June 26, 2024
Real Talk: Relationships event
December 10, 2018: With the holiday season approaching, finals drawing near, and roommate tensions on the rise, the Psychology Learning Community (PLC) hosted Real Talk: Relationships as part of their Introductory Psychology course.
Harrisonburg to Beijing: social work in a global context
December 6, 2018: During summer of 2018, social work professor Cindy Hunter completed a study tour in China that afforded her useful insight and new ideas.
Social work hosts homecoming open house
December 5, 2018: For the second year, the social work department opened its doors for alumni to tour the new facilities and spend time catching up with former and current classmates and professors during homecoming weekend.
Tackling mental health care in nursing
December 3, 2018: Fostering an innovation-rich environment, JMU SON created a psychiatric mental health simulation that will empower and prepare students to develop clinical competencies in psychiatric healthcare.
Emotional intelligence and occupational therapy
November 29, 2018: In October 2018, associate professor Jeanne Wenos and former program director Twylla Kirchen led an evidence-based presentation at the annual Leadership in Higher Education Conference.
JMU’s Caregiver Hack team
November 27, 2018: The Lindsay Institute for Innovations in Caregiving in conjunction with the Virginia Navigator and Troutman Sanders, LLC sponsored and coordinated the statewide Caregiver’s Hack in downtown Richmond, Virginia.
#CHBSChats with Grace Cuevas
November 27, 2018: #CHBSChats with Grace Cuevas (Social Work) - Our series of informal chats with students
Social work students study environmental justice and civil rights connection
November 27, 2018: What is the connection between environmental justice and civil rights? Social work students had an opportunity to learn the answer from Rev. Dr. Gerald Dudley a long-term civil rights activist from Atlanta.
Kinesiology student finds passion in summer internship
November 12, 2018: Senior kinesiology major Alex Popescu’s internship at Overlook Medical Center, a hospital located in Summit, New Jersey, ignited a passion for working with residential patients.
Internships in Australia result in life-changing experiences
November 9, 2018: The JMU Internship in Australia is designed to provide students in kinesiology, sports and recreation management and hospitality management a global internship experience.
Laura Hunt Trull wins Research and Scholarship award
November 9, 2018: Social work professor Laura Hunt Trull believes that receiving the Research and Scholarship Outstanding Faculty Award is an endorsement of the values she holds dearest.
Nursing professor becomes an AAN Fellow
November 7, 2018: Melody Eaton, a professor in the School of Nursing, recently received the designation of a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (AAN).
#CHBSChats with Blake Rogers
November 7, 2018: #CHBSChats with Blake Rogers (Physician Assistant) - Our series of informal chats with students
JMU nurses win 40 under 40 awards
November 5, 2018: JMU professor Joe Tacy and RN-to-BSN graduate Ava Speciale, received the Virginia Nurses Foundation’s (VNF) 40 under 40 award for their outstanding leadership, professional practice and community impact.
Department of Health Professions welcomes new academic unit head
November 5, 2018: Recent rapid growth in CHBS’s health programs lead to the creation of a new academic unit in 2018. A search successfully identified Kirk Armstrong as the head of the new Department of Health Professions.
JMU alumna assists with groundbreaking human behavior database
November 5, 2018: For JMU alumna Olivia Jewell (’16), one statement from professor Melanie Shoup-Knox in her first biopsychology class caught her attention and lead her on a path toward a successful career.
#CHBSChats with Andrea Pope
October 31, 2018: #CHBSChats with Andrea Pope (Assessment & Measurement - Graduate Psychology) - Our series of informal chats with students
HSA internships lead to full-time jobs
October 31, 2018: For two health services administration (HSA) alumni, Christopher Nichols (‘18) and Alexa Karkhanis (‘18), their internship experiences resulted in full-time jobs.
