Employees in administrative roles and others may receive need-to-know HR information by way of the campus ListServ, HR-Alerts-For-Admins-L.

You may join the HR Alerts for Admins ListServ by contacting Angie Gett, gettas@jmu.edu. The “announcement only” feature permits one-way communication, minimizing the quantity of emails received by members of the ListServ.

If you ever want to remove yourself from our mailing list, you can:
Send mail to < LISTSERV@IT-LISTSERV1.JMU.EDU> with the following command in the body of your email message -SIGNOFF HR-ALERTS-FOR-ADMINS-L.

September 13, 2021 - Open Enrollment for New Voluntary Benefits
April 28, 2021 - Sharing some end-of-semester information with you

November 10, 2020 - eRM-3 Records Destruction Instructions

September 24, 2020 - Telecom Request, COVID-19 Employee Resources and Connections Day

August 10, 2020 - End of Modified Work Schedule

June 9, 2020 - Important Announcement Regarding Graystone Group Advertising Invoices

October 18, 2019 - Next Connections Day for New Employees 11/6/19
October 2, 2019 - Payroll's Direct Deposit Authorization form has changed
September 11, 2019 - Connections Day Wednesday, October 2
March 13, 2019 - Connections Day Wednesday, April 3
February 28, 2019 - Lunch and Learn Event for New Hires
January 18th, 2019 - Lunch and Learn and Connections Day Invitation for New Hires
December 6th, 2018 - Job Posting Reminder for Upcoming Winter Break
November 5th, 2018 - Let's Connect - A Message for New Faculty and Staff

July 24, 2018 - Important and Timely Information
June 26, 2018 - Timely Tidbits

April 25, 2018 - A few important items
March 20, 2018 - Let's Connect!
January 10, 2018 - Happy 2018 from Human Resources
November 27, 2017 - Job Posting Reminder for the Upcoming Winter Break
October 13, 2017 - JobLink Helpful Tip
September 12, 2017 - Connections Day, Tuesday October 3
August 22, 2017 - What's in Your Department's Files
June 6, 2017 - Your invitation to attend a JobLink Upgrade training session
May 24, 2017 - Assistantship Contracts Moving to ePAR
May 15, 2017 - Information for you
April 25, 2017 - THANK YOU for all you do
March 22, 2017 - Connections Day, Tuesday, April 4
January 24, 2017 - Important message regarding signatures on faculty contracts
October 18, 2016 - Tips for ePAR/PAR Initiators
August 31, 2016 - Fall Semester Update for Admins
April 22, 2016 - Important ACA and Re-hires message
March 23, 2016 - What's new this spring 
October 12, 2015 - Employee Resource Group Info Sessions 10/13 & 10/16
September 25, 2015 - Do you initiate Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letters?
August 10, 2015 - No More Phase One or Phase Two New Employee Orientation Sessions
July 14, 2015 - Timely Information About Faculty Contract Revisions
January 13, 2015 - Recent Title IX Officer Changes at JMU
November 21, 2014 - Meet Amber Lam, PAR/ePAR Coordinator in HR
September 9, 2014 - ePAR ROUTING and OTHER Questions Update
August 11, 2014 - Your ACA and PAR Questions Answered!
July 8, 2014 - Hot Topic on Campus These Summer Days! ACA and PAR Forms
July 7, 2014 - Emphasizing Information Needed on PARs/ePARs
June 26, 2014 - Latest PAR Revision - Projected Total Number of Hours When Hiring for Part-time Assignments Must be indicated on the PAR/ePAR
June 18, 2014 - Independence Day Holiday Reminder and the Modified Summer Schedule
May 22, 2014 - PARs – What’s so important?
May 7, 2014 - New! HR Alerts for Administrative Assistants ListServ


Subject: Open Enrollment for New Voluntary Benefits

Monday, September 13, 2021 9:19AM

Greetings from Human Resources,

On Tuesday, August 31 an email went out highlighting our new Voluntary Benefits and the announcing the Open Enrollment to learn more.  We are asking you to share the information below with your department as a reminder and invite employees to meet with a representative either in-person or virtually.  As a reminder, Open Enrollment begins September 1 and ends October 29 for the following new benefits:
Legal Plan Benefit and Identity Theft Protection
Pet Insurance
Auto and Homeowner’s Insurance
New Guarantee Issue Life Insurance with Long-Term Care* (Due to the unique guarantee issue offer being provided, you will need to meet with an enrollment counselor to accept or waive coverage)If you meet with a representative to learn about life insurance with long-term care, accept or waive coverage, a donation of $10 will be made on your behalf. There is no obligation to purchase.
Click here to Schedule Your Appointment

We encourage you to carefully review each plan and determine if enrollment is right for you and your family. 
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Benefits Team at benefits@jmu.edu


Subject: Sharing some end-of-semester information with you

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 9:53AM

Dear administrative staff member,

Human Resources has several pieces of information to share with you as the spring semester draws to a close…

1) If you have a student worker who is graduating in May or who is graduating in August and NOT taking at least 6 credit hours in the summer they must end their student employment on or before May 6 (the last day of spring semester). If you have a Federal Work Study (FWS) student who will be working over the summer you must either transition them to wage employment or institutional employment (IE) for the summer on or before May 6. If you have a student worker transitioning to wage employment you must submit an ePAR to Human Resources in order to hire them as a wage employee. Please note that the employee is not eligible to begin work as a wage employee until they have been cleared by Human Resources. It is the responsibility of the departments to prohibit students from working beyond May 6 and until the confirmation email from Human Resources is received. Questions? Please contact HR’s Onboard Specialist at 540/568-4473, onbaord@jmu.edu.

2) All active hourly wage and student employees (Federal Work-Study & Institutional Employment) on May 1, 2021 earning less than $9.50 per hour will have their salaries automatically increased to $9.50 by Payroll Services.  When preparing ePARs/PARs with a start date on or after 5/1/2021 please make sure that your employee is earning the new state minimum wage or above. More information to come on a second increase for January. A separate email will be forthcoming with instructions for departments paying students via additional pay for the fall semester. For any questions pertaining to wage employees please contact HR at humanresources@jmu.edu. For questions regarding student employees please contact Student Employment at studentjobs@jmu.edu

3) Open Enrollment Period for Health Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s), and Aflac is Monday, May 3 – Monday, May 17, 2021.

EmployeeDirect allows you to:          
Change/update your health insurance
Enroll/reenroll in a Flexible Spending Account
Update your personal information

The Health Assessment must be completed between May 3-17 to continue receiving Premium Rewards. Completing this before May 3 will not continue your Premium Reward in the new plan year.

For additional information and guides, please visit our website.  Individual Benefit Summaries containing your current benefits and answers to frequently asked questions will be sent to your JMU email on Monday, May 3. 

