Black = faculty; Purple = peer tutors & graduate assistants




Anaza, E., Mabrey III, P.E., Sato, M., & Miller, O. (In Press). Improving Student Interview Preparation Through Collaborative Multi-Modal Mock Interview Assignments. Sport Management Educational Journal

Malenke, L.B., Miller, L, Mabrey III, P.E. & Featherstone, J. (In Press). How Genre-Trained Tutors Affect Student Writing and Perceptions of the Writing Center. Writing Center Journal



Anderson-Lain, Mabrey III, P.E., Voth, B., & Lain, B. (In Press). Student Learning Outcomes and High-Impact Practices. In K. Young & D. Cram Helwich (eds.) Reimagining the Future of Intercollegiate Debate: Pedagogy, Practice, and Sustainability. Wayne State University Press. 

Bryan, L. (2022). In Between Places. Stonington, Connecticut. Homebound Publications. 

Featherstone, J. (2021). Metacognition and Transfer: A Cross-Institutional Study of Writing Center Clients and Non-Clients. Praxis, 18 (3). 
Green, D. A. (2022, May). Developing competence to address undue police violence. Counseling Today

Green, D. A., & Evans, A. M. (2021). Undue police violence towards African Americans: An analysis of professional counselors’ training and perceptions. Journal of Counseling & Development, 99 (4), 363-371. 

Kloubert, T., Mabrey III, P.E., & Hoggan, C. (Eds.) (Under contract, May 2022) Civic Education and Transformation: Possibilities for Individual, Community, and Societal Change. Michigan State University Press. 

Kloubert, T & Mabrey III, P.E. (2022). Civic Education as Transformative Education. Journal of Transformative Education 20(3), 167-175. 

Mabrey III, P.E., Boston-Hill, K.E., Stellljes, D., & Boersma, J. Stelljes, D., Boersma, J. (2021). Debate for Civic Learning: A model for renewing higher education’s civic mission. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(4), 100-110. 

Shepard, C. F., Fleitas, K. M., & Green, D. A., & Sturm, D. (2021). Informing consent: A grounded theory study of parents of transgender and gender diverse youth seeking gender-confirming endocrinological interventions. The Professional Counselor, 11 (4), doi:10.15241/cfs.11.4.440 

Trybus, M.J. & Gravett, E., (2022). Leaning Toward Joy: Affective Labor, ADHD, and Being Alt-Ac. In L.S. Bessette (Ed.), Affective Labor and Alt-Ac Careers (1st ed., pp. 183-200). University Press of Kansas.  

Bryan, L. (2020). The Green Man: On Cultivating Antiracist Imagination. Retrieved May 31, 2021, from 

Featherstone, Jared. “Contemplative WAC: Testing a Mindfulness-Based Reflective Writing Assignment.” The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, vol. 25, no. 1, Sept. 2020, 

Green, D. A., Williams, B. A, & Park, K. (in press) Crisis counseling for Black Lives Matter protests. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 

Green, D. A., & Evans, A. M. (in press). Undue police violence towards African Americans: An analysis of professional counselors’ training and perceptions. Journal of Counseling & Development. 

Kurr, J.A. & Mabrey III, P.E. (2020). Structured Debates. Journal of Faculty Development 34(3), 62-63. 

Leventhal, B.C., Miller, L.K. and Trybus, M. (2021), The SELAP Continuum: How to Assess Student Employee Learning and Job Performance. Assessment Update, 33: 4-15. 

Miller, L.K. (2020). Can We Change Their Minds?: Investigating an Embedded Tutor’s Influence on Students’ Mindsets and Writing. The Writing Center Journal 38(1): 105-130. 

Schick, K. & Miller, L. (2021). So what? The writer’s argument (3rd edition). New York, NY. Oxford University Press.  

Schick, K. & Miller, L. (2021). So what? The writer’s argument (3rd edition, Readings edition). New York, NY. Oxford University Press. 



Simmons, E., Miller, L.K., Prendergast, C., & McGuigan, C. (2020). Is tutoring stressful?: Measuring tutors’ cortisol levels. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, 44(5-6), 18-25. 

Featherstone, J. (2020). The Magic of Neuroplasticity.,

Green, D. A. (2020). Building resilience across the developmental lifespan. In Sturm, D., Ed. (Summer 2020) Virginia Child Protection Newsletter, 118. Virginia Department of Social Services: Richmond, VA.  