Jessica Irons receives Ford Award
October 29, 2018: Jessica Irons, the 2018 recipient of the Ford Faculty Endowment award, is the first psychology professor to receive this award
Assessment and Measurement Students and Faculty Attend Annual Conference of the Northeast Educational Research Association (NERA)
October 26, 2018: Students and faculty members from the Assessment and Measurement PhD program and the Quantitative Psychology Master’s program attended the annual meeting of the Northeast Educational Research Association in Trumbull, MA
Exercise Science student interns in Texas
October 24, 2018: Brady Hepner, an exercise science major, plans to attend graduate school for physical therapy (PT) but chose instead to accept an internship at the University of Texas at San Antonio in strength and conditioning.
Gaining hands-on experience in the assessment and measurement field
October 24, 2018: Thai Ong, a third-year student in JMU’s Assessment and Measurement (A&M) Ph.D. program, found two highly immersive and rewarding internships that strengthened his professional skills and competencies.
#CHBSChats with Shanelle Bailey
October 24, 2018: #CHBSChats with Shanelle Bailey (Psychology) - Our series of informal chats with students
Occupational therapy students attend ASIST workshop for suicide prevention
October 22, 2018: Recently, second-year OT students along with students in the School Counseling Program participated in a workshop known as Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST).
Dietetics graduate continues studies in Campus Recreation
October 16, 2018: After Brian Tran (’17) obtained a bachelor’s degree in dietetics and nutritional sciences, he decided to pursue a Master of Science degree in sport and recreation leadership with a focus on campus recreation.
Psychology professor hosts parent conference
October 16, 2018: On September 22, the psychology department hosted a one-day educational and personal development conference on parenting for the Harrisonburg community.
Students participate in Summer Autism Camp
October 9, 2018: A collaborative group of students served 11 children with autism and their families through the Summer Autism Camp at JMU’s Occupational Therapy Clinical Education Services this past summer.
#CHBSChats with Eddie Marshall
October 9, 2018: #CHBSChats with Eddie Marshall (Athletic Training) - Our series of informal chats with students
Specializing in student health
October 5, 2018: After working in the emergency room of Sentara RMH for three years, Jessica Sampson accepted a PA position at the JMU Health Center this past January.
Occupational therapy welcomes new program director
October 5, 2018: Dorne brings a bright energy, fresh ideas and an impressive résumé of experience to her new role as director of the occupational therapy program.
Helping patients with Parkinson's Disease
October 5, 2018: Every year, VOTA provides $1,000 scholarships to three students who show academic and professional excellence, and a strong desire to serve the community.
Finney speaks at alma mater
October 3, 2018: Finney was invited to the University of Nebraska, her alma mater, to speak with the faculty and students of the QQPM graduate programs and staff from the Buros Center.
Flaten finds a niche in JMU kinesiology
October 2, 2018: I figured I would move somewhere that would challenge me physically, and now JMU is challenging me mentally to grow as a well-rounded individual.
#CHBSChats with Amber Tordoff
October 1, 2018: #CHBSChats with Amber Tordoff (Physician Assistant - Health Professions) - Our series of informal chats with students
#CHBSChats with Rebecca Wilson
September 26, 2018: #CHBSChats with Rebecca Wilson (Nursing) - Our series of informal chats with students
Psychology Peer Advising under new leadership
September 20, 2018: The Psychology Peer Advising (PPA) program has thrived for the past nine years under the leadership of professor Kimberly DuVall, who is handing over the reins as director of the program.
Graduate turns thesis into successful career
September 20, 2018: Rachel Gregory (’16) graduated with a Master of Science degree in nutrition and physical activity. Since then, she has started her own successful business and published a book; all based on her graduate school research.
Health Sciences welcomes new professor
September 20, 2018: After serving as a sabbatical replacement for a year at her alma matter, Berea College, Tracey Thomas began looking for a new position at universities across the U.S. When she found JMU, she fell in love.
PHETE professor wins educator award
September 17, 2018: Kinesiology professor, Cathy McKay, has been recognized as a College/University Health Teacher of the Year by the Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (VAHPERD).
JMU assessment and measurement faculty partner with Carnegie Mellon
August 29, 2018: JMU faculty have formed a strategic partnership with colleagues at Carnegie Mellon
Department of Psychology welcomes new faculty
August 24, 2018: Undergraduate psychology welcomes three new faculty members for fall 2018.