Please contact a member of the Human Resources Benefits team at 540/568-3593 or benefits@jmu.edu for assistance. As a reminder, the Office of Human Resources will operate on the university’s modified summer work schedule and will close at noon on Fridays beginning the week of Monday, May 10 and ending Friday, August 13.

4) Reminder:  As your thoughts turn to office “spring cleaning” and what to do with all those stored records, the eRM-3 form replaced the Word and pdf versions of the Certificate of Records Destruction form. See HR’s Records Management website for links to the Library of Virginia’s schedules and the electronic e RM-3 form.

5) Policy 1311 – Personnel Action Requests has been removed from the Manual of Policies and Procedures website. The procedural content in the archived policy is now found on the Human Resources homepage under “HR Resources”. See ePAR, PAR & Query Requests.

As the spring semester draws to a close, our focus turns to departing students and co-workers, attending to summer to-do lists, and making vacation plans become reality. Our splendid spring campus gives way to summer’s sweet aura. Can you find a personal moment to reflect on what is special and meaningful to you during your work day? In the Office of Human Resources, it is the people we serve and the relationships we build.


Subject: New Library of Virginia Records Management Online Process

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 10:08AM

Greetings from Human Resources,

On Monday, November 16, the Library of Virginia Records Management Services is implementing a new online process of entering records destruction information as well as for authorizing and affirming destruction.

The eRM-3 template replaces the Word and pdf versions of the Certificate of Records Destruction form (2013 and 2020 versions) you have been accustomed to using.

Earlier versions of the RM-3 form will not be accepted on or after Monday, November 16.

Documenting the authorized destruction of public records is required by the Code of Virginia §42.1-86.1. It also provides the university with a layer of defensibility when questions arise regarding a records existence or disposition. Proper documentation shows that records were disposed of in accordance with Library of Virginia (LVA) Records Retention and Disposition Schedules, and with records management best practices.

Now is the time to become familiar with the web based application and plan for integrating this into your office processes beginning Monday, November 16.

The LVA eRM-3 Training: Form Creator Walkthrough takes approximately 12 minutes to view.

Link to the new online Certificate of Records Destruction (eRM-3 form) available for use on Monday, November 16. (Again, earlier versions of RM-e forms will not be accepted after November 16.)

Step-by-step instructions for completing the online form can be found here.

See HR’s Records Management website for more information and useful links.

Please share this message with others in your area who may need to know of this process change.

Questions? Contact Cathy Thomas, University Records Officer, thomasce@jmu.edu.


Subject: Telecom Request, COVID-19 Employee Resources and Connections Day

Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:28PM

Greetings from Human Resources,

We wanted to touch base with a few items as we progress through the 2020 fall semester…

Here’s a request from the folks with JMU Telecom -

We would like to be contacted via email (telecom@jmu.edu) when there is a change in your department’s staffing. An accurate database is necessary for the ability to roll out new phone features.

Things we are looking to learn are as follows:

  • Name of the new staff member? If no, do we need to disconnect the line?
  • Did the previous staff member have additional communication devices? If yes, do we need to disconnect or re-assign to the new staff member?
    • Cellular Phone
    • MiFi (Wireless Mobile Data)
    • Conference Card
    • Pager


JMU Telecom

Also, if you complete the transfer or separation checklists for your department, you will see a reminder form Telecom in the list of items to be considered upon transfer, separation, or a job ending.

Return to Workplace Guidelines can be found at STOP THE SPREAD: Important University Updates Amid the Pandemic by clicking on the Employee FAQ link.

You may wish to bookmark this link as well:  COVID-19 Resources for Employees.

We ask for your assistance in encouraging new employees who were hired in 2020 to join us for a virtual Connections Day Thursday, October 1 from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.  New employees will be introduced to other new hires and learn about JMU’s history, resources and opportunities available to all JMU employees. This event will be held over WebEx and registration is required. Additional dates, details, and the registration link are available on HR’s Connections Day website. Questions? Contact Beth Aldrich, Onboard Specialist, at 540-568-4473 or onboard@jmu.edu .

Let us know how we can assist you. Thank you!



Subject: End of Modified Work Schedule

Monday, August 10, 2020 9:45AM

Greetings from Human Resources,

We hope this message finds each of you well and content. Please review the following for information which may affect your business processes as you prepare for the upcoming semester. 

The university adopted a modified work schedule earlier this year which draws to a close on Friday, August 14. Typical business hours of Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. will resume Monday, August 17.

Wondering what the guidelines are for returning to the workplace? Check this link frequently for updated information https://www.jmu.edu/news/2020/05/29-covid-return-guidelines.shtml

Recruitment and Employment Services is now offering remote onboarding to new employees. If you have an employee who wishes to onboard remotely please note this in the comments of the ePAR and our Onboard Specialist will send your new hire instructions on how to complete their onboard remotely. New hires are still required to complete their onboarding paperwork before they begin working, whether their paperwork is completed in person or remotely.

Amanda Thomas, Assistant to the HR Director, (thoma2an@jmu.edu, 540-568-3825) is now the contact in Human Resources for employee bulk email/mail inquiries.

Cathy Thomas, (thomasce@jmu.edu, 540-568-3967) is the university’s Records Officer. Send your RM-3 forms to Cathy prior to destruction of your records. The new form (May 2020) and current Retention Schedules are available at https://www.lva.virginia.gov/agencies/records/.

Reminder – Annual Performance Evaluations for non-probationary, classified employees are due in Human Resources by September 30. Read more at https://www.jmu.edu/humanresources/hrc/performance/index.shtml

Haven’t joined the Policy ListServ? Simply Click to subscribe to the Policy ListServ, which will open an e-mail using Outlook. Then send the e-mail to subscribe.

As the fall semester approaches, we want you to know we are here (physically, virtually, a phone call or email away) to serve you.


Subject: Important Announcement Regarding Graystone Group Advertising Invoices

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:23AM


We wanted to notify you about an upcoming change to how invoices from Graystone Group Advertising will be processed when departments place job announcements with online job boards or in print publications. Effective Monday, June 15 when Graystone Group Advertising sends an invoice to the HR Recruitment Team we will promptly forward the invoice to the department for payment. Departments will be responsible for submitting payment directly to Graystone Group Advertising using their departments small purchase credit card.

Subject: Next Connections Day for New Employees 11/6/19

Friday, October 18, 2019 1:42 PM

Greetings from Human Resources,

 The next Connections Day will be held on Wednesday, November 6 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. We ask for your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them.

 Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

 Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Recruitment and Employment Services Team at onboard@jmu.edu or 540-568-3597.

Subject: Payroll's Direct Deposit Authorization form is changed

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 2:55pm


 Human Resources is collaborating with Payroll Services to widely circulate this important message:

 Direct deposit fraud continues to target agencies in the Commonwealth. Because of this, Payroll’s Direct Deposit Authorization form has changed.

 Effective immediately, JMU has added an extra layer of security on our employee direct deposit form on our Payroll Services website. Employees must now use their log in credentials to access the form in order to print it.

