back to The Union Scheduling at least 2 weeks prior to the event, otherwise the reservation will be canceled.
  • Additional facility information can be found on the The Union website. For specific facility questions, contact The Union Event Services at (540)568-5555.
  • Hillside Field may be used for a variety of programs and must be reserved at least eight weeks in advance of the event.
  • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • There is no automatic rain location available. If your organization is planning a large event, you may want to consider reserving indoor space at the same time you request Hillside Field to be prepared for inclement weather.
  • Use of sound is limited to the following times:
    • Monday – Friday:  8am-10pm
    • Saturday – Sunday:  12pm-10pm
  • After the Event Confirmation is sent, the first step is a required meeting with The Union Scheduling Office and Event Services to discuss all details, plans and equipment used for this event. Additional discussions/meetings and approvals may be required with Facilities Management and other approving offices on campus. You will receive further guidance from the Scheduling Office. Additional information is located under Scheduling Processes, Special Structures and Acctivities.
  • Hillside Field is an "As Is" space, no additional equipment/setup is provided. Student Organizations may request tables through the Equipment Loan request of VirtualEMS. Power is available at each end of the field; however, power suitable for a band or performance (220 volt) is only located at the North end of the field. All equipment owned, rented, donated or purchased must be approved by the Union Event Services staff during the initial meeting to discuss this event.
  • Additional forms, JMU Event Approval Form and Diagram, with applicable approval signatures are required and due to The Union Scheduling Office at least four weeks prior to the event.
  • Approvals and permits are required for the following:
    • Tents: Only a 10’X10′ pop up tent is permitted. Any larger tents require permits and insurance certificates in addition to contract approval/signature by Facilities Management. Permits will cost a minimum of $200 and require 30 days to process. Digging permits are also required.
    • Stages: Stages must be a certain height and ADA ramps are required. Permits/insurance certificates cost a minimum of $200 and are required for all stages. Permits take 30 days to process and all contracts must be approved and signed by Facilities Management.
    • Inflatables: Permits cost a minimum of $200 and require 30 days to process. All contracts for inflatables must be approved by Facilities Management before a contract can be signed. The provider of the inflatable must present a current certificate of insurance and a current inspection certificate for the State of Virginia. Additional requlations my apply.
    • Fencing: Digging permits take two weeks to process. Sponsoring organization can provide their own fencing or it can be provided by Facilities Management at a cost to the organization.
    • Dunk Tanks: Only allowed from a company who can provide personnel to operate the dunk tank. Personal dunk tanks are not allowed. The sponsoring organization must provide their own water hose - 100 feet minimum. The Union Event Services staff will provide you access to water.
  • Vehicles are not allowed on Hillside Field without special permission. A small pull off area is located just off East Grace Street near the bus stop. The sidewalk in front of Hillside Hall may also be used for access. Any other access must be requested during the initial meeting to discuss the event. All vehicles used to unload must be moved to a parking area within 1 hour.

The Union and Festival

  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • Information tables are located on The Union Patio, The Union Info/Sales area, the Warner Commons and TDU Patio. Festival information tables are located by the food court, in the lower drum and on the Patio.
  • If required, complete the JMU Event Approval Form which can be found on the Forms section of this website.
  • After appropriate signatures are obtained, the form must be returned to the appropriate scheduling office. All paperwork must be returned 2 weeks prior to the event date or the reservation will be canceled.

Student Success Center

  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • The intent of an information table is to create awareness about a subject/topic or to promote an upcoming event or activity.
  • Please note that the Student Success Center does not allow organizations to sell any goods or services, to do any kind of fundraising or to handle any form of money.
  • The information table is located opposite the information and guest services desk.
  • If required, please complete the JMU Event Approval Form which can be found on the Event Forms section of this website.
  • After appropriate signatures are obtained, the form may be submitted to Student Success Center Operations on the first floor of the Student Success Center, Room 1201 or via email success.center.operations@jmu.edu. All paperwork must be returned 2 weeks prior to the event date or the reservation will be canceled.

EnGeo, Godwin, King

  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
    • Other academic buildings – Request space from the Building Coordinator (A list of the Building Coordinators can be found on the Risk Management website)
  • If required, complete the JMU Event Approval Form which can be found on the Forms section of this website.
  • After the appropriate signatures are obtained, The Union Scheduling office will send a copy of the completed form to the appropriate scheduling office/building coordinator. All paperwork must be returned 2 weeks prior to the event date or the reservation will be canceled.

