Obtaining a Social Security Number

F-1 students may only apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) when they have been offered employment, either on or off campus. Applications for Social Security numbers are processed by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

J-1 students may apply for a SSN without employment.


Follow These Steps to Get Your Social Security Number:

Step #1 - Download and complete this SSN application (scroll all of the way down to the last page).

Step #2 - Have your supervisor complete the top part of the Social Security Verification Letter.

Step #3 - Stop by CGE so that an ISSS staff member can sign the bottom part of the Social Security Letter, and you can ask any questions you have about the process. 

Step #4 - Schedule an appointment with the Social Security Administration located in downtown Harrisonburg by calling this number: 866-964-1718 (expect 20-30 minutes wait time for the call). NOTE: you must be in the US for 14 days prior to your appointment.

Step #5 - During your appointment, you will be asked for the following documents: 

  • I-20 or DS-2019
  • Passport
  • I-94 (get most recent)
  • Social Security letter (signed by everyone)
  • SSN application form (completed and signed)


The Harrisonburg Social Security Office is located at:

351 N. Mason Street, across the downtown United States Postal Service.

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