Mabrey III, P.E. (2020). Assessing Academic Support Centers: A Framework for Comprehensive Assessment. Intersection: a Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning, (Winter), 17-21.   



Brigham, M.P. & Mabrey III, P.E. (2018) “’Homeland Security: Fighting Terrorism Since 1492’: A public Chrono-Controversy.” Decolonizing Native American Rhetoric: Communicating Self-Determination (104-124). Peter Lang Publishing. 

Bryan, L. (February, 2019). Island, wilding. Parks and Points. Retrieved from 

Bryan, L. (June 1, 2018). Citizens afield. Earth Island Journal. Retrieved from  

Bryan, L. (March, 2019). In the woods. Newfound. Retrieved from 

Clarke, K., Mabrey III, P.E., & Schubert, C. (2018) Strengthening curricular relationships between libraries and communication centers: A case study at James Madison University. The Communication Center Journal, 4(1), 57-67.   

Featherstone, J., Barrett, R., & Chandler, M. (2019). The mindful tutor. In Johnson, K.G., & Roggenbuck, T. (Ed.), How We Teach Writing Tutors: A WLN Digital Edited Collection. Retrieved from 

Kipps-Vaughan, D., Featherstone, J., Brantmeier, E., Mays-Bernard, M., DuVall, K., & Scofield, S. (2018). Many Rivers, One Ocean: An Initiative for Contemplative Study and Practice. Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 5(1), 15.    

Lee, M.R., Mabrey III, P.E., Smith, E.L., Roy, M.M., Takahashi, L., Mack, K., and Donovan, K.J. (2018). Madison Matters: Campus climate at James Madison University. (Technical Report). Harrisonburg, VA: JMU Cultural and Racial Diversity Studies Lab. 

Olson, K., Smyth, J. D., & Cochran, B. (2018). Item Location, the Interviewer–Respondent Interaction, and Responses to Battery Questions in Telephone Surveys. Sociological Methodology, 48(1), 225-268. 

Pasewaldt, S. E., Baller, S. L., Blackstone, S. R. & Bryan Malenke, L. (2018). “Impact of a Hand Hygiene Curriculum and Group Handwashing Station at Two Primary Schools in East Africa.” International Quarterly of Community Health Education 0(0): 1-13. Retrieved from    

Richards, K. & Mabrey III, P.E. (2018) “College Debate Community Climate: Data from the 2014 and 2015 College Policy Debate Survey.” Speaker & Gavel 54(2), 44-51.

Trybus, M. J., Breneman, D. L., Gravett, E. O., (2019) Ableism, Accessibility, and Educational Development. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Summer 2019: 59-68.



Malenke, L. (2016, March). “Dirty Hands.” The Fourth River.

Malenke, L. (2016, Spring). “A review of Beautiful Affliction by Lene Fogelberg.” Rain Taxi Review of Books. Print edition.

Malenke, L. (2015, October). “In Between Places.” Quarterly West.



Mabrey III, P.E. & Richards, K. (2017). Evidence based decision-making and assessment for the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA). Contemporary Argumentation & Debate.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2017). “The CEDA-Miller Center War Powers Debates: A case for intercollegiate debate’s civic roles.” In Speech and Debate as Civic Education. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.

Liu, J.C, Mabrey III, P.E., Rufo, J.R. & Miller, E. (2017). Elevator Pitch: Teaching Digital Communication Literacy with Peer Consultation and Self-Assessment. In S.P. Ferris and H.A. Wilder (eds.) Unplugging from the Classroom. Chandos Publishing.

Normand, P., Senio, A., & Luciano, M. (2017). Best strategies for implementing digital assignments. Deconstructing the education-industrial complex in the digital age. IGI Global.

Schick, K. & Schubert, L. (2017). So What? The Writer’s Argument. (2nd ed). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Schick, K. & Schubert, L.  (2017). So What? The Writer’s Argument, Readings edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Shrewsbury, K. M. (2016). Learning Module: Readiness: Teaching English Language Learners. In Beverley, C. (Ed.) Alternate Development Pathways: Preparing Mid-Career Professionals to Switch Careers. Virginia Department of Education funded online training program.



