Feel free to use this list for a general overview of the offered courses, but please refer to the official JMU Catalog for complete details on the LAXC minor requirements.
Spring 2025 Courses
Core Courses
LAXC 252-1/2: Intro to Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies / Global Cultures: Latin America [C2HQC]
Bill Van Norman
Bill Van Norman |
LAXC 252-3: Intro to Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies / Latinx Cultures [C2HQC]
Verónica Dávila Ellis
POSC 350: Latin American Politics
Charles Blake
SPAN 308: Latin American Cultures
Tomás Regalado-López
Primary Elective Courses
ANTH 303: Andean Archeology
Di Hu
ENG 367: Latinx Literature
Jason Baltazar
HIST 307: Slave Trade & Capitalism
Bill Van Norman
LAXC 299: Internship in Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
Verónica Dávila Ellis
SPAN 321: Oral and Written Communication (for Heritage Speakers)
Verónica Dávila Ellis
SPAN 395: Latin American Poetry
Tomás Regalado-López
SPAN 476: Culture and Medicine in Latin America
Diana Galarreta-Aima
ENG 434: *by course directive Advanced Studies in Latin American Literature in Translation
Maria Delgadillo
HON 200-4: *by course directive Documenting Undocumented Lives
Allison Fagan
Secondary Elective Courses
ECON 270: International Economics
Nevin Cavusoglu | (Section 1)
Nevin Cavusoglu | (Section 2)
ECON 365: Economic Development
John Subrick | (Section 1)
EDUC 310: Teaching in a Diverse Society
Diana Meza | (Section 1)
Diana Meza | (Section 2)
Ruthie Bosch | (Section 3)
HUMN 201: Introduction to Humanitarian Affairs
Daniel Beers
JUST 352: Global Migration
Daniel Beers
JUST 356: Refugees and Humanitarian Response
Daniel Beers
POSC 367: U.S. Immigration and Refugee Law
Jennifer Byrne
POSC/WGSS 383: Women and Politics in Comparative Perspective
Kristin Wylie
SCOM 248: Intercultural Communication
Ashlyn Johns | (Section 1)
Ashlyn Johns | (Section 2)
Michael Broderick | (Section 3)
Michael Broderick | (Section 4)
Reslie Cortés | (Section 5)
Reslie Cortés | (Section 6)
SPAN 365: Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Diana Galarreta-Aima
SPAN 375: Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Diana Galarreta-Aima
JUST 301-5: *by course directive Crimmigration
Graciela Perez
THEA 303: *by course directive Community-Engaged & Activist Theatre
Rachel Rhoades
Fall 2024 Courses
Core Courses
LAXC 252: Introduction to Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean Studies
To return in Spring 2025
LAXC 252H: Introduction to Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean Studies - Honors
Kristen McCleary
SPAN 308: Latin American Cultures
Tomás Regalado-López
Elective Courses
ECON 270: International Economics
John Subrick | (Section 1)
John Subrick | (Section 2)
ECON 312: Comparative Economic Systems
Nevin Cavusoglu
EDUC 310*: Teaching in a Diverse Society
Diana Meza | (Section 1)
Diana Meza | (Section 2)
Ruthie Bosch | (Section 3)
Ruthie Bosch | (Section 4)
HIST 437: Latin America and Latin Americans Through Film: Focus on the Twentieth Century
Kristen McCleary
LAXC 299***: Internship in Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
Verónica Dávila Ellis
POSC 341: Social Movements in the US & Abroad
Kristin Wylie
POSC 376: Introduction to Black Politics
Jaimee Swift
POSC 377: Global Black Feminist Politics: On Power, Resistance and Transformation
Jaimee Swift
POSC 397: The Politics Of International Economic Relations
Hakseon Lee
SOCI 318**: Sociology of Immigration
David Trouille
SPAN 321: Written and Oral Communication for Heritage Speakers
Verónica Dávila Ellis
SPAN 365: Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Diana Galarreta-Aima
