In order to live in the residence halls, first-year, Transfer, and Upperclass students must have a signed housing contract. Once you sign a housing contract, you have a GUARANTEED space on campus for the corresponding academic year.
- When signing a housing contract, it is important to pay attention to the corresponding academic year.
- All housing contracts are binding after 5 business days.
- You will be billed for residential housing and a resident meal plan in the fall and spring semesters of the corresponding academic year.
View Housing Contracts
The following pdf files are for reference only. If there are any discrepancies between your signed contract and those included below, the signed contracts supersede the online previews.
General Housing Contract FAQs
A Housing Contract is a legally binding document that, when signed electronically, commits a student to live in the residence halls during the upcoming year and reserves a space for the student according to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
The contract will be binding for the entire academic year for which it is signed and may only be canceled within 5 business days after it is signed.
The First Year Housing Contract is a legally binding document that, when signed electronically, commits a first year student to live in the residence halls during their first academic year and reserves a space for the student according to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
The First Year Housing Contract will be binding for the entire academic year for which it is signed and may only be canceled within 5 business days after it is signed.
The Live On Again! Contract is a legally binding document that, when signed electronically, commits a returning student to live in the residence halls during the upcoming year as an upperclass student and reserves a space for the student according to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
The Live On Again! Contract will be binding for the entire academic year for which it is signed and may only be canceled within 5 business days after it is signed.
First Year Housing Contract FAQs
- The First Year Housing Contract is a legally binding document that, when signed electronically, commits a first year student to live in the residence halls during their first academic year and reserves a space for the student according to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
- The First Year Housing Contract will be binding for the entire academic year for which it is signed and may only be canceled within 5 business days after it is signed.
New first year students will be able to access the Online Housing System starting on April 1.
Visiting this system, students will be able to sign a housing contract, select a meal plan and form a Roommate Group.
Students who pay their admissions deposit after March 31 can access the Online Housing System within 24–48 hours of paying their admissions deposit.
- The deadline to sign the First Year Housing Contract is May 31.
No. If you cancel or defer your enrollment, our Housing office will automatically cancel your contract with no charge or penalty.
Roommate info:
New incoming first-year students can search for and select their roommate in the Online Housing System beginning on April 1.
Students are encouraged to, but not required to, select a roommate. If you do not have a roommate by the roommate selection deadline, ResLife will assign you a room with another student who does not have a roommate. The housing assignment will be made based on the compatibility of the two students (determined in your questionnaire completed during signing your contract) as well as where the students ranked their living preferences.
While first-year students can select their roommate(s), they cannot select suitemates.
Ranking your Area Preferences:
Once you sign your Housing Contract, you will be able to rank the 5 different on-campus residential areas. This will be a part of your Housing Profile, as well as when you complete your Lifestyle Questionnaire.
Live On Again! Housing Contract FAQs
- The Live On Again! Contract is a legally binding document that, when signed electronically, commits a returning student to live in the residence halls during the upcoming year as an upperclass student and reserves a space for the student according to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
- The Live On Again! Contract will be binding for the entire academic year for which it is signed and may only be canceled within 5 business days after it is signed.
No. Signing your Live On Again! Housing Contract and selecting your room and roommate are two separate things.
The Roommate Selection process will happen in the spring semester on the Online Housing System. Students are encouraged to, but not required to, select a roommate.
Returning Student Online Room Selection process will take place in early April. Room Selection Timeslots are based on when you sign your Housing Contract, so sign your Live On Again! Contract as soon as you are sure you wish to live on campus for the next year by going to the Online Housing System. Visit the Returning Student Online Room Selection page for dates, deadlines and to learn more about the process.