Certain events REQUIRE a meeting with Campus Police to discuss event specifics and obtain an approval signature. This meeting should take place shortly after you book your space in order for Campus Police to prepare for your event. Waiting until 2 weeks prior to your event may result in cancelation due to lack of staff availability. Please note: Some events may require the presence of an officer and charges may be incurred by the sponsoring student organization. The following events require the approval of Campus Police:
- Dance/Concert
- Large Events (attendance of 250 or more)
- Additional events as determined by the scheduling authority
Contact Lt. John Campbell, Campus Police, for approval signature. To set up an appointment, email campbejc@jmu.edu. Completed and signed paperwork is due to the appropriate scheduling authority TWO weeks before the event date.
If the discussion and approval from Campus Police has not taken place prior to the due date for paperwork, the event will be CANCELED.
If you have been presented with a legal contract between your student organization with an off-campus bank account and an off-campus entity (i.e. speaker, performer, dog kennels, etc), a student from your organization should be the signatory.
If your student organization is entering into a legal contract with an off-campus entity and your funding is coming from a university account – Do Not Sign! Any contract for which payment comes from a university account must be signed by a designated University official.
Contact Cindy Chestnut to have a contract appointment scheduled with a Student Life staff member. This process may take up to 30 days so please plan accordingly. The contract must also be reviewed by the facility coordinator where the event will take place.
Any copyrighted film (Blu Ray, DVD, etc. including streaming services) cannot be shown in any university facilities, other than a private residence hall room, unless a license to show the film is obtained or special permission from the owner of the copyright is received. This requirement is mandatory regardless whether or not an admittance fee is charged. This copyright also applies to podcasts, so you would need permission from the owner to air the podcast.
Licensing can be obtained from Swank Motion Pictures at 1-800-876-3344. Currently licenses range from $300-$1000 per title. At least two weeks notice should be given to obtain a license.
A copy of the license or permission letter must be received prior to the scheduled event and submitted to the appropriate scheduling office.
The only exception to this requirement is if a member of the faculty is using the film in the context of classroom instruction, supervised by the faculty member and attended only by students in the registered class.
Only certain Netflix educational documentaries are available for one-time educational screenings. To access this information, visit the Netflix Media Center and search for your title. If the title is available for educational screening, a grant of permission will show on the movie synopsis page.
Some films may be available for public showing through permission of the Libraries. Please contact a Liaison Librarian for additional help with securing these rights. The Library provides a guide on Streaming Videos and Public Performance Rights.
JMU, through contract with ARAMARK Corporation, maintains exclusive right to provide food service on all university property.
Information concerning allowable forms of fundraising can be found on the Student Activities and Involvement website under Organization Resources: Finances.
Prohibited forms of fundraising include gambling, raffles and poker tournaments. This is defined as the making, placing or receipt of any bet or wager in the Commonwealth of money or other thing of value, made in exchange for a chance to win a prize, stake or other consideration or thing of value, dependent upon the result of any game, contest or any other event the outcome of which is uncertain or a matter of chance, whether such game, contest or event occurs or is to occur inside or outside the limits of the Commonwealth.
“Raffle” means a lottery in which the prize is won by (i) a random drawing of the name or prearranged number of one or more persons purchasing chances or (ii) a random contest in which the winning name or preassigned number of one or more persons purchasing chances is determined by a race involving inanimate objects floating on a body of water, commonly referred to as a “duck race.”
During times of inclement weather it is necessary for the university to close facilities and curtail services.
When the university announces an official closure or late opening, all events will be cancelled, unless the building coordinator (or responsible decision maker for the facility) approves the event to be reinstated.
The decision to reinstate an event lies solely with the building coordinator (or responsible decision maker for the facility). The primary purpose of the initial cancellation is safety; safety of the event attendees and safety of all university staff (including set up, break down, and support functions). Reinstatement of an event will not be driven solely by financial concerns.
If the sponsor of an event considers it absolutely necessary to hold the event, it will be the responsibility of the building coordinator (or responsible decision maker for the facility) to contact all necessary support services, including building coordination and event support, to make a decision whether to reinstate the event. Routine Events and Weekly Meetings will not be reinstated.
