At the Center for Global Engagement (CGE), our mission is to broaden worldviews and promote global understanding within the JMU community by cultivating, facilitating, and supporting global engagement both at home and abroad. To further this mission, we established the CGE Advisory Council. This council aims to enhance communication and collaboration across JMU.

The CGE Advisory Council will play a crucial role in providing strategic advice to CGE, supporting our overarching goal of internationalization at JMU. Members of the council will represent JMU’s various colleges, units, and divisions, acting as liaisons. They will communicate global engagement priorities and initiatives from their respective areas to CGE and, likewise, they will disseminate information about CGE's programs and opportunities back to their home college, unit, or division. Additionally, the council will serve as a platform for discussing trends in higher education internationalization and for exchanging ideas on all aspects of global learning, research, and service.

Members of the CGE Advisory Council for AY 2024-2026:
College of Arts and Letters: Karina Kline-Gabel
College of Business: Bud Clarke
College of Education: Ed Brantmeier
College of Health and Behavioral Studies: Kevin Apple
College of Integrated Science and Engineering: Manita Khemthong & Kimberly Stewart
College of Science and Math: Jaira Ferreira de Vasconcellos
College of Visual and Performing Arts: Ginny Soenksen
Libraries: Liz Chenevey
The Graduate School: Beth Johnson
The Honors College: Felix Wang
School of Professional and Continuing Education: Sarah MacDonald
Division of Student Affairs: Myles Surrett
Division of Advancement: Miriam Bradley
Division of Enrollment Management: Shaun Mooney
Division of Administration and Finance: Liz Heavner
Division of Inclusion: Laura Sider-Jost
Division of Intercollegiate Athletics: Jennifer Phillips

Past Council Members:
Mace Bentley (CISE, 2024-2025)
Galen Murton (CISE, 2024-2025)

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