Once students return from studying abroad, many are looking for a way to market their international experience and to find ways to go abroad again. Depending on what you are looking for, we have broken down resources into the following categories: Work & Volunteer Abroad, Graduate School Abroad, Teach Abroad, and Funding. Contact the Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@jmu.edu or 540-568-4346 with questions.
Work & Volunteer Abroad
Lessons From Abroad: Work & Volunteer Abroad compiles an extensive, up-to-date list of search engines for finding ways to work and volunteer abroad. Check it out!
A few other resources include:
Center for International Studies Abroad: month-long to year-long internship placements
Go Abroad: opportunities to intern, volunteer, or teach abroad
GoinGlobal: information on resumes/CV’s, work permits, employment trends, and job opportunities in the country of your choice
Idealist: search engine for volunteering, internships, and jobs all over the globe
International Studies Abroad: internship and service-learning opportunities
Study Abroad: international internships
Graduate School Abroad
For students who are looking to do graduate school abroad, James Madison University offers graduate study abroad programs. Additionally, Lessons From Abroad: Graduate School has an extensive list of graduate schools abroad and internationally focused degree programs in the United States. Across the Pond, the European Commission, and International Graduate School may be helpful starting places to begin your search.
Teach Abroad
If you have specific interest in teaching internationally, Lessons From Abroad: Teach Abroad pulls together a list of websites with information about how to teach in countries around the world.
As you explore the possibility of going abroad again, we encourage you to look into various funding options. Our Center for Global Engagement website has a list of prestigious scholarship opportunities for graduate school, research, or work opportunities abroad. If you want to look into additional funding options the Lessons From Abroad: Funding website includes scholarship, loans, grants, and financial aid information.
The Center for Global Engagement does not have control of content or accuracy to websites that are linked outside of James Madison University's website. These links are provided as informational resources, so individuals must evaluate the usefulness and purpose of them.