Kinesiology students published in journal
June 21, 2018: Recent graduates published in the spring 2018 VAHPERD journal
Assessment and Measurement students present at the AERA and NCME conferences
May 2, 2018: Students attended the annual meetings of the National Council on Measurement in Education and the American Educational Research Association in April.
#CHBSChats with Scott Caravas
April 30, 2018: #CHBSChats with Scott Caravas (Social Work) - Our series of informal chats with students
Barron reflects on leading JMU's psychology learning community
April 27, 2018: JMU's PLC was founded in 2002 and has been led by Kenn Barron for the past 15 years.
Psychological sciences students excel at measurement conferences
April 27, 2018: Two students represented JMU and the Department of Graduate Psychology at professional conferences
Alumni return to campus to help judge psychology symposium projects
April 27, 2018: As the symposium has grown over the years, it has become more difficult for faculty and graduate students to find sufficient time to judge the posters so the department of psychology invited alumni to assist.
Visiting psychology professor shares workforce insight
April 27, 2018: The psychology department was able to host Eric Landrum as the keynote speaker for the Psychology Symposium on April 22.
2018 Psychology Student Symposium
April 27, 2018: Highlights of the 2018 Undergraduate Psychology Student Symposium
Psychology faculty recognized for outstanding service
April 27, 2018: Three psychology faculty members received College of Health and Behavioral Studies Faculty Awards in 2018. Professors Kenn Barron, David Daniel and David Szwedo stood out for their excellence in teaching and research.
Students work together to provide healthcare at homeless shelters
April 27, 2018: For the past year, students in the nursing, physician assistant and dietetics programs have volunteered with the mobile healthcare service that provides treatment to the local homeless population.
Social work faculty and students attend conference
April 27, 2018: In March, JMU social work faculty members, Laura Hunt Trull and BJ Bryson took 14 students to the annual Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. (BPD) conference in Atlanta.
Social work student presents honors project
April 25, 2018: Senior social work student Haley Lipton’s honors project was accepted for presentation at the 2018 Southern Regional Honors Council Conference.
#CHBSChats with Katherine Kowalk
April 24, 2018: #CHBSChats with Katherine Kowalk (Health Sciences) - Our series of informal chats with students
CSD student receives $20,000 scholarship
April 23, 2018: Communication sciences and disorders (CSD) doctoral candidate, Erin Clinard, has been awarded a $20,000 scholarship by the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD).
Pi Mu Professional Day encourages healthcare research
April 23, 2018: On April 10, 2018, the Pi Mu chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing held their annual Professional Day.
#CHBSChats with Emilee Blosser
April 19, 2018: #CHBSChats with Emilee Blosser (Kinesiology) - Our series of informal chats with students
Students travel to US-Mexico border for service-learning opportunity
April 9, 2018: Over winter break, eleven students and a faculty member coordinated a service-learning trip to San Juan, Texas, a city located along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Guest speaker discusses transgender nutritional needs
April 9, 2018: On Saturday March 17, dietitian Zachari Breeding came to James Madison University to speak to faculty and students about nutritional considerations for the transgender community.
School of Nursing receives Compass Award for Diversity and Inclusion
April 6, 2018: In recognition of its contributions and its commitment to supporting diversity and inclusion, the Office of the President has presented the School of Nursing with the Compass Award for Diversity and Inclusion.
Event: It’s Ok to Die … When You’re Prepared.
April 6, 2018: Join us for an informational talk about advanced directives, tools for making challenging medical decisions, and numerous other action steps to take when “your time” comes.
Events organized for Occupational Therapy Month
April 6, 2018: To celebrate Occupational Therapy Month, the JMU Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA) has planned three activities throughout April focusing on restorative practices and meaningful occupations.
#CHBSChats with Morgan Epps
April 5, 2018: #CHBSChats with Morgan Epps (Social Work) - Our series of informal chats with students
New CSD study abroad in York, England
April 5, 2018: Professor Rory DePaolis will be taking 14 junior CSD majors to the University of York to attend a four-credit linguistics course this summer.
