Minor Advisor; Professor, Anthropology
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Dr. Becca Howes-Mischel is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and the Advisor for the LAXC minor. She is currently researching the gendered contexts of human microbiome research, which involves interviewing scientists and birth workers and tracking academic and popular narratives about its import and applications. Dr. Howes-Mischel has experience researching in Oaxaca, Mexico, where she examined the broadly overlapping "stakes" of local, national, and global interest in indigenous women's reproductive lives public health spaces (rural clinics, activist seminars, and community education and health campaigns), returned a year later for seven months researching health-seeking and community-building in the Oaxacan diaspora in Southern California, and returned again in 2013 to interview activists and policymakers about how shifts in the global development agendas focused on maternal mortality reductions influences their local projects.
Howes-Mischel, Rebecca. "Teaching Reproductive Politics and Intersectional Empathy through Ethnographic Case Studies." Feminist Pedagogy 3.2 (2023): 3.
Howes-Mischel, Rebecca. "Seeding a future: maternal microbiome as maternal embodiment." Bearing the weight of the world: exploring maternal embodiment (2018): 101-122.
Tracy, Megan, and Rebecca Howes-Mischel. "Gender, Microbial Relations, and the Fermentation of Food 1." Cuizine 9.1 (2018)