 Do not share this form electronically; however, departments may share the form’s electronic link internally via JMU e-mail accounts to students and staff or use a printed form. With that said, the printed form is not to be attached and electronically sent via e-mail.

 Discard old form versions and begin using the most recent form dated 9/2019. You may access the new JMU Employee Direct Deposit Authorization form via Payroll Services forms site.

 For active employees, direct deposit information can still be viewed and updated via MyMadison. Employees with an active direct deposit form on file do not need to complete a new one.


  • DO NOT share the direct deposit form electronically.
  • NEVER accept a direct deposit change received through email or fax.
  • ALWAYS make sure that the most current version of the direct deposit form is used. The form has been revised as of 09/19;  earlier versions should not be accepted.
  • NEVER accept a direct deposit change that is not completely filled out (all required fields) and signed by the employee. 

 Please contact the Payroll Services, 540-568-6233, with questions.

Subject: Connections Day Wednesday, October 2nd

Greetings from Human Resources,

 The next Connections Day will be held on Wednesday, October 2 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. We ask for your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them.

Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Recruitment and Employment Services Team at onboard@jmu.edu or 540-568-3597.

Subject: Connections Day Wednesday, April 3

March 13,2019 at 10:01am

Greetings from Human Resources,

 The next Connections Day will be held on Wednesday, April 3 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. We ask for assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them.

 Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

 Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Recruitment and Employment Services Team, onboard@jmu.edu or 540-568-3597.

Subject: Lunch and Learn Event for New Hires

February 28, 2019 at 9:29am

 The March brown bag Lunch and Learn event for new employees will be held on Wednesday, March 27.

This event is part of a yearlong series designed to help support new hires during their first year of employment.

 New hires are invited to bring their lunch and join us to learn more about JMU Libraries and all the resources they have available. Please help us spread the word in your areas.

 Who: All new employees who have been hired within the last 12 months

When: Wednesday, March 27 from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Where: Highlands Room in the Festival Conference and Student Center

 Registration is required to attend. Please visit the Lunch and Learn website to register and
to view a full list of upcoming Lunch and Learn topics.

SUBJECT: Lunch and Learn and Connections Day For New Hires

January 18, 2019 9:36am

Greetings from Recruitment and Employment Services,

 All new employees that were hired after April 1, 2018 are invited to bring their lunch and join us for January’s Lunch and Learn event on Tuesday, January 22 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Highlands Room, Festival Conference and Student Center. January’s topic is about how the Balanced Dukes program helps employees reach a blend of personal satisfaction in four core areas, Work, Family, Community and Self.

 The next Connections Day is Tuesday, January 29 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall.

 We ask your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them. Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

 Pre-registration is required to attend both of these events.

Visit the Lunch and Learn website to register and to view a full list of upcoming Lunch and Learn topics.

 Register for Connections Day here: www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.   

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Morgan Greene, Recruitment and Employment Services Graduate Assistant at greeneml@jmu.edu or 8-3982.

BJECT: Job Posting Reminder for the Upcoming Winter Break

December 6, 2018 8:48am

Greetings from Human Resources,

With the winter break quickly approaching, time can get away from us! If your department has a position that will need to be posted in JobLink prior to the winter break please submit the posting to HR as soon as possible. Though we do understand that departments may have a last-minute recruitment need, we kindly ask that you allow us two business days to review job postings and contact you with any questions we may have before the position is posted. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your  Recruitment Specialist .



SUBJECT: Let's Connect - A Message for New Faculty and Staff

November 5th, 2018 3:57pm

Greetings from Human Resources,

 The next Connections Day will be held on Thursday, November 15 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall.  We ask your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them.

 Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

 Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections .  

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Recruitment and Employment Services Team at onboard@jmu.edu  or 540-568-3597.


SUBJECT: Important and Timely Information

Tuesday 7/24/2018 1:22 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

 We’re highlighting some important and timely administrative information for you:

  •  The next Connections Day is Wednesday August 1 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. New JMU employees hired between April 2018 and July 2018 are invited to attend. Additional details and the link for employees to register (required) can be found at  www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.
  • On June 26, 2018 the Office of Governor Ralph S. Northam announced the signing of Executive Order Number Twelve, a new parental leave benefit for full-time, benefited employees of the Commonwealth. See  Parental Leave
  • Late I-9=$100 Fine - Beginning August 1, 2018 expect a $100 fine (after two warnings) if your employee begins work without a valid Form I-9 on file. Failure to comply with I-9 regulations could result in costly fines to the university; therefore, you must ensure that all new and returning employees (with a break in service of one year or longer) complete an I-9 before beginning work. There are no provisions for volunteerism. Questions? Contact Student Employment ( studentjobs@jmu.edu) or Human Resources ( humanresources@jmu.edu).
  • Policy  1307-Performance Evaluation of Administrative & Professional Faculty was recently updated with a process change – “Annual performance evaluations are to be conducted between June 1 and August 31 each year and  submitted to Human Resources by the last workday in September.” An updated position description should be sent with the evaluation.
  • Forms for requesting waiver of tuition must be received in Human Resources by 5:00 p.m. of the Add/Drop deadline or they will be denied. Add/Drop dates are found on the Office of the Registrar’s  website. Also, calendar year tuition for all graduate courses that exceed the IRS’ $5,250 threshold will be taxed 3/30, 6/30, 9/30 and again on 11/30.
  • Pilot departments have begun moving their classified employee position descriptions (PDs) out of PositionLink and into the PeopleSoft HR system. HR is systematically working with departments, division by division, to move their PDs out of PositionLink and into the HR system by June 30, 2019. Questions? Email  positiondescription@jmu.edu.
  • REMINDER: When an employee is approved for a Leave of Absence (LOA), whether it is paid or unpaid, an ePAR must be submitted by the department to indicate the change in status. The ePAR must contain the begin and end dates of the leave of absence. LOAs can have an effect on employee benefits so it is important that ePARs be submitted in a timely manner. A separate ePAR must be submitted to bring the employee back from the leave of absence.

Thank you and please let us know how we may assist you.

SUBJECT: Timely Tidbits

Tuesday 6/26/2018 3:41 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

Did you hear? Bobby Zaepfel ( pronounced zay fell) is the university’s new Records Officer. Plan to join Bobby as he discusses HR Document Retention ( TD2273 ) this Thursday, June 28 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Pathways Training Room, Wine-Price building. He’ll provide current information on the management and preservation of HR-related documents and how this might affect you and your department. Read more about Records Management here.

Have you checked out the new format and features of the Campus Directory? See FAQs for information about updating your directory information, searching for students, how the new directory search feature works, and how you can control what information displays in your Campus Directory listing.

There’s a change in Administrative & Professional performance evaluation process you’ll want to know about: All completed evaluations, along with a current position description, are to be sent to Human Resources, MSC 7009, by the last workday in September.