 College of Business Learning Complex

  • Requests can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • Information table is located inside the student entrance near Eagle Hall and Champions Drive.
  • Only one organization may use the table at a time.
  • Please return the space to it's original condition at the end of your scheduled time.
  • Excess trash must be picked up and disposed of.
  • Spills must be cleaned up immediately.
  • Requests from student organizations can be made by filling out the online request form using VirtualEMS. If you are not a part of a recognized student organization, please contact Festival Scheduling at (540)568-1716.
  • Painting the JMU Spirit Rock is a time-honored tradition for the free expression of ideas and opinions, support for causes, memorial tributes, and sharing information about upcoming events.
  • You must show respect to the JMU community by what you paint on it.
  • Individuals or groups painting the Rock assume liability for any individual who may be injured or incur clothing damage.
  • Individuals or groups painting the Rock must furnish their own paint and supplies.
  • You can reserve up to a week to decorate the JMU Spirit Rock with your personalized message.
  • Defacing the JMU Spirit Rock or painting anything offensive is completely contrary to the spirit of the Rock so it will not be tolerated and offenders will be held responsible.

The following are designated Large Event/Meeting spaces: Memorial Auditorium, Grafton/Stovall Theatre, The Union Ballroom, Festival Ballroom and other large meeting rooms.

Due to increasing demand for large capacity event spaces, student organizations will only be allowed to hold 2 dates for an event. Rehearsals for this event will be limited to 2 in the performance space.

Student organization meetings which occur in large classrooms (over 100 capacity) will be limited to 2 hours per weekly meeting.

  • Memorial Auditorium
    • PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to have an outside vendor provide sound for your event, please allow 3 hours of setup time for the vendor when submitting your request.
    • Student Organization requests can be made by using the online request form VirtualEMS. The auditorium is only available after 6:00pm Monday-Friday and all day Saturday-Sunday.
    • Departmental requests for events in the Auditorium can be made by using the online request form VirtualEMS.
    • Additional housekeeping fees my apply for some events in the Auditorium.
  • Memorial General Purpose Classrooms
    • Routine “general purpose” classroom requests will begin Monday following the first day of class.
    • Student organization requests can be made using the online request form VirtualEMS. The classrooms are only available after 6:00pm Monday-Friday and all day Saturday-Sunday.
    • Departmental requests should be made using the online request form VirtualEMS.
    • All other space in Memorial Hall is departmentally controlled and not available for general use.
    • For specific facility information, refer to the Facilities section of this website.
  • Planning for outdoor events should begin at least 8 weeks prior to the event date.
  • Student Organizations should direct the request for any outdoor event to The Union Scheduling office.
  • Departmental requests should be made to the appropriate scheduler.
  • Requests to reserve the following areas should be directed to the Office listed below with approval signature on the JMU Event Approval Form:
    Lake Area – Greek Row (Fraternity / Sorority Life) – (540)568-7402
    Mr. Chips Basketball Court (The Union) – (540)568-6330
    Village Area Sidewalk, Village Area Basketball Court, Eagle Courtyard (Residence Life) – (540)568-3501
  • Complete the JMU Event Approval Form which can be found on the Forms section of this website.
  • The requestor is responsible for obtaining all required signatures from each appropriate reserving office for approval (depending on type of event i.e., fundraising, food, run/walk, etc.).
  • Completed form must be turned in to The Union Scheduling office, Room 245.
  • The The Union Patio is located just outside the third floor west entrance to The Union and is an authorized fundraising area for student organizations.
  • There are 3 reservable patio spaces.
  • Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance of the event.
  • Fundraising activities are permitted on the Patio
  • Only approved vendors may be sponsored.
  • There is no rain location.
  • The Festival Patio is located just outside the first floor entrance to the Festival.
  • There are 6 purple information tables that are reservable.
  • Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance of the event.
  • The Patio / Stage area is also a reservable space.
  • Fundraising activities are permitted on the Patio.
  • Only approved vendors may be sponsored.
  • Banners or signs are not to be hung on the Festival.
  • There is no rain location.

As a general rule the Quad is not a schedulable space, with a few exceptions for major university events.

Casual social gatherings, small groups, etc are always permitted without need to reserve/schedule.

There are a number of special event types and structures you can hold in The Union or Festival spaces, but be sure to obtain approvals and permits early in the event planning process. The information below is to help guide you in the process as you are working with the contact in each scheduling area.