If an event is reinstated, the university is only able to make a good faith effort to support the event; weather conditions and priority of essential services may affect outcomes, even to the extent that it may become necessary to cancel the event at a later time.
Given that the university only makes official closure decisions Mon-Fri, on weekends each building coordinator (or responsible decision maker for the facility) will make independent inclement weather decisions regarding events in their facility. The building coordinator (or responsible decision maker for the facility) is responsible to apply the same process as weekdays, seeking the input of necessary support services and making reinstatement decisions if requested with the safety of all in mind.
Any open or exposed flame such as bonfires, candles, grills, etc. hereto known as open burns on state property require approval at the JMU Vice President level or higher. This burn policy does not apply to the “built-in” grills at URec or Village volleyball/basketball area.
Scheduled start times for open burns must be observed or the event will be canceled; with a maximum variation of one hour for inclement weather being the only exception.
Failure to follow these requirements or follow proper safety precautions may result in cancelation of the event. The State Fire Marshal’s office reserves the right to cancel any open burn without notice.
Please contact the JMU Safety Office, Tony Brown, USB 102, (540)568-6765 at least thirty days prior to the event. You will also need to complete the Open Burn Requirements Form.
Amplified sound is only allowed as follows, except for approved major university events.
- Athletic Fields/Facilities, Festival Amphitheater and Lawn, Hillside Field and TDU Patio
Approved Times: Monday ‑ Friday: 8am-10pm, Saturday ‑ Sunday: 12pm-10pm - Warner Commons
Approved Times: Monday ‑ Thursday: 12-1pm and 5-6pm, Friday: 12-1pm and 5-11pm, Saturday: 9am-11pm, Sunday: 10am-10pm.
The JMU Posting Policy must be adhered to when hanging posters or flyers on campus. Please read this policy before printing posters to make sure all guidelines have been met. No flyers are ever to be put onto car windshields.
Posters and flyers MUST be stamped before they can be hung around campus. Posters should be taken to one of the information desks listed below to be stamped. Posters advertising an event can be hung ONLY on general-purpose bulletin boards. These bulletin boards are located in academic buildings, Carrier Library, Festival Conference & Student Center, The Union, Residence Halls, Student Success Center (1st floor only) and the breezeway of Wilson Hall.
- Festival Scheduling Office, Room 2001, 8am-5pm – (540) 568-8932
- T.D.U. Event Services Desk – (540) 568-7853
- The Union Event Services Desk – (540) 568-5555
Non-profit organizations that wish to post on campus must submit proof of Non-Profit status (a 501(C)3 letter with federal ID number).
Bands that would like to post should register with the JMU Event Management office located in The Union, Suite 102.
Non-Profits and Bands approved for posting.
At James Madison University, both internal and external groups can host Programs, Events and Camps (PECs) involving minor participants. To ensure the safety and well-being of minors, all PECs must comply with JMU's policies, including mandatory background checks and authorized adult training for all staff working with minors. Additionally, any PEC taking place on JMU's campus must be registered and approved by the Office of Youth Safety prior to the start of the activity. Please reach out to their office to confirm if your program falls under their guidelnies. They are dedicated to ensuring all PECs meet these requirements, maintaining a saft and compliant environment for all minor partipants.
During the Routine Request period (starting in April before the next Academic year):
Student organizations can only request 3 rehearsal dates per large event or performance. This applies to Grafton Stovall Theatre, The Union Ballroom, Memorial Auditorium, Festival Grand Ballroom, Highlands or any large room with a capacity of more than 100. Wilson Auditorium cannot be scheduled for rehearsals or practices.
- Academic Classrooms: Rehearsals will not be allowed in academic classrooms. Exceptions may be made for weekends or as deemed appropriate by the scheduling authority. If an exception is made during the week, the rehearsals must be scheduled after the last academic class in that building.
All schedulers reserve the right to determine or restrict the scheduling of spaces/facilities.
2 Weeks after the start of each semester:
Additional rehearsal space can be requested in The Union or Festival Conference and Student Center including the large spaces listed above. Maximum scheduled rehearsal times must be 3 hours or less and any excessive requests for space may be denied.
