2025-26 Transfer Student Housing:

Transfer Students for the Academic Year of 2025-2026 may complete a Housing Contract beginning April 1, 2025. Limited space will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and is not guaranteed.

Upperclass/Transfer Students are strongly encouraged to connect with Off Campus Life for alternate housing options.

Frequently Asked Questions

All of our buildings are great places to live, so we would encourage you to be open minded to wherever you are assigned. However, if you arrive on campus and are interested in a room change, you can submit an Online Room Change Request Form through the Online Housing System. There is a room freeze for the first three weeks of the semester, so room changes will be processed after the freeze ends.

The following halls will be available to transfer students:

  • Bluestone: Converse, Harper Allen-Lee, Logan, and Wampler
  • Grace: Apartments on Grace (very limited)
  • Skyline: Paul Jennings Upper Floors
  • Village: New Village Building Upper Floors

Students who have a signed contract will receive a housing assignment on July 1, 2024. The information will include their building location, room number, and roommate name.

If you have any room or roommate preferences please send them to res-life@jmu.edu by June 15, 2024.

Yes, all buildings transfers would be housed in are air-conditioned!

To protect the general health and safety of hall residents, pets are not allowed in any university-owned or university-operated buildings. The only exception to this policy is fish that are kept as pets. Students found with pets other than the exceptions in university-owned or university-operated housing will have 24 hours to remove the pets and may be subject to a fine of $50 per day if they do not remove the pets promptly. A follow-up inspection will occur to verify the removal.

Service animals are permitted in residence halls and other university buildings. Assistance animals approved by the Office of Disability Services are permitted in university-owned or university-operated housing only.

Under the federal Fair Housing rules, individuals have a right to have an Emotional Support Animal in their dwelling, even in buildings that prohibit pets. The US Department of Housing has determined that university housing is subject to the same regulations for Emotional Support Animals as other types of homes and apartments. Fair Housing rules and case law affirm that students living in university housing have rights as emotional support animal owners, just as they would if they were living in non-university housing. 

  • Students must be approved through the Housing Accommodation process to have an Emotional Support Animal.  For information about that process, please see Housing Accommodation Requests.
  • Students approved for an Emotional Support Animal are only allowed to have the animal in their room and to take the animal outside to relieve themselves if appropriate. Students can only bring their ESA to another student’s room with the permission of all residents of that room. ESAs are not the same as service animals, which are permitted to go anywhere with their owner.
  • If a student becomes aware of an Emotional Support Animal in areas where one should not be, they should inform Hall Staff so they can follow up on the concern.
  • Universities are not permitted to restrict where individuals with ESAs can live. Therefore, it is not possible to have some buildings reserved for students with ESAs and others without ESAs.
  • If a student has a severe allergy to animals and cannot reside near a student with an ESA, they should go through the Housing Accommodation process so the Housing staff can work with them on their room assignment. Information about that process can be found Housing Accommodation Requests.
  • If a student witnesses aggressive or disturbing behavior by an ESA, they should inform Hall Staff so this behavior can be appropriately addressed.

A semester’s room rent for any room type in our residence halls is $3140*.
The semester’s room rent for a space in the Apartments on Grace is $3640*.

You can expect these amounts to increase slightly next year. Students who live on campus are also required to have a meal plan, it is important to include that cost in your budget.

*the following information is for the 2024-2025 academic year

The housing contract is binding for the fall and spring semesters and will not be canceled because a student has changed their mind about living on campus. The contract may only be canceled within 5 business days after signing it.

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