Schick, K., & Schubert, L. (2014). So what? The writer’s argument. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Tate, G., Taggart, A.R., Schick, K., & Hessler, H.B. (Eds.). (2014). A guide to composition pedagogies. (2nd ed). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Taggart, A.R., Schick, K., & Hessler, H.B.. (2014). What is composition pedagogy? In G. Tate, A.R. Taggart, K. Schick, & H.B. Hessler, (Eds.).  A guide to composition pedagogies (1-19). (2nd ed). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.



Miller, C., Gipson, K., Thompson, M., & Mabrey III, P.E. (2022, June). Evidence-based Advocacy Module for First-year Engineering Design Projects Workshop. American Society for Engineering Education. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2021, March). Turning toward Blackness: A response to Nimisha Ladva’s “Is the Communication Center Racist?” National Association of Communication Centers

Conference, Greenville, SC (virtual).

Cochran, B., Breneman, D., Collozao, E., DePaolis, R., & Tam, M. (2019). Class Matters: Social Class and Equity on Campus, JMU Diversity Conference, Harrisonburg, VA. 

Malenke, L, Miller, L, Shawver, C, and Dunard, N. (2019) “Genre Knowledge as Artisanship: The Craft of Discipline-Specific Writing Tutorials.” International Writing Centers Association Conference. Columbus. 

Trybus, M, Miller, L, and Leventhal, B. (2019). “Beyond Buy-in: Inspiring Faculty Participation in Assessment.” Assessment Institute. Indianapolis. 

Miller, L. (2019). “How Do Students’ Mindsets Influence Their Writing?” Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC). Pittsburgh. 

Mabrey III, P.E. (2018, November). “Learning Center Assessment as Bricolage: Interdisciplinary assessment for academic support programs.” Virginia Assessment Group Conference Charlottesville, VA.   


Normand, P., Matarazzo, M., & Jarrett, C. (2017, Oct). Free Content Creation Tools. Presented at the Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Kennedy, S., Castro, M., Lacy, E., Mayhay, D., & Jefferson, K. (2017, April). Playing hurt: Helping stressed and distressed students in the writing center. Panel presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Reading, PA.

Clay, M. & Mabrey III, P.E. (2017). Relations of Empowerment, Domination, and Ethical Freedom: A Case Study of Self-Analysis. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers, Grand Rapids, MI.

Mabrey III, P.E., Donovan, K.J., Mack, K. & Lee, M.R. (2017).  Madison Matters: Fostering Institutional Change through Student Research on Campus Climate. Strategic Planning Session at the American Association of Colleges & Universities Diversity, Learning, and Student        Success: Voices Leading Change Conference Jacksonville, FL.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2017). Assessing Argumentation Across Higher Education: An Instrument Validation Study. Paper presented at the annual School of Strategic Leadership Studies   Research Forum, Harrisonburg, VA.

Richards, K. & Mabrey III, P.E. (2016). College Debate Community Climate: Data form the 2014 and 2015 College Policy Debate Survey. Top Paper Panel presented at the annual National  Communication Association Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA.

Smith, E. L., Donovan, K. J., Howard, K. A., Takahashi, L. S., Yung, R., Roy, M. M., Uyguner, N., Mabrey III, P. E., & Lee, M. R. (2016). Experiences of Discrimination by College Students with Disabilities. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Malenke, L. “Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Disciplinary Writing through Empirical Research” at the International Writing Centers Association Conference, Nov 2015, Pittsburgh.

Normand, P. (2016, June) Digital Assignments across the Curriculum: Experiences from Course-embedded Peer Tutors. Invited speaker at the Virginia Writing Centers Association Meeting, Lexington, VA.

Schubert, L. & Schick, K. (2016, November). Evidence-based micro-assessment.  International Writing Centers Association Conference, Denver.

Shrewsbury, K. Poster presentation: “Relational Capital: Building Trust Across Work Boundaries With Undergraduates : A synthesis of literature integrating RCT, intellectual mattering, and Millennial retention and engagement practices for developing 21st century skills sets a backdrop to an employer’s personal narrative about cultivating social capital with undergraduate employees at a 4-year institution.” Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, St. Scholastic College in Duluth, Minnesota.


Barrett, R. (2016, March). 'Rudy' or 'Rodolfo': The effect of the perceived ethnic identity of tutors' names on scheduled writing consultations. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Philadelphia.

