An emeritus staff member is eligible to use university facilities and participate in university activities. These may include but are not limited to the following:

  • JACard
  • JMU Email Account
  • Microsoft 365 (online versions only)
  • Emeritus Parking Decal
  • Ability to purchase a Faculty/Staff meal plan
  • Discounts at the JMU Bookstore
  • On-campus waiver of tuition
  • Participation in appropriate university events
  • Use of recreational facilities 
  • Library Privileges

Use of or access to these services is determined at the discretion of the service provider. Emeritus staff members do not normally receive remuneration, although they may be hired by the university on a part-time basis. Affiliate employees may not use an emeritus parking permit for parking during their work hours.


What you need to get your JACard

JACard (James Madison University Access Card) may be obtained at Card Services located on the Second Floor of the Student Success Center.  Our office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. 

You will need to bring an official ID such as a driver’s license, military ID, passport, etc.  in order to have your card made.    You must be a current registered student, employee, or affiliate of the university in order to obtain a card.  You may call us in advance at (540)568-6446 to verify you are in our system.

The first card is free.  Fees for lost cards are $15 for the first loss and $20 after that. 



A change is coming to how emeriti email accounts are managed. In order to continue to have access to your JMU email account, you will need to keep your JMU eID active by changing your password every 90 days. Should your password expire and not be active after twelve (12) months, your email account will be removed. With this upcoming change, if you are forwarding your email, you must keep your eID password current.

This change is necessary to ensure security of the email system for all. The change will go into effect in July, 2021.

For more information on eID password changes, visit JMU Computing's site or contact the IT Help Desk at (540)568-3555 or

If you would like to change your contact information from your JMU email address to a personal email address, please email the Staff Emeriti Association at with your updated information.    


Microsoft 365

Emeriti have access to following Microsoft 365 Features: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote. These are online only versions and require internet connection. Visit JMU Computing's page for more information on this service.


Parking Privileges

The following information can be found in the 2015-2016 Parking Regulations:

  • Only those retired employees of James Madison University with official Emeritus or Retired status are eligible to receive an Emeritus or Retiree permit.
  • Former full-time faculty and staff that have retired with full benefits are ineligible to receive an Emeritus or Retiree permit free of charge if they return to work in a classified, wage or affiliate position.
  • Persons with Emeritus or Retiree status who have returned to work in a classified, wage or affiliate position are required to purchase a parking permit if parking on university-owned or leased property.
  • Persons with Emeritus status who are currently enrolled in classes are eligible to receive and display an Emeritus permit.
  • Emeritus and Retiree parking permits and privileges are not transferable.
  • Emeritus and Retiree parking permits remain the property of James Madison University.

For the latest information concerning modifications to parking regulations, refer to the Parking Services website.

JMU Parking Services can be found on the lower level of the Champions Drive Parking Deck. They can be reached at 540.568.3300 or by email


Faculty Staff Meal Plan

Emeritus Faculty/Staff of the university are permitted to purchase a Faculty/Staff Meal plan from the Card Services Office. You can find more information on their website or you can contact Card Services directly at 540.568.6446 from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.

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