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Carlos Alemán

Associate Professor of Communication Studies

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Jason Baltazar

Assistant Professor, English

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Daniel Beers

Associate Professor, Justice Studies

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Charles Blake

Professor, Political Science

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Andrew Connell

Professor, Music

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Reslie Cortés

Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

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Verónica Dávila Ellis

Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

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Majo Delgadillo

Assistant Professor, English

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Diana Meza

Assistant Professor

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Eduardo Duran

Assistant Professor, Sociology

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Allison Fagan

Associate Professor, English

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Diana Galarreta

Associate Professor, Spanish

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Angel A. Garcia Jr.

Assistant Professor of Geology and Environmental Science

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Verónica Haun

Lecturer of Spanish

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Elim Hernandez

Assistant Professor, SMAD

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Becca Howes-Mischel

Minor Advisor; Associate Professor, Anthropology

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Di Hu

Assistant Professor, Anthropology

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Mary Kimsey

Professor, Geographic Science

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Karina Kline-Gabel

Assistant Dean; Lecturer of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures

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Tara Parsons Kristiansen

Associate Professor, Justice Studies

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Jennifer Lang-Rigal

Associate Professor, Spanish

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Kristen McCleary

Associate Professor, History

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Fawn-Amber Montoya

Associate Dean, Honors College; Professor, History

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John Ott

Professor, Art History

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Amy Paugh

Professor, Anthropology

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Perez Graciela

Assistant Professor, Justice Studies

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Tomás Regalado-López

Professor, Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

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Amina Saidou

Foreign Language Dept, Assistant Professor

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Jaimee Swift

Assistant Professor, Political Science

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David Trouille

Associate Professor, Sociology

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William Van Norman

Associate Professor, History

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Felix Wang

Assistant Dean of the Honors College

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Case Watkins

Associate Professor, Justice Studies

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Kristin Wylie

Minor Coordinator; Associate Professor, Political Science

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