Boyd, C., Johnson, T., Kilgore, J., & Miles, K. (2016). Connecting client confidence and tutor techniques: A study furthering tutoring training practices. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Collazo, K. (2016, March). Cross-training between centers: Collaboration working with English language learners. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Philadelphia.

Featherstone, Jared, Rudy Barrett, and Maya Chandler. “The Mindful Tutor: Evolution of Consciousness in the Writing Center." International Writing Centers Association Conference, Nov 2015, Pittsburgh.

Horton, C., Rosen, R., Slonim, L., & Winter, H. (2016, April). Transferable skills Taught at Communication Centers. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2016). Transforming Centers through Comprehensive Assessment: Moving toward good practices for learning improvement. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2016). Measuring the Change: Rhetorical criticism as a method of accountability for postsecondary education policymaking. Presented at the Rhetoric Society of American national conference at Atlanta, GA.

Mabrey III, P.E. & Richards, K. (2016) Evidence based decision-making and assessment for the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA): CEDA Census 2014. Presented at the Annual Southern States Communication Association Convention at Austin, TX.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2015). Recovering Argumentation Education through Debate Across the Curriculum: A Case Study in Debating Toward Business Leadership. Presented at the National Communication Association/American Forensics Association Summer Conference on Argumentation Alta, UT.

Fisher-Bodkin, A., Rosier, J., & Miles, K. (2015). A Critical-Rhetorical Case Study of the Queer Politics of Dan Savage. Paper presented at the annual National Communication Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Miller, E. & Thurgood, K. (2016, April). Center Marketing and Utilization: A Case Study at James Madison University. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Normand, P., Sullivan, P., Dredger, K., & Esparraguera, E.. (2015, Oct) Electronic Portfolios in JMU’s READ Program. Presented at the Virginia Association of Teachers of English Conference, Richmond, VA.

Normand, P. (2015, April) Three Apps to improve the function of your tutoring center.  Presented at the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Normand, P., Harner, A., Lundberg, S., & Dominick, J. (2015, April) Free content tools for digital creation. Presented at the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Normand, P., Harner, A., Lundberg, S, & Dominick, J. (2015, April) Embedding digital tutors across the curriculum. Presented at the Association of Colleges for Tutoring and Learning Assistance Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Schick, K. (2016, March). Evidence-based proxy assessment: Proposing a Writing Center Research Collaboration.  Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Philadelphia.

Schick, K. (2016, March). Starting with questions: Teaching Argument as investigation. Student Success in Writing Conference, Savannah.

Schick, K. (2015, July). Recovering rhetoric in the introductory writing curriculum. Biennial National Communication Association/American Forensic Association Conference on Argumentation, Alta, Utah.


Covington, B. (2015, April). Expanding tutor training: ELL tutoring as translingual practice. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Featherstone, J., and Trybus, M. (2015, April). Writing centers and Disability Services: Collaborating to empower. Workshop presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Green, L., & Schubert, C. (2015, April). A tale of two Liaisons: Exploring library-writing center alliances. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Lazowski, R.A. (2015, May). Meta-analysis and academic motivation: A tutorial and systematic review.  Invited presenter for the Psychological Interventions in Educational Settings (PIES) Group, Stanford University, Stanford, California.

Lazowski, R. A., Hulleman, C. S. (2015, April). Motivation interventions in education: A meta-analytic review. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2015, April). Rethinking Communication Centers for the 21st Century: From Public Speaking to Public Advocacy. Presented at the 2015 National Association of Communication Centers Annual Conference at University of Mary Washington Fredericksburg, VA.

Mabrey III, P.E. (2015, April). The Director’s Dilemma. Presented at the 2015 National Association of Communication Centers Annual Conference at University of Mary Washington Fredericksburg, VA.

Horton, C., Mabrey III, P., Matt, R., Rogowski, E. & Smithberger, L. (2015, April). Reaching Out from the Center: Coming Together through Outreach & Engagement. Presented at the 2015 National Association of Communication Centers Annual Conference at University of Mary Washington Fredericksburg, VA.

