Looking to enhance your scholarly skills or brush up on skills you already know? This page contains resources developed by CFI Faculty and links to resources available at JMU and elsewhere.

Note: Some of the videos and handouts in this page will require you to log in with your JMU eID and password.

Quantitative Skills

Introduction to R Programming

Want to learn the basics of R Programming? Follow along with the asynchronous workshop from Dr. Sarah Blackstone, CFI Faculty Affiliate and Assistant Director of Analytics and Decision Support. NOTE: you must access the software and associated files to complete the workshop effectively.

JMU Libraries maintain a research guide for Quantitative Data and Methods. This resource page includes information about SAGE research methods books, articles, instructional videos, LinkedIn Learning tutorials on statistics and software, and information about datasets available to faculty.

Qualitative Skills

JMU Libraries maintains a research guide for Qualitative Data Analysis. This resource page includes information about JMU-provided software, technology support, and additional resources offered through SAGE Research Methods, the qualitative data repository, and UK data services databases.

Expanding Your Research
International Research

Want to engage in research with international partners? Watch the video from CFI and CGE Faculty Associate Shin Ji Kang, and check out the handout for additional resources!

Intercultural Competency Assessment

Does your course include intercultural experiences? Consider evaluating these using various assessment tools described by CFI and CGE Faculty Associate Shin Ji Kang.

Citation Justice

Citation can be used as a form of power. Evidence shows that women and BIPOC scholars are cited less frequently than white male counterparts. Consider examining your citation practices by watching the video and accessing the handout developed by CFI Faculty Associate Peter Eubanks.

Other Skills

How to Navigate an Academic Conference. In this opinion post, Victoria Reyes from Inside Higher Education shares tips for reducing conference anxiety and getting the most out of attending a conference.

NCFDD Selected Resources - Developing your Skills

Follow these steps on the Faculty Success website to view the following free videos from the NCFDD.

Developing a Career as a Community Engaged Scholar

This video offers examples of impactful community engagement scholarship and how to succeed in professional structures that may not recognize the full scholarly impact of such work.

Maximizing Your Sabbatical: An Integrated Approach to Purposeful Planning, Reflection, and Re-entry

This video discusses strategies for faculty members (and the university administrators who support them) to prepare for (and get the most out of) a sabbatical period, including strategies for successful re-engagement with teaching and research after the sabbatical.

Building and Leading Successful Research Teams

This video provides viewers with the skills necessary for leading and managing successful research teams, including establishing a collaborative and inclusive group dynamic.

Self-Report Survey

Want evidence of using these resources for professional development? Self-report your use of asynchronous materials and get a copy to include in your annual review and promotion materials.

Have feedback or suggested resources to add? Email us to let us know.

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