Qianyu Tan image


ESOL Tutor

Qianyu Tan, also called Tansy in the US, joined ELLS in spring 2018 and served a language tutor supporting English and Mandarin, and facilitated English Conversation Corner. An international student from Guizhou, China, Qianyu came to JMU as a Study Group student in 2014. Her passion is accounting, and she both majored in accounting and is working on her master's degree in accounting for the 18-19 academic year. Qianyu served as the President of Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA), the Vice President of Bridges International, and as a member of both Beta Gamma Sigma (National Honor Society for Business Schools) and the LINK Program. She also tutored COB 300 Finance at JMU. Qianyu continues to build relationships across campus as a Graduate Assistant in Accounting. 

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