What’s changing soon regarding tuition waiver requests? Late requests for Waiver of Tuition will be denied. Request for Waiver of Tuition forms must be received by Human Resources before 5:00 p.m. the last day of the add/drop period.

In case you missed June’s HR Update you can view it here ( pdf or Adobe Spark).

Please let us know how we can assist you.

Office of Human Resources
James Madison University
Wine Price Building | MSC 7009
752 Ott Street | Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Phone: 540/568-6165 | Fax: 540/568-7916


SUBJECT: A few important items

Wednesday 4/25/2018 8:35 a.m.

Greetings from Human Resources ,

We’d like to highlight a few important items that appeared in April’s HR Update:

  • Please be aware that if you have a student worker who is graduating in May or who is graduating in August and NOT taking at least 6 credit hours in the summer  they must end their student employment on or before May 5 (the last day of spring semester). If you have a Federal Work Study (FWS) student who will be working over the summer you must either transition them to wage employment or institutional employment (IE) for the summer on or before May 5. 
  • If you have a student worker that will need to transition to wage employment you must submit an ePar to Human Resources in order to hire them as a wage employee.  Please note that the employee is not eligible to begin work as a wage employee until they have been cleared by Human Resources. It is the responsibility of the departments to prohibit students from working after May 5 until you receive the confirmation email from Human Resources.
  • Open Enrollment period for health insurance, flexible spending accounts and Aflac Tuesday, May 1- Tuesday, May 15.
  • Have a quick benefits-related question and would like to get an immediate answer? Then visit the  Benefits Team homepage for the new Live Chat feature.
  • JMU closes at 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 4 in preparation for May Commencement ceremonies.  Want to volunteer Friday and/or Saturday?
  • The university’s  Modified Summer Work Schedule begins Monday, May 7 and ends Friday, August 17.
  • Human Resources will open at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 8 so that HR staff may attend the Administration and Finance divisional meeting that morning.  
  • Employee Appreciation Day is Thursday, May 10.

Office of Human Resources
James Madison University
Wine Price Building | MSC 7009
752 Ott Street | Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Phone: 540/568-6165 | Fax: 540/568-7916

SUBJECT: Let's Connect!

Tuesday 3/20/2018 1:21 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources ,

Connections Day, Wednesday March 28

The next Connections Day will be held on Wednesday March 28 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. New JMU employees hired between January 2018 and March 2018 are invited to attend the event.  We ask your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them.

Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Dodson, Onboard Specialist at  dodsonjl@jmu.edu or 540/568-4473.

-Human Resources

SUBJECT: Happy 2018 from Human Resources

Wednesday 1/10/2018 2:09 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

Two new staff members join the Human Resources office

Chuck Flick, Consulting Services Manager and HR Assistant Director

Joanna Swartley, Front Desk Assistant Administrative Assistant

The next Connections Day will be held on Tuesday, January 30 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall.

New JMU employees hired between October 2017 and January 2018 are invited to attend the event. We ask your assistance in encouraging your new employees to participate in this event designed specifically for them. Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.

If you have Connections Day questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Dodson, Onboard Specialist at dodsonjl@jmu.edu or 540/568-4473.

HR’s new Vision statement

We are at the table as THE source for innovative human resource strategies and solutions.

Happy 2018; a new year brimming with possibilities for a bright future!

-Human Resources

SUBJECT: Job Posting Reminder for the Upcoming Winter Break

Monday 11/27/2017 4:06 p.m.


With the winter break quickly approaching, time can get away from us! If your department has a position that will need to be posted in JobLink prior to the winter break please try to submit the posting to HR as soon as possible. Though we do understand that departments may have a last-minute recruitment need, we kindly ask that you allow us 2 business days to review job postings and contact you with any questions we may have before the position is posted. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your  Recruitment Specialist.

Thank you,

HR Recruitment and Employment Services


SUBJECT: JobLink Helpful Tip

Friday 10/13/2017 12:21 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources and Recruitment and Employment Services:

JobLink Helpful Tip: Combined Applicant Documents  

As you begin reviewing applicant documents for your job posting, you may find that it’s frustrating and time consuming to open each document one at a time. But did you know that there is a way to generate a combined document pdf for each applicant that contains all submitted documents (application, resume, cover letter, etc.)?

All you need to do is follow the 2 easy steps below:

1. On the posting's Applicants tab, check the desired applications that you wish to generate a combined document for. You can also check the box above the blue line to select all applicants. Then, select Actions > Create Document PDF per Applicant.

Screen shot of JobLink

2. The applications you selected will have View links appear under the Combined Document search column; clicking one of these will display an application with all candidate and reference documents. Unselected applications will have Generate links; clicking one of these will create a PDF for this application.

screen shot from JobLink

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Recruitment Specialist and keep checking your email for more helpful tips!

SUBJECT: Connections Day, Tuesday October 3

Tuesday 9/12/2017 3:23 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

The next Connections Day will be held on Tuesday, October 3 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. New JMU employees hired between May and September 2017 are invited to attend the event. We ask your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them.

Please share this information with those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees.

Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the links for employees to register can be found at www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Dodson, Onboard Specialist at dodsonjl@jmu.edu or 540/568-4473.

SUBJECT: What's in Your Department's Files?

Tuesday 8/22/2017 3:39 p.m.

Human Resources would like to take this opportunity to offer departments guidance for appropriately preserving the confidentiality of university data.

As described in JMU Policy 1205-University Data Stewardship, highly confidential data is any university data which, because of its associated legal restrictions or potential security ramifications, is authorized for use only on a very limited basis and only with special security precautions.

When associated with an employee’s name or other personal identifier, the following data are classified by the university as highly confidential data:

  • Banking Information (account/routing detail)
  • Credit Card/Procurement Card Information
  • Social Security Number (Vendor ID)

Some examples of documents which are not to be collected or stored outside the JMU central systems without specific approval of the university data managers include:

  • photocopy of social security card
  • picture ID
  • W-4, VA-4 forms
  • employee direct deposit authorization form

Check hard disks and document backups to ensure that SSN or other sensitive personal data isn't included in old personnel files, employee lists, student grade rosters, etc. Remove any sensitive personal data you don't need by deleting the files altogether or removing the sensitive portions.

See IT’s website  for Best Practices for Protecting Sensitive/Personal Data and University Data Storage Standard.  

You may also be interested in knowing that employee and/or supervisor access to official university records is provided, as needed, by contacting your HR Consultant to schedule a time to view the employee’s personnel file in Human Resources.

Questions may be directed to Bobby Zaepfel, Records and Customer Service Coordinator, zaepferp@jmu.edu, 540/568-6179.

SUBJECT:  Your invitation to attend a JobLink Upgrade training session

Tuesday 6/06/2017 12:53 p.m.

Greetings from HR’s Recruitment and Employment Services,

Last week an email went out to all current JobLink users announcing that on Tuesday, June 20, Human Resources will be implementing a significant upgrade to the JobLink site. In case you did not receive the email we wanted to let you know about this important upcoming change.