Dunk Tanks

Dunk tanks are only allowed from a company who can provide personnel to operate the dunk tank. Personal dunk tanks are not allowed. The sponsoring organization must provide their own water hose, 100 feet minimum. You must contact Mark Young at youn26ma@jmu.edu in Risk Management for approval and to complete necessary waivers as needed with that office. You will also be required to meet with the Specific Facility and Event Services team to ensure proper planning for setup and take down of the event.


If fencing is needed for your event on an outside location such as Hillside Field or Festival Lawn, Facilities Management will provide the fencing. There will be costs to setup and takedown the fencing at the current Facilities Management rate of $47 per hour per person. A digging permit is also required which takes two weeks.


All inflatables are required to have a current certificate of insurance and a current inspection certificate for the state of Virginia. Certain types of inflatables require permits at a minimum cost of $200 which take 30 days to process. Most larger inflatables also require a digging permit. Information for the inflatable company and the contact within the company, along with an online copy of the inflatable manual must be provided to personnel in Facilities Management for approval. The inflatable must by approved by Facilities Management before any contract is signed. Any contract discussions regarding signatures will take place with Student Life - please allow for 30 days. The companies listed below have worked with the state of Virginia on the state requirements in the past. You are not required to use these companies; however, it may be more expensive and take more time if the company you are working with does not have the required Virginia inspection. All inflatables must be manned and operated by the company which owns the inflatable. No one from JMU is allowed to assist with any setup or operation of the inflatable.

Phantom Entertainment

Fantasy World Entertainment
124 Jibsail Drive
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Pie Throwing Events

Pie throwing events are only allowed in certain spaces on campus and must be kept in grassy areas. The event may be scheduled on Warner Commons 4, 5 or 6, Hillside Field, Festival Patio or Festival Lawn. For the Commons spaces, the event must be in the grassy area on the Commons Hill. For Festival Patio spaces, the event must take place on the Festival Lawn. Events already scheduled on the Festival Lawn will be taken into consideration when processing your request. An email confirmation with instructions and guidelines will be sent for you to read and respond to. Be advised that a clean up fee may be assessed if needed.


Stages must be a certain height and ADA ramps are required. Permits for stages are a minimum of $200 and require at least 30 days to process. All contracts for stages must be approved and signed by personnel in Facilities Management. If you plan to have a stage at your event, you must meet with Event Services staff for that facility to discuss your plans. Delivery, setup and takedown of the stage must be coordinated with facility staff and the event space must be scheduled to accommodate delivery and takedown.


Tents must be pre-approved prior to their use. NO tents can be used on campus for camping/sleeping. Event tents can be 10 x 10 and must be secured or weighted. If you wish to use a larger tent you are required to meet with the Event Services staff for that facility to discuss your plans. Larger tents require permits and current insurance certificates in additional to contract approval and signature by Facilities Management personnel. Facilities Management will need all of your tent details including the company and contact you are working with. Permits cost a minimum of $200 and require 30 days to process. Digging permits are also required.

PLAN AHEAD!! Space should be requested as soon as possible according to the Event Scheduling Timeline. Please note that the following time specifications are a minimum requirement. Certain times of the year may require planning further ahead.

At least 6 Weeks Prior to Event

  • Sponsor should request a meeting with the scheduling authority for the requested space to give an overview of the event and determine next steps to be taken
  • Present a rough itinerary
  • Identify sub processes and critical issues as necessary
  • Highlight functions that may require cost estimates
  • Campus Police should be contacted if necessary for this event
  • Meeting dates should be planned with individual service providers to address sub-processes and critical issues

At least 4 Weeks Prior to Event

  • Tents, Stages and Fencing assistance and work orders need to be finalized

2 Weeks Prior to Event

  • All setups and approvals need to be turned in to reserving office for events such as: fundraisers, outdoor events, food, dances, etc.

3 Days Prior to Event

  • Final consultation with Event Services to ensure event will proceed smoothly and successfully.
  • Events that require setup and or/approvals should begin planning a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the event with all paperwork turned in to The Union Scheduling 2 weeks prior to the event, otherwise the reservation will be canceled.
  • Event requests that do not require approval(s) or setup may be made up to 72 hours prior to the event. To request space within 72 hours, please contact The Union Scheduling Office at (540)568-6330.
  • To make reservations complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.
  • If a JMU Event Approval Form is required, this document can be printed from the Forms section of this website.
  • If a diagram is required, click on Diagrams on the sidebar to the left.
  • All paperwork requiring approvals is due back to The Union Scheduling at least 2 weeks prior to the event, otherwise the reservation will be canceled.
  • Additional facility information can be found on the The Union website. For specific facility questions, contact The Union Event Services at (540)568-5555.

