The Learning Centers offer free tutoring and learning assistance by trained faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Our programs offer discipline-specific, customized instruction to help JMU students take their learning to the next level. See the details below for more information about each program!
Communication Center
The Communication Center helps students develop skills in public speaking, library research, small group communication, and advocacy through workshops, individual and small group tutoring, and online resources. The Communication Center also offers faculty support and resources!
English Language Consultations
Faculty and students seeking English language support may make an appointment for a one-to-one custom consultation in person or online. English Language Consultations often include working on written or oral academic assignments from all disciplines, including theses and dissertations, as well as publications.
Peer Academic Coaching (PAC)
Peer Assisted Study Sessions
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS, or Supplemental Instruction) provide student-facilitated academic support for difficult courses across campus, especially in science and math. Evening study sessions to reinforce course content and help students develop study skills.
Science and Math Learning Center
The Science and Math Learning Center (SMLC) offers drop-in tutoring and online resources to help students understand course content, homework assignments and lab reports in many first and second year physics, chemistry, math, and statistics courses.
University Writing Center
The University Writing Center (UWC) offers tutoring, consultations, workshops, and online resources to support all types of writing, including class assignments, scholarly articles, fiction and personal narratives, and professional writing. The UWC also supports faculty in their teaching, scholarly, and service efforts related to writing.