Kurr, J.A. & Mabrey III, P.E. (2015, March). The Protopublic Debate Space. Presented at the 2015 Speech and Debate as Civic Education Conference at Pennsylvania State University College Station, PA. *

La Freniere, E. (2015, April). Writing on the brain: Evolution, thought, speech, writing, and tutoring writing. Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference. Harrisonburg, VA. ERIC WAS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE LC/UWC IN SPRING 2015 (he last served in Spring 2014)

Miller, E. (2015, April). The influence policy debate can have on tutoring in undergraduate learning centers. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference, Fredericksburg, VA.

Miller, E. (2015, April). A Feminist Understanding of the Islamic State. Paper presented at the annual Virginia Commonwealth University Politics and Government Student Research Conference, Richmond, VA.

Normand, P., Senio, A., O’Shea, M., & Vucci, M. (2015, May) Integrating Digital Media in the Classroom: Advice from Peer Tutors. Presented at the May Symposium Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Schick, K., & Jefferson, K. (2015, April). Assessment with vision: Making an assessment plan for your center. Workshop presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Schubert, L., & Johnson, K. (2015, April). Writing center in the learning commons: Opportunities, pitfalls, and administrative strategies. Workshop presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Schubert, L, Schick, K. & Smith, B. (2015). So what? Teaching students to craft compelling arguments. Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC), Tampa.

Sharp, K., Barrella, E., O'Donnell, T., & Pierrakos, O. (2015, April). STEM & writing: The Writing Fellows Program. Project presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Simmons, E., & Prendergast, C. (2015, April). Sharing of academic disciplines in the writing center.” Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association Conference, Harrisonburg, VA.

Smithberger, L. (2015, April) Facilitating learning through facilitation: How facilitation skills can inform tutoring best practices. Paper presented at the annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference, Fredericksburg, VA.

Smithberger, L. (2015, April). Framing the Public Discourse Across Time: National Issues Forums Guides on Immigration in the U.S. (1986-2013). Paper presented at the Eastern Communication Association annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Thurgood, K. (2015, April). Collaboration project on the Center for Interdsiciplinary Studies on Terror and Peace. Paper presented at the Summit, Harrisonburg, VA.


Allen, Rachel, Drea Ewen, Katherine Keppel, & Kathleen Krist. “Organized Chaos: The Adventures of a Drop-In Center.” Association for the Tutoring Profession Conference. March 2014.

Beavers, Traymon and Oumar Sacko. “Thinking Outside the Box: A Different Approach to Tutoring.” Association for the Tutoring Profession Conference. March 2014.

Buhler, E. (2014, March). The center outside: Writing center pedagogy adapted for business and technical consulting. Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis.

Caperton, B., Jefferson, K., Schubert, L., & Schick, K. (2014, March). The costs of openness: Tutor health and emotional wellbeing. International Writing Centers Association/College Composition & Communication Collaborative, Indianapolis.

Grandinetti, Justin. (2014, April). Netflix, temporality and the future of communal television. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Chicago.



Paul Mabrey & Communication Center received 4VA Advancing the Commonwealth grant, OER Communication Center Training, 2022-2023. 
Kristen Kelley was co-awarded the Provost’s Diversity Curriculum Development & Research Grant for a LGBTQ Studies Program. 
Paul Mabrey & James Madison University received Colonial Academic Alliance Innovation/Collaboration, CAA Debate for Civic Learning, 2020-2022 
Paul Mabrey & Communication Center received 4-VA Advancing the Commonwealth, Debate for Civic Learning, 2018-2019 
Paul Mabrey & Communication Center received 4-VA Advancing the Commonwealth, Debate Across the Curriculum, 2016-2017 

Mabrey III, Paul. 4VA Advancing the Commonwealth Debate Across the Curriculum, Fall 2016. Co-P.I. for $4,000 to design, implement, and assess the impact of debate and argument pedagogy in exceptional education courses at James Madison University and George Mason University.

Mabrey III, Paul. Gilliam Center for Free Enterprise & Ethical Leadership Debate Across the Curriculum, Fall 2014. Sole P.I. for $7,000 grant to design, implement and assess the impact of debate and argumentation pedagogy on undergraduate business leadership development.

Mabrey III, Paul. JMU-BRCC Community College Transfer Student Alignment Grant, Summer 2014. Team member for $7,850 grant to design and implement a workshop for JMU/BRCC faculty to align curriculum & assessment to improve the basic communication, writing and critical thinking skills of students transferring from BRCC to JMU.

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