There are many exciting new features that will be available in the upgraded site including new posting templates based on the position type (Faculty, Staff, Student and Graduate Assistant), new reference letter features, and the ability to use your back and forward browser buttons.

If you use JobLink to post positions or assist search committees we strongly encourage you to attend one of the following training sessions:

Thursday, June 8

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Monday, June 12

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 14

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, June 15

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, June 20

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday, June 21

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


All training sessions will be held in the IT Training Center (JMAC 4) and  registration is not required.

Visit the JobLink website  https://www.jmu.edu/humanresources/recruitment/joblink-upgrade.shtml for additional information about the upgrade process.

If you have any questions about the new site, please contact Jennifer Kester, 540/568-6728,  kesterjm@jmu.edu.

SUBJECT: Assistantship Contracts Moving to ePAR

Wednesday 5/24/2017 9:41 a.m.

In case you didn’t hear…              

We are pleased to announce that Assistantship Contracts will now be transitioned from paper PAR processes to electronic PAR (ePAR). Assistantship Contracts include Graduate Assistants, Teaching Assistants, Service Assistants, Research Assistants, Athletic Assistants and Doctorial Assistants.

The security routing for ePAR Assistantship Contracts will follow the same path as the student employment (SWEC) routing for your department.

In your department, initiators and approvers for student employment and assistantships may be different. An internal business process change may be required. Contact Rachel Sellers in Human Resources if you have questions related to ePAR initiation, routing and security. Her contact information is sellerrj@jmu.edu or 540-568-4997.

Laura Ryman will be added to the security table for all departments so she can approve all ePAR Assistantship Contracts, prior to them proceeding to SWEC.

Questions about Assistantship Contracts should continue to be directed to The Graduate School or Laura Ryman, rymanle@jmu.edu .

Attach the following documents to the ePAR:

  • Contract signed by the student
  • A copy of the Social Security Card
  • Position Description

Tax forms and direct deposit papers can be sent directly to Payroll. 


  • Tuition only contracts are still to be completed on paper and sent to the Graduate School at MSC 6702.
  • The ePAR system will not allow an initiator to submit an ePar if the position they are hiring the assistant into is already filled for the dates they have selected.
  • If a new position needs to be created, the initiator should contact the Graduate School.
  • Initiators will only be able to select the start date of a SM1 pay period as the effective start date and the end date of a SM1 pay period as the end date.

When to use the different forms:

ePar HIRE form

  • Hiring an assistant who has never been employed before at JMU
  • Rehiring an assistant who has previously been employed at JMU, but the end date for the previous position has past
  • Hiring an assistant who has another job at JMU, and the assistant position will be a concurrent job
  • Transferring a person from another currently active job to an assistant position (use transfer checkbox on last page)

ePar JOB CHANGE form

  • The end date needs to be extended for a position that is currently active, and the new payment amount is to be paid between the previous contract end date and the new extension end date (check extend contract box)
  • Working Title change
  • Supervisor change


  • A contract needs to be ended prior to the dates submitted on the HIRE or JOBCHANGE ePar

Paper revision PAR

  • The end date needs to be extended for a position that is currently active, but no additional payment will be given. The unpaid stipend balance will be divided evenly over remaining pay periods.
  • A correction to a previously submitted ePar that has already been committed to PeopleSoft by the final approver. This needs to be submitted on paper or by email from the Graduate School.

Amber Weaver, Student Employment

Laura Ryman, Graduate School

Diane Yerian, Human Resources 

SUBJECT: Information for you

Tuesday 5/15/2017 9:21 a.m.

A few moments of your time and attention please:

Open Enrollment for health benefits and flexible spending accounts ends today (Monday, May 15)

Today is the last day for eligible employees to enroll in a health plan and/or an FSA, change a health plan, add or remove family members or waive state health coverage.

To enroll or make changes, submit an  enrollment form  to HR by 5:00 p.m. Monday, May 15, 2017.

How do I submit my form?

  • Stop by the Wine Price building, second floor
  • Or Fax it to HR at 540-568-7916

What if I have questions?

See HR’s Open Enrollment website or call 540-568-6165, 540-568-3593.

ACA Regulations reminder

JMU as a Virginia State Agency must limit part-time employment to no more than 29 hours per week on average over the standard measurement period, May 1-April 30.

Part-time employees may work multiple part-time jobs at the university; however, ALL part-time hours worked are combined for calculating the average number of hours worked per week.

Affordable Care Act regulations also mandate that full-time employees who leave employment with the university may not be re-hired to work any part-time hours until the employee has been separated a minimum of 26 weeks. This rule applies to JMU classified employees, and full-time instructional and A&P faculty

Transfer process changes effective now

When an employee transfers from one department to another, the employee may have department specific resources and/or core systems access they should not “carry” with them to their new position. IT will now automatically deactivate such accesses on the transfer effective date (except grant org transfers).

When supervisors transfer employees into their department, they must submit the appropriate form(s) to IT to request department specific resources and/or core systems access needed for the employee’s/student employee’s position. 

Human Resources Office summer hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Thank you.

SUBJECT: THANK YOU for all you do

Tuesday 4/25/2017 5:35 p.m.

Benefits Open Enrollment May 1-15

You may be aware (based on emails already sent by HR) that the electronic “EmployeeDirect” system is under construction and will NOT be available to employees during the Benefits Open Enrollment period Monday, May 1- Monday, May 15.

Therefore, all benefits elections must be submitted manually on paper forms.

We in HR are currently awaiting instructions, pricing and documents from DHRM.  We were informed on Friday, April 21 that Open Enrollment materials will be released AFTER the budget has been signed by the Governor.

HR will provide Open Enrollment information as soon as it is available from DHRM.

If you have questions, please contact your HR Benefit Representative or call HR Directly at 540/568-3593 or 540/568-6165.

Peer Recognition

As the semester ends, now is the perfect time to recognize the Dukes who have made a difference. Acknowledge your peers’ contributions through the  Duke 2 Duke program.  The Duke 2 Duke program allows any faculty or staff member to acknowledge behaviors and actions of their peers that align with the university or an individual’s departmental Mission, Vision and Values.

JMU Appreciation Day May 11


SUBJECT:  Connection Day , Tuesday, April 4

Wednesday 3/22/2017 9:03 a.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

We’re getting the word out about the upcoming Connections Day for our newest faculty and staff members…

Throughout the year, Human Resources hosts a special half-day event for new faculty and staff called Connections Day. Connections Day is designed to build comradery and engage new employees of all levels and classification. It will include interactive presentations, activities and discussions designed to:

  • Strengthen their connection to the JMU community by meeting and networking with new colleagues from across the university
  • Gain an understanding of the university’s mission, values and strategic plan and how employees contribute to JMU’s vision of becoming the national model of the engaged university
  • Discover JMU’s history and how it influences our campus culture
  • Hear about resources that support their career development
  • Learn about campus activities, discounts, benefits and services available to them as a JMU employee

The event concludes with a complimentary lunch provided by Aramark to celebrate and welcome the employees to JMU.