Phi Epsilon Kappa members spend spring break volunteering
April 5, 2018: During spring break of 2018, several members of Phi Epsilon Kappa went to Charlotte, North Carolina to volunteer at Lifespan, a non-profit organization that provides services to individuals with disabilities.
#CHBSChats with Rachel Civale
April 5, 2018: #CHBSChats with Rachel Civale (Nursing) - Our series of informal chats with students
Health sciences students present research at conference
April 4, 2018: On April 18, four teams of JMU health sciences students will travel to the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) in Washington, D.C., to present their own findings on diverse and pressing health topics.
Paralympic athletes visit KIN 100 class
April 3, 2018: Paralympic athletes visited KIN 100 classes to teach wheelchair basketball skills and educate students on the challenges that accompany the sport.
Exchange student completes CSD research
March 29, 2018: Communication sciences and disorders (CSD) professor Chris G. Clinard and German exchange student Lisa M. Jessen completed research about how the brain processes sounds when we are listening with background noise.
Kinesiology students and faculty attend SHAPE conference
March 29, 2018: The 2018 SHAPE National Conference & Expo was held March 20-14 in Nashville.
#CHBSChats with Lexie Trinchere
March 29, 2018: #CHBSChats with Lexie Trinchere (Nursing) - Our series of informal chats with students
Social Work class partners with Open Doors to serve homeless population
March 28, 2018: Since 2014, students in SOWK 317 class have partnered with Open Doors, an organization located in Harrisonburg which provides shelter and support for the local homeless population.
Local healthcare administrators provide new perspectives for HSA students
March 26, 2018: In the Health Services Administration program, working professionals that double as JMU adjunct faculty provide practical and applied perspectives – demonstrating to students the day-to-day operations of healthcare.
Student promotes hand hygiene through public health strategies
March 22, 2018: Health sciences major Stephanie Pasewaldt completed her Honors College capstone project at schools in Uganda and Kenya, where she promoted handwashing through education and infrastructure interventions.
#CHBSChats with Stephanie Pasewaldt
March 22, 2018: #CHBSChats with Stephanie Pasewaldt (Health Sciences) - Our series of informal chats with students
#CHBSChats with Biniam Abraham
March 19, 2018: #CHBSChats with Biniam Abraham (Physician Assistant - Health Professions) - Our series of informal chats with students
Psychology students receive engagement grants
March 5, 2018: Psychology majors Kathia Bonilla and Caleigh Strother both had ideas for ways to serve patients in their field placement settings and received grants to make their ideas into reality.
Students volunteer with rescue squad
March 5, 2018: PA students gain clinical experience while volunteering their time to the Harrisonburg Rescue Squad.
#CHBSChats with Mina Attia
March 2, 2018: #CHBSChats with Mina Attia (Graduate Psychology) - Our series of informal chats with students
2018 CHBS mini-grant recipients announced
March 2, 2018: Congratulations to the recipients of the recent mini-grant competition to support faculty development.
Lincoln Gray discusses engagement with diverse audiences
March 1, 2018: Communication sciences and disorders professor Lincoln Gray's research involves layering multicultural and interdisciplinary perspectives to generate new scientific findings.
JMU hosts Virginia Nursing Students' Association state convention
March 1, 2018: On February 10, 2018, JMU hosted the VNSA state convention offering nursing students an opportunity to learn about different specialties and roles in nursing while fostering professional development.
Simulation based experiences improve cultural competence
February 28, 2018: The School of Nursing has expanded its simulation lab program to include diversity scenarios, enhancing the cultural competence of students through simulated clinical interactions.
Alumna works to improve geriatric care
February 28, 2018: Alumna Jeannette Suter ('99, '02) has worked in numerous roles to promote comprehensive senior care.
#CHBSChats with Kaelie Jager
February 22, 2018: #CHBSChats with Kaelie Jager (Health Sciences) - Our series of informal chats with students
PA program partners with Free Clinic
February 22, 2018: Now in the second year of a five year grant from the Health and Human Services Administration, the Physician Assistant students reflect on their first year experiences at the clinic.