T.D.U. (Taylor Down Under)

  • Available during The Union building hours for performances or events which are open to the public and free of charge. Donations may be accepted during the event; however, TDU must remain open and access cannot be restricted.
  • Planning for events in TDU require a minimum of 4 weeks notice in order for staff to be scheduled for the event.
  • Fixed seating for 140 (soft seating with tables and chairs).

T.D.U. Billiards

  • Billiard area with 7 tables, free to all students.
  • Student Organizations may reserve the Billiards area at any time. This is open student space unless reserved.
  • No food or drinks allowed.
  • Departments should contact Transportation directly to reserve a vehicle.
  • Student Organizations reserving a vehicle:
    • The following options are available from Transportation: cars, mini-vans (7 passenger), 12-passenger vans, large and small SUVs, light duty truck and buses (trip, shuttle or coach).
    • All reservation requests for vehicles by student organizations, excluding Sport Clubs, must be submitted through The Union Scheduling Office. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance of the event by completing the Transportation Request Form.
    • Sport Clubs should continue to submit their requests electronically to Chris Jones.
    • Greek Organizations under the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life must contact that office, 540-568-4195, for any transportation requests that involve a Trip bus or a Coach bus.
    • The Nuts & Bolts representative must make the transportation request on behalf of your student organization by completing the Transportation Request Form. Please contact Ada Hale at 540-568-6330 with any student organization transportation questions.
    • Upon completion of the reservation form, The Union Scheduling office will request a vehicle from Transportation.
    • Once a vehicle is assigned, The Union Scheduling office will e-mail the requestor to pick up the Transportation Approval Form.
    • The requestor and the Faculty Advisor must sign the Transportation Approval Form.
    • Once the form is signed, it must be returned to The Union Scheduling office for final approval.
    • Your Student Organization will receive an invoice from Accounting Services, Facilities Management, for the vehicle charges. Payment should be remitted promptly to Linda Shull in Accounting Services, MSC 7002 (located in the University Services Building).
    • Any Student Organization using a university-owned vehicle must comply with University Policy 4303 (Use of State Vehicles).
  • Picking Up and Returning a Vehicle:
    • Keys, paperwork and vehicles must be picked up from the Transportation Department located at 1603 South Main Street, Monday-Friday, 7:00a.m.-5:00p.m. This is the last building in the South Main Warehouse complex after crossing the railroad tracks (across the street from El Charro Restaurant). Please plan to pick your vehicle up before 4:30pm in the afternoon.
    • The operator of a state vehicle must have a valid driver’s license and be a JMU student, faculty, or staff member. They must also be at least 19 years of age and have been driving for at least 2 years. When using vehicles from Transportation, all drivers must present a valid license when picking up the keys and will be required to sign an authorization page in advance of the trip. The signature page is kept on file for one calendar year.
    • When the keys are picked up, an access card will be issued to open the gate. This card is to be used after normal business hours for entrance, but is not required when exiting the complex. You must have a vehicle on the inside of the gate to exit or have made arrangements for someone to follow you through the gate.
    • A Trip Statement showing your trip information will be issued with the keys. You must complete the beginning and ending mileage section on the form and sign off on the “post-trip” condition of the vehicle.
    • A garage staff member will inspect the vehicle before you take it. You will then both sign on the trip statement.
    • All vans will have filled gas tanks. Please check to make sure the vehicle is fueled; if the vehicle needs fuel prior to departure, please alert the attendant to have it filled.
    • A gasoline credit card is available for extended trips. Purchases on the credit card should only be for regular unleaded gasoline and oil (if needed). No other purchases are allowed. Make sure the gasoline station will accept the credit card (Voyager Credit Card) prior to pumping gas. If the gas pump has card swipe access, the pin number is the 6-digit vehicle number listed on the Trip Statement. It is also listed on the credit card below the credit card number. The current mileage on the vehicle is also needed. The fuel pump will prompt you for this information. You will have 2 attempts to put the information in correctly before the card becomes locked and is unable to be used. At that point, you will need an alternate form of payment for the fuel.
    • Vehicles must be returned to South Main Warehouse complex by the end of the reservation period. When returning the vehicle, make sure it is properly parked, all doors are locked, windows are closed, lights are off and trash collected from the vehicle.