The next Connections Day event will be held on Tuesday, April 4 from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Montpelier Room, E-Dining Hall. 

New JMU employees hired between January and February 2017 have received an email invitation to register to attend the event. We ask your assistance in encouraging your new employees to attend this event designed specifically for them. 

Please share this information those in your department who are involved with recruitment and selection of new employees. 

Pre-registration is required to attend. Additional details and the link for employees to register can be found at  www.jmu.edu/humanresources/connections.

If you have any questions, please free to contact Jennifer Dodson, Onboard Specialist, at dodsonjl@jmu.edu or 540/568-4473.

SUBJECT: Important message regarding signatures on faculty contracts

Tuesday 1/24/2017 1:17 p.m.


Human Resources would like to advise those who complete faculty contracts of the following:

It will no longer be necessary for President Alger to sign Instructional and A&P Faculty Contract forms. Signature authority will reside with the appropriate Vice President. New contract forms reflecting this change can be found on the HR website forms page at https://www.jmu.edu/humanresources/forms/index.shtml under the “Faculty Contracts” section.

We ask that beginning immediately you download and use the new forms.

All in-process contracts that include a signature line for the president must be signed by President Alger. We realize it may take a couple of weeks to finalize all in-process contracts.

This change will be reflected in Policy 2101 – Faculty Selection and Hiring Procedures.

Please contact your HR Consultant if you have any questions or concerns.

SUBJECT: Tips for ePAR/PAR Initiators

Tuesday 10/18/2016 3:41 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources!

We’d like to share a few important tips with those who initiate ePARs/PARs.

Confused about which ePAR form to use to rehire adjuncts for the spring semester?

When an adjunct faculty member is teaching during the fall semester and will also teach in the spring, please complete the Existing Job Change Form to extend the contract before the adjunct’s current end date in the system for fall (12/24). * Please do not use the Hire Form to extend the contract.

See example for extending an adjunct’s contract to teach in the spring:

ePAR Sample Screen Shot

*If the Existing Job Change Form is not completed before the employee’s end date (12/24), then the Hire Form will need to be completed as the system will not allow you to complete a data change/contract extension on an employee who is termed in the system.

Note: You will always use the Hire Form to hire new or to rehire adjuncts who did not teach during the fall semester.

Employee transferring to another department at JMU

The current department does not need to complete a termination ePAR for a transferring employee. It is the hiring department’s responsibility to complete a hire ePAR for the employee and select the Transfer box on the last page of the ePAR to transfer that employee out of the current position/department and into the new one.

Employee transferring to another state agency

When an employee transfers to another state agency or university, it is very important that the correct Action and Reason codes be used to ensure a seamless transition for the employee from one state agency to another. The correct Action on the ePAR to use is “Termination” and the correct reason code to use is “TAF-Transfer to Other State Agency”.

Hire and separation date effect on leave accruals

Please be mindful of pay period dates when hiring and separating A&P faculty and classified employees. An employee must work the full pay cycle in order to accrue leave for that pay period. Pay periods begin on the 10 th and 25 th and end on the 9 th and 24 th of the month. If the employee’s first day of work is Monday, September 26 and they will be working a Monday-Friday schedule, enter their hire date as Sunday, September 25 (the first day of the pay cycle). The employee will not receive pay for Sunday as it is their schedule off day but they will receive the leave accrual for the pay period.

Selecting a Supervisor for Part-Time Work

When selecting a supervisor for an employee that your department hires for part-time work (TNT, RNT, WAGE) please make sure that the supervisor indicated on the ePAR/PAR is the supervisor for that part-time job.  In many cases, this is not the supervisor of the employee’s full-time job.


Please contact Rachel Sellers, ePAR/PAR Coordinator, 540/568-4997, sellerrj@jmu.edu.

SUBJECT: Fall Semester Update for Admins

Wednesday 8/31/16 3:34 p.m.

Fall semester greetings from Human Resources!

  • HR welcomes Peggy McHugh, JMU’s new Benefits Administrator. Julie Byers is transitioning out of the Administrator’s role in order to focus on retirement counseling.
  • When an employee is approved for a Leave of Absence (LOA), an ePAR must be submitted by the department. The ePAR must contain the leave of absence begin and end dates. LOAs can effect an employee’s benefits so it is important that the ePAR be submitted in a timely manner. A separate ePAR must be submitted to bring the employee back from the leave of absence.
  • A&P Faculty Leave entry is officially live in MyMadison.
  • Classified Employee Evaluations and Individual Professional Development Plans are due in HR by Friday, September 30.
  • A Separation Checklist must be completed by the supervisor and kept on file in the department any time an employee’s job ends, even when a secondary job ends.
  • Affiliate Service Request forms need appropriate signatures. A signed copy is kept on file in the department and is subject to audit.
  • New employees hired between July 2015 and August 2016 are encouraged to sign up for the next Connections Day, Tuesday, October 4.
  • NASCAR fans take note!  Commonwealth of Virginia employees have great discounts on September 9 and 10 at Richmond International Raceway.  Hurry – the deadline is September 7 to take advantage of this special offer! 

    Employee Discounts

Office of Human Resources

540/568-6165 (Front Desk)



We value integrity, relationships, leadership, service, collaboration, learning and compassion

SUBJECT: Important ACA and Re-hires message

Friday 4/22/2016 1:23 p.m.


Human Resources would like to advise you of the following:


Under Affordable Care Act (ACA) regulations the university may no longer rehire a former JMU full-time employee into a part-time position until the employee has been separated for a minimum of 26 weeks. This mandate applies to classified employees, and full-time instructional and A&P faculty. 

This federal directive under ACA creates a significant change in hiring practices for the university and may present staffing challenges.

I encourage hiring managers to contact their HR Consultant or Recruitment Specialist for assistance when making re-hire decisions on any JMU employee who was most recently employed in a full-time position at JMU and who wishes to return to JMU in any part-time capacity.

Diane Yerian

HR Director

Please read April’s HR Update for lots more need-to-know information.

SUBJECT: What's new this spring
Wednesday 03/23/2016 2:43 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

  • Introducing two new HR staff members!
    • Morgan Hijjeh, 540/568-7247, hijjeh@jmu.edu, Consulting Services assistant 
    • Beth Aldrich, 540/568-7275, aldricei@jmu.edu, Facilities Management HR satellite office assistant.
  • HR Business Applications is now HR Business Services.
  • Have PAR/ePAR questions? Rachel Sellers, 540/568-4997, sellerrj@jmu.edu is your PAR/ePAR “go to” person.
  • New employees now complete their compliance training, including OEO’s Title IX training, and the Summary of Key Policies acknowledgement within 30 days of hire as part of their Dukes at Work New Employee Onboard experience. 
  • The 2016 Modified Summer Work Schedule begins Monday, May 9.
  • The next Connections Day for new employees is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1.