SPAN 375: Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Diana Galarreta-Aima
SPAN 385: Latin American Short Story
Tomás Regalado-López
SPAN 404: Spanish in the US
Jennifer Lang-Rigal
SPAN 485: Business and Society in Latin America
Verónica Haun
SPAN 492: Latinx Community Engagement
Karina Kline-Gabel
Course Directives
ENG 221-4: Literature / Culture / Ideas [C2L] - The Fantastic Feminine
María José Delgadillo
HON 300-6: The Unfinished Journey of People of Color in the United States
H Gelfand
HON 300-13: Documenting Undocumented Lives
Allison Fagan
JUST 328***: Race, Class, and Justice
Gianluca De Fazio
JUST 357***: Environmental Justice
Case Watkins
SCOM 248: Intercultural Communication
Carlos Aleman | (Section 1)
Michael Broderick | (Section 2)
Mohammad Ala Uddin | (Section 3)
Mohammad Ala Uddin | (Section 4)
SCOM 347: Communication, Diversity, and Popular Culture
Kathryn Hobson
SPAN 330: Business Spanish
Veronica Haun | (Section 1)
Veronica Haun | (Section 2)
SPAN 335: Introduction to Hispanic Literature
Yenisei Montes de Oca | (Section 1)
Yenisei Montes de Oca | (Section 2)
Summer 2024
Study Abroad:
HIST 341: Selected Themes in World History
Study Abroad- Argentina
POSC 371: Selected Themes in World History: Argentine Politics and Society
Study Abroad- Argentina
SPAN 446: Special Topics in Spanish Literature
Study Abroad- Argentina
SPAN 447: Special Topics in Spanish Culture
Study Abroad- Argentina
SPAN 365S: Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Study Abroad- Spain
SPAN 385S: Latin American Short Story
Study Abroad- Spain
Maymester (05/20/2024 - 06/14/2024):
SPAN 308: Latin American Cultures
Verónica Davila Ellis | Asynchronous | Core
June Semester (06/17/2024 - 07/12/2024):
SPAN 375: Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Diana Galarreta-Aima | Asynchronous | Elective
Spring 2024 Courses
Core Courses
Bill Van Norman |
SPAN 308: Latin American Culture
Tomás Regalado-López
Elective Courses
ECON 270: International Economics
Nevin Cavusoglu | (Section 1)
Nevin Cavusoglu | (Section 2)
ECON 365: Economic Development
John Subrick | (Section 1)
John Subrick | (Section 2)
EDUC 310 - 1/2/3/4: Teaching in a Diverse Society
Diana Meza | (Section 1)
Diana Meza | (Section 2)
Ruthie Bosch | (Section 3)
Diana Meza | (Section 4)
ENG 367: Latinx Horror
Jason Baltazar
HIST 368: Blurred Borders: A Cultural History of the Caribbean, Latin America and the United States
Kristen McClearty
LAXC 299: Internship in Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
Verónica Dávila Ellis
SPAN 321: Oral and Written Communication for Heritage Speakers
Verónica Dávila Ellis
SPAN 365: Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Diana Galarreta-Aima
SPAN 375: Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Diana Galarreta-Aima
SPAN 395: Latin American Poetry
Tomás Regalado-López
SPAN 404: Spanish in the United States
Jennifer Lang-Rigal
SPAN 476: Culture and Medicine in Latin America
Diana Galarreta-Aima
Course Directives
ENG / WGSS 368: Women’s Literature: Found in Translation: Women from Latin America
María José Delgadillo
POSC 367: U.S. Immigration and Refugee Law
Jennifer Byrne
SCOM 248: Intercultural Communication
Mohammad Ala Uddin | (Section 1)
Michael Broderick | (Section 2)
Reslie Cortés | (Section 3)
Mohammad Ala Uddin | (Section 4)
Summer 2023
Study Abroad:
HIST 341S/POSC 371S: Selected Themes in World History: Argentine Politics and Society
Kristen McCleary | Study Abroad- Argentina
SPAN 446: Special Topics in Spanish Literature
Study Abroad- Argentina
SPAN 447: Special Topics in Spanish Culture
Study Abroad- Argentina