    • Vehicle keys, trip statement, access card and/or credit card must be returned to the Transportation Office immediately upon return from your trip. There is a key drop box located on the outside of the white building for after hours access. A $15.00 charge will be added to all trips where paperwork has not been returned.
    • Due to the heavy usage of state vehicles by both Student Organizations and University Departments, a late return may result in another organization not having their reserved vehicle available. Any late vehicles will have an additional day or days charged to the organization. Please contact the Motor Pool immediately if you are unable to return on time.
    • Remember when returning your vehicle, the gate cannot be opened from the inside with the access key. The gates only open from the inside by the weight of a vehicle (you must get within 3 feet of the gate).
  • Information regarding UREC facilities can be found on their website.
  • JMU recognized student organizations and departments begin requests to reserve URec spaces in the VirtualEMS. You can log in with your MyMadison credentials. Faculty and staff have access and anyone can browse for space. All student organizations must first become Student Event Planner certified in order to reserve space.
  • Non-JMU affiliated groups can contact Stephanie Nielsen for Reservations and Events (540-568-8759) to inquire about rentals.
  • Festival Conference & Student Center
    • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
    • The JMU Event Approval Form, which can be found on the forms section of this website, must be completed.
    • The approved 1.5K route or 5K route must be used.
    • Planning should begin at least 6 weeks before the event.
    • The individual organizing the Walk/Run must meet with Katie Ramella, Festival Scheduling Coordinator (540-568-1716), after the paperwork has been completed in order to confirm the reservation.
    • Walk/Runs may take place on Saturday or Sunday from 9am – 12pm.
    • All paperwork with appropriate signatures is due back to the Festival 4 weeks before the event.
  • University Park (UPark) 5K Route
    • To reserve space, please contact Stephanie Nielsen at (540)568-8759 to discuss event details.
    • Planning should begin at least 6 weeks before the event.
    • The JMU Event Approval Form, which can be found on the forms section of this website, must be completed.
  • This area is located between D-Hall and The Union. This area may be used for a variety of programs and must be reserved at least two weeks in advance of the event.
  • To make reservations, complete the online request form using VirtualEMS.
  • The sponsoring organization or department must inform The Union Scheduling office of all plans for this area.
  • There are 6 spaces on the Warner Commons.
  • Canopies are allowed, but can not exceed 10’x10′.
  • Sound is available when reserving the Warner Commons 2 space. Sound is available Monday-Thursday from 12pm-1pm and 5pm-6pm, Friday from 12pm-1pm and 5pm-11pm, Saturday from 9am-11pm and Sunday from 10am-10pm.
  • There is no automatic rain location available. If your organization is planning a large event, you may want to consider reserving indoor space at the same time you request the Warner Commons to be prepared for inclement weather.
  • Space on the Warner Commons is used for information tables and donations. Fundraising by student organizations, such as t-shirt sales and bake sales are also allowed.
  • Vendors are not allowed on the Warner Commons.
  • NO Overnight activities are allowed on the Warner Commons.
  • All pie throwing events must be scheduled on Warner Commons 4, 5 or 6.
  • If a JMU Event Approval Form is required, it must be completed and returned at least two weeks prior to the event. This document can be printed from the Forms section of this website.
  • All paperwork requiring approvals is due back to The Union Scheduling office at least two weeks prior to the event, otherwise the reservation will be canceled.
  • Requests must be made a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the event date.
  • Print the instruction sheet, policy sheet and the Wilson Auditorium Space Contract and follow ALL instructions.
  • An appointment must be scheduled with Matthew Gutberlet, Technical & Operations Manager for Wilson Auditorium, gutbermj@jmu.edu or 540-568-6754.
  • This appointment must be made no less than 4 weeks prior to the event. Failure to do so may cause your event to be cancelled / rescheduled.
  • The person(s) in the sponsoring organization who is in charge of the production / artistic aspects of the event must be present at this meeting. Be prepared to discuss all aspects and production elements of your event in detail.
  • The Technical & Operations Manager will give an estimate of expenses and services and answer any questions you may have.
  • The completed and signed Wilson Auditorium Space Contract (all 4 pages) is due to The Union Scheduling Office 2 weeks prior to the event date. The scheduling office is located in The Union 245 and is open M-F from 8am-5pm.

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