Human Resources



SUBJECT: Employee Resource Group Info Sessions 10/13 & 10/16
day 10/12/2015 2:43 p.m.

As highlighted in the president’s message to staff and faculty, Human Resources has been working on a number of initiatives to create a more enriching, inclusive and engaging workplace for all JMU employees and provide opportunities for greater work/life balance.  We are excited to announce the launch of our newest program: Employee Resource Groups.   

Employee Resource Groups, also known as ERGs, are organizationally supported employee groups that engage different generations, backgrounds, ethnicities and perspectives across all disciplines and will be a catalyst to engage our entire community in supporting the university’s mission, vision and values. We welcome your participation in one of these upcoming information sessions:

Tuesday, October 13                    Wine-Price Building, Pathways Room G006    2:30 p.m. or 3:30 p.m.
Friday, October 16                        ISAT/CS Building, NTelos Room 259                 11:00 a.m. or 12:15 p.m.

We encourage you to attend a session and learn more about the following groups that JMU employees may join/participate in:

Tapestry:  Ethnically diverse employees and those that enjoy sharing and learning about diverse backgrounds and promoting cultural awareness.
Veterans: Active duty, reserve, veteran, guard, military family members and supporters.
WeCare: Working caregivers and those who support them in parenting, guardianship, grandparenting, or those assisting elders or individuals that are sick or living with a disability.

Human Resources will be providing support to these groups and the mission and activities will be focused on four main goals - Recruitment, Talent Development and Retention, Engagement and Outreach.

Some of the benefits offered by ERGs for employees, managers and the university include:

  • Enriching the workplace experience of all employees regardless of level or background
  • Enhancing recruiting efforts and retention of a diverse workforce
  • Providing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing among current employees and assimilation of new employees
  • Increasing awareness and sensitivity to differences throughout the organization
  • Improving workplace culture and shedding light on specific issues or barriers that may negatively impact certain groups of employees
  • Creating new paths for leadership development and mentoring that cultivates fresh ideas and innovations
  • Adding an additional avenue for outreach to the outside community
  • Offering an open forum and safe setting for employees who share common interests to meet and support one another

More information about JMU Employee Resource Groups is available on the Human Resources websitePlease come out to see what ERGs are all about! Renee Reed, Employment Outreach Specialist, reedra@jmu.edu, 540/568-7203.

SUBJECT: Do you initiate Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letters?
Friday 9/25/2015 12:23 p.m.

Please visually inspect each imaged Adjunct Faculty Appointment Letter for legibility and integrity along with complete, accurate information before attaching the letter to the ePAR.

HR needs your help with this in order to comply with document retention standards.

SUBJECT: No More Phase One or Phase Two New Employee Orientation Sessions
Monday 8/10/2015 8:32 a.m.

Human Resources is excited to introduce Dukes at Work, JMU’s new employee onboarding program! Gone are the former Phase One and Phase Two new employee orientation sessions.

In your support role, we felt it was important to share this information with you. Department heads, managers and supervisors have been sent an email from Human Resources about the program.

In addition to the information below about this newly implemented employee onboarding program, we would like to offer you the opportunity to attend an overview to help you better understand the program and be able to provide guidance to others in your department who are involved with the recruitment and selection of new employees.

The overviews will be held in Wine-Price Room 2050 and have been scheduled for:
Tuesday, August 18 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Session 1501
Friday, September 18 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Session 1502

You can register to attend either session through MyMadison. Just log in with your eID and password, click the Employee tab, then Request Training Enrollment, and type TD2050 in the box beside “Search by course number”.

Four Significant Changes

The new Dukes at Work program replaces the former Phase One and Phase Two New Employee Orientation sessions. Dukes at Work involves maximizing the time for collection of relevant new hire forms and dissemination of benefits information; building more personalized connections with the Human Resources team; providing guidance to departments to accelerate the time to full productivity; and creating enhanced, meaningful opportunities for new employees to connect to the JMU culture and community.

The first component of this strategy is now being implemented, and there are four significant changes that you should be aware of:

  • Human Resources has created a new web presence that showcases the Dukes at Work onboard program. The pages are user friendly and provide new employees with onboarding information that is unique to their classification. The content and materials are broken down into six categories:
    • New Hire Paperwork
    • Benefits
    • Policy, Practices and Compliance
    • New Employee Events
    • Communication
    • Resources

Each category outlines the specific steps that need to be taken for successful onboarding. We encourage you to view and familiarize yourself with them.

  • New employees will now schedule appointments online in order to complete their new hire paperwork and benefits enrollment with the Human Resources team. When Human Resources receives the approved hiring PAR, the employee will receive an email from both the Onboard Specialist and the Benefits Assistant with instructions and a link for online scheduling. If the hire date is less than 14 days away, the employee will receive a phone call and follow-up email with the information. Hiring managers and supervisors will receive a copy of the email sent to the employee from the Onboard Specialist so they are aware of the communication and can prompt the employee, if necessary, to schedule their appointments. Your assistance in ensuring that your new hire PARs are approved and processed by your department promptly will assist us in a quick turnaround time in contacting the employee.
  • The presentation of benefits information will now be delivered via online video modules. Benefits packets will be provided to the new employee at the time they complete their new hire paperwork. New full-time employees will be required to view the videos before their one-on-one enrollment session with a Benefits Specialist. Employees will review benefits materials in their office or department versus traveling to our office for a group or individual presentation. The online videos provide consistent, clear information and outline the benefits applicable to the employee’s classification. This change will require department managers and supervisors to provide new employees the time and computer access to view the materials at work prior to their one-on-one appointment with a Benefits Specialist.
  • Employee awareness of JMU policies, practices and compliance information continues to be an integral part of the onboarding process. All new employees will be asked to complete the Policy Summary Acknowledgement and to view the required compliance online videos. The information regarding these steps is highlighted on the Dukes at Work website and will be provided to the new employee at the time they complete their new hire paperwork. As with the benefits modules, department managers and supervisors will need to provide new employees the time and computer access to complete the acknowledgement and view the videos.

We have developed a list of FAQs for the Dukes at Work onboard program. One of your first questions may be “Why?” The answer is simple - Dukes at Work is a culmination of efforts to fulfill our mission: Human Resources is dedicated to customer service, a positive approach to change and the pursuit of excellence that promotes university and individual success.

Please consider attending one of the informational sessions that we mentioned earlier. We look forward to seeing you there!

SUBJECT: Timely Information About Faculty Contract Revision
Tuesday 7/14/2015 12:31 p.m.

Hello from Human Resources,

Recently revised templates for faculty contracts are now available on HR’s website at https://www.jmu.edu/humanresources/forms/index.shtml. Previously saved templates should be deleted/discarded to ensure contract accuracy.  

