Associate Professor, Spanish
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Dr. Diana Galarreta-Aima is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and the coordinator of the Medical Spanish minor. Her research currently focuses on language policies affecting the health of the Spanish-speaking community in the US, and on community service-learning for Spanish Heritage learners. Most recently, Dr. Galarreta-Aima's research focuses on the development and evaluation of Medical Spanish education at the undergraduate level. She has appeared in the Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, the Bulletin of Spanish Studies, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, and other peer-reviewed journals and non-academic journals. Dr. Galarreta-Aima has been working on a new textbook on Medical Spanish titled Intermediate Medical Spanish: a Healthcare Guide for the Latino Patient which was published in the Fall of 2021.
Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Coordinator of the Medical Spanish minor
Nate, Andrea, Diana Galarreta-Aima, and Alyssia Miller De Rutté. "Undergraduate Medical Spanish: The Role of Assessment in Teaching and Learning." (2024).
De Rutté, Alyssia Miller, Diana Galarreta-Aima, and Andrea Nate. "Assessment in Medical Spanish: Challenges and Ideas." Hispania 107.1 (2024): 35-42.
Martinez Gonzalez, Andrea, et al. "COVID-19 beliefs among Hispanic and Latinx Virginians: An application of the health belief model." Frontiers in Communication 7 (2022): 876656.