Minor Coordinator; Associate Professor, Political Science
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Dr. Kristin Wylie is an Associate Professor of Political Science at JMU. Her teaching interests include gender and politics, comparative and global politics, political institutions, race, development, social movements, and research methods. Her research examines how electoral rules, political parties, and constituencies interact to affect the representativeness and accountability of democracy. She is currently developing a research agenda exploring popular movements for political reform, and connections between women's participation in social movements, electoral politics, and gender equity policy initiatives.
Political Science
Gatto, Malu AC, Pedro AG Dos Santos, and Kristin N. Wylie. "Gendering Coalitional Presidentialism in Brazil." Journal of Politics in Latin America 14.3 (2022): 311-337.
Gatto, Malu AC, and Kristin N. Wylie. "Informal institutions and gendered candidate selection in Brazilian parties." Party Politics 28.4 (2022): 727-738.
Gordillo, Diana Davila, and Kristin N. Wylie. "Party leadership and institutionalization in Latin America." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 2021