Questions? Please contact your HR Consultant.

SUBJECT: Recent Title IX Officer Changes at JMU
Tuesday 1/13/2015 1:43 p.m.

Important update for Administrative Staff ~

James Madison University provides many resources to students, faculty and staff to address concerns relating to discrimination on the basis of sex, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence.

JMU’s Title IX Officers are responsible for investigating complaints and addressing issues of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence by university employees, affiliates and visitors.

Please note that Jenny Toth now serves as JMU’s title IX Officer for Staff. Title IX Officers for Students have changed as well. See all Title IX Officers at this page.

SUBJECT: Meet Amber Lam, PAR/ePAR Coordinator in HR
Friday 11/21/2014 12:43 p.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

Amber Lam, HR Consulting Services, is now the university's PAR/ePAR Coordinator and your primary resources for all paper and/or electronic pay action requests.

Samantha Day will assume the administrative support role for the HR Consulting Services team.

SUBJECT: ePAR ROUTING and OTHER Questions Update
Tuesday 9/9/2014 8:49 a.m.

Greetings from Human Resources,

As of today, September 9, please email your ePAR ROUTING requests or questions to the HR mailbox, humanresources@jmu.edu.

OTHER ePAR questions may be directed to:
Part-time employees – Amber Lam, lamar@jmu.edu, (540) 568-2296
Full-time employees – Michelle Chase, chasepm@jmu.edu, (540) 568-3593

SUBJECT: Your ACA and PAR Questions Answered!
Monday 8/11/2014 2:41 PM                    


Diane, Debbie and Steve would like to thank everyone who was able to attend one of the recent ACA and PAR sessions. There were close to 80 attendees!  Answers to your questions about all the changes taking place with account codes, memos of understanding, adjunct contracts, PAR forms and the ACA requirements for tracking hours of work are gathered here.

SUBJECT: Hot Topic on Campus These Summer Days! ACA and PAR Forms
Tuesday 7/8/2014 11:30 AM

Are you bewildered by all the changes taking place with account codes, memos of understanding, adjunct contracts, PAR forms and the ACA requirements for tracking hours of work?  Join us for an information session where we will explain what happened, why we are going through these changes, how to adapt and meet new requirements, who to involve in your hiring decisions, and when to use the paper PAR versus the ePAR.

This interactive session will provide you with a forum to ask questions and hopefully provide a greater understanding of the processes currently being used to classify and compensate our part-time employees.

Thursday, July 24, 2014, 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Wine Price Pathways Training Center
Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Wine Price Pathways Training Center

Please register now to attend a session by following these steps:

Log into MyMadison
Click Employee Tab
Under Employee Training Tab, Click Request Training Enrollment
Search by Course Number TD1916
See Description: ACA and PAR Forms
Click View Available Sessions
Two Sessions Appear (1401 or 1402)
Click Session Number you wish to enroll in
Click Continue
Click OK to confirm your enrollment request

Registration for these sessions closes 48 hours prior to the session time/date. If unable to attend, please drop the class from your training summary 48 prior to the session time/date to avoid the $25.00 no-show fee.

SUBJECT: Emphasizing Information Needed on PARs/ePARs
Monday 7/7/2014 3:50 PM

HR needs your assistance~

Wage hours must be indicated in section IV of the PAR (or in the ePAR’s comments section), even though other processes are in place for reporting those hours.

As a reminder, PARs initiated to hire for ANY part-time assignment must include the average number of hours per week and the projected total number of hours in section IV of the newly revised PAR form (or must be noted in the ePAR’s comments section).

PAR/ePAR questions may be directed to Amber Lam, HR Consulting Services, 540-568-2296, or lamar@jmu.edu.

SUBJECT: Latest PAR Revision - Projected Total Number of Hours When Hiring for Part-time Assignments Must be indicated on the PAR/ePAR
Thursday, 6/26/2014 3:37 PM

According to the Manpower Control Program (section 4-7.01) JMU as a Virginia State Agency, must limit part-time employment to no more than 29 hours per week on average (1,500 hours maximum) over the standard measurement period, May 1-April 30. Part-time hours are cumulative for all part-time work performed at JMU.

Effective immediately, in an effort to comply with this program, and as Human Resources and the university prepare for the automation of Personnel Action Requests (ePAR):

  • The average number of hours to be worked per week, as well as the projected total number of hours must be indicated on the newly revised PAR form (See PAR Section IV: Job Information).
  • The new PAR form dated June 2014 replaces all previous PAR form versions. Please destroy/delete other versions.
  • Also, until the ePAR can be revised to include hour reporting functionality, when submitting an ePAR, the number of hours to be worked per week, along with the projected total number of hours must be stated in the Comments section of the ePAR.
  • HR is offering informational sessions on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and PARs on July 24 and 29. You’ll be personally invited to attend one of these sessions in our next HR Alerts for Admins ListServ announcement.

PAR, ePAR questions may be directed to Amber Lam, HR Consulting Services, 540-568-2296, or lamar@jmu.edu.

Reminder® Next week is a 32 hour workweek for full-time employees due to the July 4 th holiday. Enjoy!

SUBJECT: Independence Day Holiday Reminder and the Modified Summer Schedule
Wednesday, 6/18/2014 8:36 AM

The following information will be sent to full-time employees later today:

Friday, July 4 is a university holiday! Full-time employees’ work schedules should be adjusted to 32 hours the week of Monday, June 30 through Thursday, July 3.

Questions may be directed to Dianna Banks, Absence Programs Coordinator, 540-568-3974, or banks2dl@jmu.edu.

SUBJECT: PARs – What’s so important?
Thursday 5/22/2014 2:03 PM

Hello from Human Resources!

If you initiate Personnel Action Requests (PARs)/ePARS please:

  • Provide accurate supervisor information
  • Include working titles for all employee types
  • Submit employment changes (transfers, separations) in a timely manner

Whether you are creating an ePAR or a paper PAR these are important details to attend to, as many campus processes rely on accurate, up-to-date position/personnel information.

Questions? Please contact Amber Lam, HR Consulting Services Assistant, 540-568-2296, or lamar@jmu.edu.

SUBJECT: New! HR Alerts for Administrative Assistants ListServ
Wednesday, 5/7/2014 4:57 PM


You have been selected to receive need-to-know HR information by way of the newly created campus ListServ, HR-Alerts-For-Admins-L.

The “announcement only” feature permits one-way communication, minimizing the quantity of emails you’ll receive as a member of this HR ListServ.

Watch your inbox for ePAR process updates; leave announcements; annual performance evaluation timeline reminders…essential HR information for you in your administrative role.


Human Resources
James Madison University
(540) 568-6165

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can:
Send mail to < LISTSERV@IT-LISTSERV1.JMU.EDU> with the following command in the body of your email message -SIGNOFF HR-ALERTS-FOR-ADMINS-L

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