Academic Classrooms:
- Rehearsals will not be allowed in academic classrooms. Exceptions may be made for weekends or as deemed appropriate by the scheduling authority. If an exception is made during the week, the rehearsals must be scheduled after the last academic class in that building.
Greek Sing:
- Rehearsals are scheduled through the Greek Sing Coordinator in Fraternity and Sorority Life. These rehearsals cannot start until 6 weeks before the date of Greek Sing.
All schedulers reserve the right to determine or restrict the scheduling of spaces/facilities.
Room use at JMU is a collective responsibility. We all share the goal of keeping our facilities clean and organized, not only for our use, but for others who are using the same space following your event.
- The Union room usage guidelines.
- Festival Conference & Student Center room usage guidelines.
Please leave the room as you found it (furniture returned to it’s original placement and excessive trash removed). Misuse may result in suspension of room reservation privileges.
- All events must have an institution-affiliated sponsor. Sponsor must have someone onsite or immediately available throughout the event.
- Certain locations are altogether prohibited from usage for events, including residence halls, administrative buildings and academic buildings during class time.
- An advance reservation process is required for identified locations and such reservation includes an agreement to follow University facility use rules and to not violate state law. Reserving person acknowledges these obligations and agrees to comply.
- Groups and individuals participating in the activities, whether sponsored or not, are accountable for compliance with the provisions of this policy. Violations of this policy may be grounds for disciplinary action. Individuals or groups who invite non-University participants may be held accountable for such participants' compliance with this policy.
- No illegal activity permitted at events.
- User cannot obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic and cannot block ingress or egress to facilities.
Any Student Organization using a university-owned vehicle, must comply with University Policy 4303 (Use of State Vehicles).
Any Student Organization requesting a 12 passenger van should complete a one-time online video and hands-on training through the Office of Risk Management. All those driving on behalf of the Student Organization shall complete the training before procuring the vehicle at transportation. Contact riskmanagement@jmu.edu to arrange training.
Continued use of state vehicles is contingent upon compliance with the above regulations.
Thank you for your interest in selling merchandise at James Madison University. In order for a business to solicit sales on our campus, they must be approved. The online Vendor Approval Request Form, which can be accessed below, must be completed and submitted. Once approved, you will be notified of your status to solicit at JMU.
Regulations for Vendors Using JMU Facilities:- The sale of unlicensed JMU branded merchandise is prohibited.
- All Vendors must be sponsored by a recognized JMU Student Organization, Festival Conference & Student Center or The Union.
- Vendors must check-in and pay fees before setting up his/her merchandise. Payment can be made in
The Union room 245 or Festival Conference & Student Center room 2001. - Vendors may check-in anytime after 8am to pay applicable fees and get set up.
- If telephone lines are required, the space must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance and additional charges will apply.
- One eight foot table will be provided per 10’x10′ area; the appropriate scheduling authority must approve additional space.
- All sales will take place between 9am – 8pm (10×10 spaces) and 9am – 4pm (Festival Highlands and The Union 256), Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved. Overnight storage may be available on an occasional basis, please contact reserving office. Additional fees will be assessed.
- Removal and breakdown of sales must be completed by 9pm or 5pm depending on space used.
- Vendors are required to pay a minimal commission of 10 percent of sales to the sponsoring Student Organization.
- If sponsored by The Union or Festival Conference & Student Center, no commission is paid.
- Sales scheduled in an outdoor space must remain outside. There is no rain location.
- The fee structure for sales by space is as follows:
10’x10′ indoor/outdoor space ‑ $140 (JMU sponsored) or $70 (Student Organization sponsored)
Festival Highlands ‑ Based on current rental rates ($720 maximum fee)
The Union 256 ‑ Based on current rental rates ($640 maximum fee)
Vendors are allowed in The Union Info/Sales area, The Union Patio, The Union 256, Festival Highlands Room, Festival Info Tables and Festival Patio. See the Approved Vendor List for contact information of currently approved vendors.
To apply to become an approved vendor, please complete the Vendor Approval Request Form.