Claire Lyons receives General Education Distinguished Teacher Award
February 19, 2018: Psychology professor Claire Lyons has been awarded the General Education Distinguished Teacher Award in recognition of her dedicated service and ability in teaching students.
#CHBSChats with Taylor Short
February 16, 2018: #CHBSChats with Taylor Short (Graduate Nursing) - Our series of informal chats with students
Giving Day funds make a difference for our Graduate Psychology program
February 16, 2018: The department of Graduate Psychology used its portion of the funding to purchase training materials for Higher Ground, a project aimed at battling adolescent substance abuse in public schools.
Giving Day funds make a difference by funding summer outreach programming
February 16, 2018: The Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services (IIHHS) utilized its portion of last year's gifts to support summer camp programming.
Giving Day funds make a difference for our Kinesiology program
February 16, 2018: The kinesiology department utilized its portion of the funding to cover student travel costs for two regional conferences.
Giving Day funds make a difference for Communications Sciences and Disorders program
February 14, 2018: The department of Communication Sciences and Disorders utilized their Giving Day funding to purchase updated assessment technologies that now serve the adult clinic.
Giving Day funds make a difference for our Psychology program
February 14, 2018: The Department of Psychology allocated their portion towards bringing keynote speaker Eric Landrum to this year's Psychology Symposium.
Giving Day funds make a difference for our Social Work program
February 14, 2018: The social work department dedicated its portion of Giving Day funding to expand student participation in the Rural Area Medical Volunteer Corps. (RAM), a healthcare outreach initiative.
Viewpoints on Health 2018
February 14, 2018: Viewpoints on Health will be held on March 22, 2018 at 5:30p.m. in HBS 5040
CHBS faculty awards for 2018 announced
February 13, 2018: Congratulations to the following faculty named as recipients of the 2018 CHBS faculty awards.
Quantitative psychology student wins national research award
February 13, 2018: Paulius Satkus, a first year student in the quantitative psychology concentration in the psychological sciences M.A. program, received the "Best Student Paper Award."
Interprofessional education seminar held
February 12, 2018: An all day seminar on Interprofessional education took place bringing together over 100 graduate students and advanced undergraduate students from seven disciplines.
#CHBSChats with Grace Berardini
February 9, 2018: #CHBSChats with Grace Berardini (Physician Assistant - Health Professions) - Our series of informal chats with students
CSD faculty published in research journal
February 9, 2018: The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is pleased to share that the February 2018 edition of the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology includes two publications from JMU CSD faculty members.
National Library of Medicine exhibition visits JMU
February 8, 2018: A travelling exhibition created by the National Library of Medicine will spend six weeks at JMU Libraries through collaboration with the physician assistant (PA) program.
CSD graduate students earn prestigious awards
February 7, 2018: Six CSD graduate students received recognition for their superior academic performance.
Kinesiology student completes Kennedy Krieger Institute internship
February 7, 2018: Volunteering with Overcoming Barriers revealed a love of working with children with disabilities for senior kinesiology major Katie deMuth. The experience helped her decide to plan a future in occupational therapy.
#CHBSChats with Brynn Morales
January 24, 2018: #CHBSChats with Brynn Morales (CSD) - Our series of informal chats with students
New auditory research journal launched
January 18, 2018: Michael Hall, psychology professor recognized a need for a research journal with a particular auditory focus and collaborated to launch one.
#CHBSChats with Hannah Frick
January 17, 2018: #CHBSChats with Hannah Frick (Kinesiology) - Our series of informal chats with students
JMU classmates finish the Rehoboth Beach Marathon
January 17, 2018: KIN 100 students prepare for and complete a marathon over the course of a semester
Jeff Dyche named CHBS Madison Scholar
January 8, 2018: Jeff Dyche, a professor in the psychology department, was recognized as the Madison Scholar for the College of Health and Behavioral Studies in November.
Overcoming Barriers Halloween event
January 8, 2018: On the evening of Nov. 1, JMU students put on their best Halloween costumes to celebrate the holiday with area youth who happen to live with a disability.
James Madison University