Overview of Required Courses
By design, Madison International students complete coursework together, which are designed to facilitate learning and a sense of community; such courses also satisfy elective curricular requirements.
MI participants are required to complete the following courses (failing to participate in the courses will result in being dropped from MI and your housing assignment may be changed):
UNST150: Global Learning and Living: Madison International (2 hours of credit)
Global Learning and Living: Madison International provides an opportunity for a diverse cohort of international and U.S. students to learn from and about each other through stimulating discussions, shared class projects, engaging activities in the larger community, intercultural residence hall programs, and the opportunity to participate in service learning.
UNST151: Making Sense of Beliefs and Values: A Guided Tour for Global Citizens (2 hours of credit)
Making Sense of Beliefs and Values: A Guided Tour for Global Citizens explores the origin and nature of beliefs and values and how they are linked to actions, policies and practices around the world. These processes are examined through a range of big picture issues (e.g., religious, political, environmental, gender-based, cultural) that are relevant to all global citizens. Through dynamic speakers, discussions, readings, activities and lectures, this course helps students develop a deeper understanding of self, others and the larger world.