There are a number of special event types and structures you can hold in The Union or Festival spaces, but be sure to obtain approvals and permits early in the event planning process. The information below is to help guide you in the process as you are working with the contact in each scheduling area.
Dunk Tanks
Dunk tanks are only allowed from a company who can provide personnel to operate the dunk tank. Personal dunk tanks are not allowed. The sponsoring organization must provide their own water hose, 100 feet minimum. You must contact Mark Young at in Risk Management for approval and to complete necessary waivers as needed with that office. You will also be required to meet with the Specific Facility and Event Services team to ensure proper planning for setup and take down of the event.
If fencing is needed for your event on an outside location such as Hillside Field or Festival Lawn, Facilities Management will provide the fencing. There will be costs to setup and takedown the fencing at the current Facilities Management rate of $47 per hour per person. A digging permit is also required which takes two weeks.
All inflatables are required to have a current certificate of insurance and a current inspection certificate for the state of Virginia. Certain types of inflatables require permits at a minimum cost of $200 which take 30 days to process. Most larger inflatables also require a digging permit. Information for the inflatable company and the contact within the company, along with an online copy of the inflatable manual must be provided to personnel in Facilities Management for approval. The inflatable must by approved by Facilities Management before any contract is signed. Any contract discussions regarding signatures will take place with Student Life - please allow for 30 days. The companies listed below have worked with the state of Virginia on the state requirements in the past. You are not required to use these companies; however, it may be more expensive and take more time if the company you are working with does not have the required Virginia inspection. All inflatables must be manned and operated by the company which owns the inflatable. No one from JMU is allowed to assist with any setup or operation of the inflatable.
Phantom Entertainment
Fantasy World Entertainment
124 Jibsail Drive
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Pie Throwing Events
Pie throwing events are only allowed in certain spaces on campus and must be kept in grassy areas. The event may be scheduled on Warner Commons 4, 5 or 6, Hillside Field, Festival Patio or Festival Lawn. For the Commons spaces, the event must be in the grassy area on the Commons Hill. For Festival Patio spaces, the event must take place on the Festival Lawn. Events already scheduled on the Festival Lawn will be taken into consideration when processing your request. An email confirmation with instructions and guidelines will be sent for you to read and respond to. Be advised that a clean up fee may be assessed if needed.
Stages must be a certain height and ADA ramps are required. Permits for stages are a minimum of $200 and require at least 30 days to process. All contracts for stages must be approved and signed by personnel in Facilities Management. If you plan to have a stage at your event, you must meet with Event Services staff for that facility to discuss your plans. Delivery, setup and takedown of the stage must be coordinated with facility staff and the event space must be scheduled to accommodate delivery and takedown.
Tents must be pre-approved prior to their use. NO tents can be used on campus for camping/sleeping. Event tents can be 10 x 10 and must be secured or weighted. If you wish to use a larger tent you are required to meet with the Event Services staff for that facility to discuss your plans. Larger tents require permits and current insurance certificates in additional to contract approval and signature by Facilities Management personnel. Facilities Management will need all of your tent details including the company and contact you are working with. Permits cost a minimum of $200 and require 30 days to process. Digging permits are also required.