Dates & Deadlines
The annual study abroad cycle has many important dates and deadlines. Some are highlighted on this page.
For a comprehensive timeline of all dates and deadlines, please see the links below:
Important Event Dates
Please mark your calendars for the events below. All program directors and co-directors are required to attend the Directors Meetings; other events are strongly encouraged. Exact times are subject to change.
Fall Directors Meeting | September 13, 2024 - 12:00-3:00PM
Study Abroad Fair | September 26, 2024 - 10:00AM-4:00PM
Pre-Departure Orientation Spring Semester | October 11, 2024 - 2:30-4:00PM
Pre-Departure Orientation Winter | November 20, 2024 - 5:00-6:30PM
Spring Directors Meeting | January 24, 2025 - 12:00-3:00PM
Taste of Study Abroad | February 5, 2025 - 5:00-6:30PM
Pre-Departure Orientation Spring Break, Summer, and Fall | February 28, 2025 - 2:00-4:00PM
Important Links
Please refer to the deadlines in the appropriate short-term program director timeline linked above.
Other important links:
Reminders and Advice
Programs Offered for the First Time: Assistance in developing program proposals is available from the CGE staff. Draft proposals are welcome, and the Director of Study Abroad will provide feedback and suggestions, especially in regard to logistics, academic requirements, etc.
Programs Offered Annually or Biannually: Faculty who direct programs regularly or who have directed programs in the past are required to submit all materials each year. Programs may change in content from year to year, therefore, factors such as costs, locations, size of student group, etc. cannot be assumed to be the same as the year before. Please read for updates to CGE, financial, and university policies. All courses will be confirmed by the department chairs prior to final approval by CGE.
Please note student application deadlines above. After the first student application deadline, applications are accepted and processed on a rolling basis until November 14 (Winter Session), January 26 (Spring Break), March 1 (summer), or until program is full, whichever comes first. No admissions after the aforementioned dates.
Sustainable Development Goals: We encourage all program directors to craft their programs in a way that aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals. The Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Through Education Abroad publication produced by the Forum on Educaiton Abroad is a great resource for learning more. More information.
Course approval process: You will be sent electronic course approval forms to complete from the CGE in September. Please note that different academic departments may require internal deadlines and / or have alternate procedures in addition to the Study Abroad Course Approval process. Please consult your departments to understand their guidelines.
Transfer students: Transfer students will be assessed using their transcript from their previous college/university (we use this process for non-JMU students).