SPAN 365S: Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Study Abroad- Salamanca
SPAN 385S: Latin American Short Story
Study Abroad- Salamanca
Maymester (05/22/2023 - 06/16/2023):
POSC 351: Topics in American Politics: Race and Ethnic Politics
Rachel Torres | Asynchronous | Elective
SPAN 308: Latin American Cultures
Verónica Davila Ellis | Asynchronous | Core
June Semester (06/20/2023 - 07/14/2023):
SPAN 375: Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Diana Galaretta | Asynchronous | Elective
SPAN 476: Culture and Medicine in Latin America
Diana Galaretta | Asynchronous | Elective
Fall 2023 Courses
Core Courses
Kristen McCleary
POSC 350: Latin American Politics
Chris Blake
SPAN 308: Latin American Cultures
Tomás Regalado-López
Elective Courses
ANTH 364: Anthropology of the US/Latin American Border(s)
Becca Howes-Mischel
ECON 270-1/2: International Econ
Phil Heap | (Section 1)
Nevin Cavusoglu |
ECON 312: Comparative Economic Systems*
Zachary Gochenour
EDUC 310-1/2/3/4: Teaching in a Diverse Society
Diana Meza | (Section 1)
Diana Meza |
Ruthie Bosch |
Ruthie Bosch | (Section 4)
HIST 447- South America (Memory and History)*
Kristen McCleary
HON 200-3: Multi-Cultural America
Fawn-Amber Montoya
LAXC 299: Internship in Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
Kristin Wylie
SOCI 318: Sociology of Immigration
David Trouille
SPAN 321: Written and Oral Communication for Heritage Speakers
Verónica Davila Ellis
SPAN 365: Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Diana Galarreta
SPAN 375: Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Diana Galarreta
SPAN 385: Latin American Short Story
Tomás Regalado
SPAN 404: Spanish in the United States
Jennifer Lang-Rigal
SPAN 485: Business and Society in Latin America
Veronica Haun
SPAN 492: Latinx Community Engagement
Karina Kline-Gabel
Course Directives
ENG 221-4: Literature / Culture / Ideas [C2L] - The Fantastic Feminine
Majo Delgadillo
ENG 302-2: Special Topics in Literature and Language: Caribbean Writers
Lauren Alleyne
HON 300-8/IDLS 385: The Unfinished Journey of People of Color in the United States
H Gelfand
JUST 328: Race, Class, and Justice
Graciela Perez
JUST 357: Environmental Justice
Case Watkins
POSC 341: Social Movements in the US & Abroad
Kristin Wylie
POSC 371-1:Topics in Comparative Politics (Black Politics)
Jaimee Swift
POSC 371-2: Topics in Comparative Politics (Global Black Feminist Politics)
Jaimee Swift
SCOM 248-1/2/3/4/5/6: Intercultural Communications
Michael Broderick | (Section 1)
Michael Broderick |
Mohammad Ala Uddin | (Section 5)
Mohammad Ala Uddin | (Section 6)
SCOM 313-2: Topics in Communication Studies: IMMIGRANT ADVOCACY
Carlos Alemán
SCOM 347: Communication, Diversity, and Popular Culture
Reslie Cortes
Spring 2023 Courses
Core Courses:
SPAN 308: Latin American Cultures
Tomás Regalado-López
Elective Courses:
EDUC 310: Teaching in a Diverse Society
Diana Meza | (Section 1)
Diana Meza |
Ruthie Bosch | (Section 3)
Ruthie Bosch |
GEOG 339: Geography of the Caribbean
Mary Kimsey
HIST 401-2: Slave Trade & Capitalism
Bill Van Norman |
HON 200-2: Multicultural Leadership
Gabriel Driver, Fawn-Amber Montoya
HON 300-12: Latinx Voices
Fawn-Amber Montoya
LAXC 299:
SPAN 365:
SPAN 375:
SPAN 395: Latin American Poetry
Tomás Regalado
SPAN 404:
SPAN 476: Culture and Medicine in Latin America
Diana Galarreta-Aima
Course Directives:
ENG 221-2: Literature / Culture / Ideas [C2L]
ENG 367: Latinx Literature
Jason Baltazar
JUST 356: Refugees & Humanitarian Response
Daniel Beers
POSC 366: Politics of Race & Ethnicity
Rachel Torres
POSC 367: U.S. Immigration and Refugee Law
Jennifer Byrne
SCOM 248: Intercultural Communication
Michael Broderick |
THEA 303: