Returning Student Online Room Selection

Returning Student Online Room Selection for 2025-2026 will take place during April 2025.

Housing Accommodations: March 14, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

If you require housing accommodation for a medical or disability reason and have not gone through the approval process, requests are due to the Office of Disability Services by early March. All information can be found on our Housing Accommodation Request Webpage. 

Questions about housing accommodations can be sent to  

First-Year Student Room Assignments

First-year students will receive their housing assignment by August 1, 2025.

Roommate Selection Deadline: July 1, 2025

More information about the First Year Student Room Assignment process will be in the One Book and sent via email over the summer months before this process.

Housing Accommodations:

If you require housing accommodation for a medical or disability reason and have not gone through the approval process, requests are due to the Office of Disability Services in early June. Not all of our residence halls have air conditioning in the bedrooms, so you must go through this process if you require air conditioning due to a medical condition. All information can be found on our Housing Accommodation Request Webpage.

Housing Accommodation Request Form Deadline: June 13, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

Questions about housing accommodations can be sent to

Returning Student Online Room Selection FAQS

Important Dates
  • January 31: Roommate Search goes live on the Online Housing System
  • March 14 at 5:00 p.m.: Housing Accommodation Requests due to the Office of Disability Services
  • March 26: Honors Housing and Room Retention forms due by 5 pm in the Online Housing System
  • April 1: Room Selection Timeslots sent via email to students with a signed Live On Again! Contract
  • April 7: Online Room Selection: Honors
  • April 8 - 9: Online Room Selection: Fill an Apartment, Suite, or Room
  • April 11: Online Room Selection: Fill a Bedspace
  • April 21: Room Change Request form for 2025-2026 available on the Online Housing System
  • May 19: Room Change Request forms for 2025-2026 are due
Available Spaces

Returning students can select from any available room in the buildings listed below. It’s important for students who sign Housing Contracts to understand that the Office of Residence Life cannot guarantee your ability to select a specific building, regardless of when you signed your contract.

Bluestone: Converse Hall, Harper Allen-Lee Hall, Logan Hall, and Wampler Hall

Grace: Apartments on Grace

Skyline: Paul Jennings Hall (Upper Level Floors) 

Village: NEW Residence Hall

Please note that the Apartments on Grace, Paul Jennings Hall, and our NEW Residence Hall are open during Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks. If you require housing during one or both of these break periods, you should select a room in one of these buildings.

Residents currently living in Paul Jennings Hall (upper-level floors) and the Apartments on Grace can return to their same room next year if the following conditions are met:

  • The student must complete the Room Retention Form by March 26, 2025. This form will be available beginning February 3, 2025, on the Online Housing System.
  • The space being requested is in a double or triple room. You may make such a request with or without a roommate, except for those in the Apartments on Grace. Single rooms are not eligible to be retained.
  • To retain an apartment for next year, the current resident must completely fill the apartment.
Apartments on Grace

There are 1 bedroom double apartments for two residents and 2 bedroom double apartments for four residents.

There are many more 2-bedroom double apartments than 1-bedroom double apartments, so having a group of four students gives the best opportunity to select an apartment.

Students interested in living in the Apartments on Grace next year must be a part of a roommate group that is the same size as the apartment they are interested in. For example, if you and two friends want to live in 2 bedroom double apartment designed for 4 residents, you will need to find another person to add to your Roommate Group.

The Apartments on Grace are an extremely popular option for our returning students. Unfortunately, there is almost always more interest in this building than available spaces. This means that not all students who want to live in an apartment will be able to select one during Online Room Selection. Be sure you have a backup plan in case there are no available apartments when you are able to select a room.

Yes, all residents of on-campus housing, including the Apartments on Grace, must select a meal plan. Students who select an apartment for next year will be able to select any meal plan (residential or commuter) offered by Card Services.

Yes, students living in the Apartments on Grace will be billed an additional $500 each semester in addition to the standard room rent. The Board of Visitors sets the room rent for each year in early April.

Roommate Information

Only students with signed Housing Contracts can go through Online Room Selection. If you want to live with someone and they don’t have a signed Housing Contract, they will need to sign their contract through the Online Housing System. Students must have a signed Housing Contract and pay their Housing Contract Fee by March 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. in order to be eligible for Online Room Selection.

Roommate Selection will begin on January 31, 2025, on the Online Housing System for students to begin searching and selecting apartment mates/roommates/suitemates. 

There are two ways you can search for people:

  1. You can search for people who have similar answers to the Lifestyle Questions by selecting "Browse Matching" from the Roommate Group Management page. This will bring up roommates who answered similarly to you. The higher the percentage, the closer your answers were on the Lifestyle Questions.
  2. If you already know who you would like to room with, you can search for them using their JMU eID. Select "Roommate Search by Details" to search for your roommate with their eID. 

If you find someone you think could be a good fit for you as a roommate/suitemate, you can send them a message through the Online Housing System. This message will be sent to their JMU email. If you determine that you want to live together, you will need to be in a Roommate Group with them, and any other people you want to pick an apartment/room/suite with.

PLEASE NOTE: You cannot be in more than one Roommate Group, and you cannot create a new Roommate Group if you are already in one. You will have to leave your original Roommate Group in order to join or create a new Roommate Group.

One individual will need to create a Roommate Group within the Online Housing System. This will make them the Group Leader. When someone creates a Roommate Group, they create a group name and password that should be shared with all roommates/suitemates. Once the group leader has shared the group name and password with all roommates /suitemates, those individuals need to log into the Online Housing System to join the group. The Group Leader then needs to confirm that these individuals can join the group. Students can also invite other students to join their group. The individual who is invited must confirm that they wish to join the group. All roommates/suitemates must be confirmed members of the Roommate Group in order to be pulled into an apartment/suite/room by the individual who selects the room.

PLEASE NOTE: You cannot be in more than one Roommate Group, and you cannot create a new Roommate Group if you are already in one. You will have to leave your original Roommate Group in order to join or create a new Roommate Group.

The leader is the person responsible for creating the group name and password, as well as sharing it with desired roommates/suitemates. The leader of the Roommate Group can also:

  • Message any other group members. All messages are sent to a student’s JMU email.
  • Delete member(s) from the group. When someone is deleted from the group, they will receive an email saying that they are no longer in the group.
  • Delete the whole group, which means that the former members will not be able to select an apartment/suite/room together and the group will no longer exist.
  • Select an apartment/suite/room on behalf of the whole group – the Group Leader should do this only if they have the earliest room selection timeslot of all the group members.
  • The Group Leader is sent an email when someone new joins their group.

A member is anyone who has joined a Roommate Group by entering the group name and password. A group member can:

  • Message any other group members. All messages are sent to a student’s JMU email.
  • Delete themselves from the group.
  • Select an apartment/suite/room on behalf of the whole group – the group member with the earliest room selection timeslot of all the members should do the apartment/suite/room selection.

No. Any member of the Roommate Group can assign a space to everyone in the group.

It is recommended that the group member with the earliest room selection timeslot be in charge of completing Online Room Selection for all group members.

Room Selection Timeslot

All students who have a signed Housing Contract and have paid their Contract Fee by 11:59 p.m. on March 28, 2025, will receive a Room Selection Timeslot, which is the date and time a student will be able to select their room.

Any student who signs a Housing Contract after March 28, 2025, will not be assigned a Room Selection Timeslot but can be pulled into a Roommate Group and into a room as long as their contract is signed before someone tries to add them to a Roommate Group.

Room Selection Timeslots are assigned based on the date and time a student signed the Housing Contract.

All students who sign their Housing Contract and pay their Contract Fee by 11:59 p.m. on March 28, 2025, will receive their room selection timeslot via email on April 1, 2025.

The general rule is the earlier the room selection timeslot, the more building and room options will be available. So, if you are living with someone, it makes sense that the person with the earliest room selection timeslot logs in to select a room for next year.

Room selection timeslots are non-transferable.

Therefore, if you are unable to access the Online Housing System during your assigned time, you can submit a Proxy Form and the Office of Residence Life can pick a space on your behalf.

Forms will be available on the Online Housing System after room selection timeslots have been sent out. Forms must be submitted no less than 24 hours before your appointment time

If you complete a proxy form, you will NOT be able to select a room during your timeslot.

You can log into Online Room Selection beginning at your timeslot. You can continue logging into the system until you have chosen a room or the system closes Friday, April 11, 2026, at 4:00 p.m.

Special Groups

All buildings available during Returning Student Online Room Selection are air-conditioned, have a reduced occupancy bathroom, and are in buildings with elevators. You will not have to do anything additional to make sure that you pick a space that will meet your accommodations.

If you have a housing accommodation for a single room and/or a private bathroom, you will be contacted by the Office of Residence Life at the end of March with information about selecting a room for next year.

Yes. In addition, you must complete the Honors Housing Form by March 26, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. in order to live in Honors housing in Paul Jennings Hall or the Apartments on Grace.

This form will be available beginning February 3, 2025, on the Online Housing System. Students who complete this form by the deadline will be able to select an apartment/room on Monday, April 7, 2025. Non-honors roommates are allowed in both Jennings Hall and the Apartments on Grace. In order to live in the Honors-designated apartments, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • You must fill the entire apartment with two or four occupants.
  • At least 50% of the occupants must be a member of the Honors program. This means that in a 2 bedroom apartment with four residents, at least two occupants must be in the Honors program.
Completing Online Room Selection

There are three different parts of Online Room Selection. Students can only complete one process.

1. Honors Housing – Monday, April 7: Only students who have completed the appropriate form by the set deadline will be eligible to select a room on this day.

2. Fill an Apartment, Suite, or Room – Tuesday, April 8, and Wednesday, April 9:

  • Groups of 2 or 4 students can select an apartment in the Apartments on Grace

  • Groups of 4 or 6 students can select a suite in the Bluestone area

  • Groups of 2 or 3 students can select double rooms in Paul Jennings Hall or double or triple rooms in any upper-class building in the Bluestone Area 

The Online Housing System will not allow you to complete the selection process if you do not have the same number of members in your roommate group as beds in the apartment, suite, or room.

3. Fill a Bedspace – Friday, April 11:

Students can select any available bed space in an upper-class residence hall except the Apartments on Grace.

First Year Student Room Assignment FAQS

Important Dates
  • Housing Accommodation Request Form Deadline: June 13, 2025 at 5pm

  • Roommate Deadline: July 1, 2025

  • Lifestyle Questions Due: July 1, 2025

  • Area Preferences Due: July 1, 2025

  • Housing Assignment Emailed by: July 31, 2025

Available Spaces

Available Spaces

It’s important for students to understand that the Office of Residence Life cannot guarantee your ability to be in a specific building, regardless of when you signed your contract.

  • Bluestone: Gifford, Hoffman, and Wayland
  • Hillside: Bell, Hillside, and McGraw-Long
  • Lake and Tree Houses: Cedar, Dogwood, Eagle, Magnolia, Oak, and Shorts
  • Skyline: Chesapeake, Chandler, Shenandoah, and lower levels of Paul Jennings
  • Village: Chappelear, Dingledine, Frederikson, Garber, Hanson, Huffman, lower levels of New Village Building, Weaver, and White
  • Single Rooms: A minimal number of specific rooms are designated as singles; most singles are available only with a Housing Accommodation.

  • Double Rooms: Most available rooms for first-year students are double rooms, so unless you have a Housing Accommodation for a single room, you will have a roommate next year.

  • Triple Rooms: There are a small number of triple rooms available in Chandler, Chesapeake, Gifford, and Hillside Halls. These rooms are designed for three residents, so they are slightly larger than typical double rooms.

Roommate Information

The deadline to select a roommate/create a roommate group is July 1, 2025.

One individual will need to create a Roommate Group within the Online Housing System. This will make them the Group Leader. When someone creates a Roommate Group, they create a group name and password that should be shared with all roommates. Once the group leader has shared the group name and password with their roommate, that individual needs to log into the Online Housing System to join the group. The Group Leader then needs to confirm that this individual can join the group. Students can also invite other students to join their group. All roommates must be confirmed members of the Roommate Group to be assigned to a room together.

PLEASE NOTE: You cannot be in more than one Roommate Group, and you cannot create a new Roommate Group if you are already in one. You will have to leave your original Roommate Group in order to join or create a new Roommate Group.

No, while you can select your roommates, you cannot select your suitemates.

Special Groups

Housing Accommodation Request Form Deadline: June 13, 2025 at 5pm.

If you have an approved housing accommodation for a room with air-conditioning, you will be assigned to an air-conditioned room. 

If you have an approved housing accommodation for a single room and/or a private bathroom, you will be contacted by the Office of Residence Life and your assignment will be made by the housing office accordingly.

You will complete an Honors/RLC Community interest form in the Housing System when you sign your Housing Contract to indicate your interest to the Housing Office.

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