Program Types
Want to study abroad but not sure where to start? Try thinking about when a study abroad program would fit best into your academic schedule and how long you'd like to be abroad, and then click on the links for our program offerings under that category.
Full Semester (Fall, Spring, Summer) | Three to Nine Weeks (Summer) | One Week (Spring Break)
Full text descriptions of all of our programs are found at the bottom of the page.
Exchange Programs
Study at one of our partner institutions in Australia, England, Egypt, Japan, South Korea, Spain, or Sweden while being immersed in the cultures of some of the world's most exciting cities.
Study @ Programs
JMU offers the opportunity to study abroad for at three of Great Britain’s oldest and most respected universities: The University of Cambridge and The University of Oxford in England, and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
External Programs
If you are unable to get into a JMU program or cannot find one that meets your particular interests or needs, you may want to consider looking at programs offered by other universities or national study abroad organizations/providers.
JMU Short-Term Programs
JMU’s Short-Term Programs offer a variety of options in 60+ countries and offer three to nine credit hours of coursework. These programs are led by JMU faculty, and are designed to offer cultural experiences to deepen participants’ understanding of their studies.
External Programs
If you are unable to get into a JMU short-term program or cannot find one that meets your particular interests or needs, you may want to consider looking at programs offered by other universities or national study abroad organizations/providers.
JMU Spring Break Programs
Our Spring Break programs offer students the opportunity to go overseas for a short, one-week abroad experience. These programs are led by JMU faculty, are embedded in a semester-long on-campus course, and offer three to four academic credits.
External Programs
If you are unable to get into a JMU spring break program or cannot find one that meets your particular interests or needs, you may want to consider looking at programs offered by other universities or national study abroad organizations/providers.
Program Types - Text Descriptions
Continue readings to learn more about the program offerings showcased above.
Semester Programs | Short-term Programs | Exchange Programs | Study @ Programs | External Programs | Graduate Programs
Semester Abroad Programs
Terms: Fall, Spring, and Summer
JMU’s Semester Abroad programs in Antwerp, Florence, London, Salamanca, and Scotland offer participants the opportunity to spend approximately three months living and studying in a foreign country. This is an excellent way to fulfill many GenEd requirements and earn elective credit; but major-specific, independent studies may also be arranged through consultation with the programs’ respective directors. Fall and Spring programs offer fifteen (15) credit hours of coursework, and classes are generally taught in English, except in Salamanca, Spain. Summer programs range from nine (9) to fifteen (15) credits, based on their length.
In addition to classroom work, students will have numerous opportunities to participate in group outings – to museums, historical landmarks, concerts, shows, and more – that connect the classroom to the great cities and cultures in which they are studying.
Short-Term Programs
Terms: Summer and Spring Break
JMU’s Short-Term Programs offer a variety of options that typically last from three to six weeks and offer three to nine credit hours of coursework. Many programs offer cultural experiences to deepen participants’ understanding of and appreciation for their area of study and their host culture.
Most programs are oriented to specific majors. However, some courses will fulfill GenEd requirements. Classes are generally taught in English.
Exchange Programs
Terms: Fall, Spring, and Academic Year
As an exchange student, you will study at one of our partner institutions in Australia, England, Egypt, Japan, South Korea, Spain, or Sweden, while being immersed in the cultures of some of the world's most exciting and provocative cities. While on a JMU exchange, you will pay room and board to the overseas institution while paying tuition to JMU. This arrangement allows you to maintain your financial aid package, including grants and scholarships. For those not on financial aid, an exchange program is an affordable way to study overseas while paying your home institution's tuition rates. Many classes are taught in the language of the country, so proficiency in that language will expand course options. Most of the universities offer courses in English or have an English language program.
Keep in mind that you may be the only JMU exchange student attending a particular university. Exchange programs are available only for the fall or spring semesters or a full academic year. Exchange programs are not available during the summer. Credit systems vary from university to university. It is important to work closely with your JMU academic advisor and your JMU study abroad advisor prior to your departure and when registering for courses while abroad to determine how many credits you will receive for your coursework.
All students participating in an exchange program will be required to submit a written report within three weeks of completion of the program reflecting on their experience.
Study At Oxford, Cambridge, and St. Andrews
Terms: Fall and Spring
JMU offers the opportunity to study abroad for a semester or full academic year at three of Great Britain’s oldest and most respected universities: The University of Cambridge and The University of Oxford in England, and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Participants will take part in tutorials or small classes across a wide range of topics and can have these credits fulfill major, minor, or elective credit requirements at JMU. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.3, but need not be members of JMU’s Honors College to participate. Cost approximations are subject to changing fees and currency exchange rates.
The ideal time to study abroad at St. Andrews and Oxford is the junior year, or the second semester of the sophomore year. The ideal time to study at Cambridge is any summer.
Additional information about these programs, including application information, is available on the Programs search site at: Study at... Oxford, Cambridge, and St Andrews
Students interested in studying at St. Andrews, Oxford, or Cambridge should contact Jared Diener at dienerjl@jmu.edu.
External Programs
Terms: Fall, Spring, and Academic Year
If you are unable to get into a JMU program or cannot find one that meets your particular interests or needs, you may want to consider looking at programs offered by other universities or national study abroad organizations/providers. You may also explore the option of direct enrollment at a foreign university. There’s a program for just about everyone!
Check out our External Programs page for available oppourtunities.
All students studying on an external program MUST still apply to the CGE.
Graduate Programs
For graduate students interested in a studying abroad, JMU offers the following international graduate programs:
Master of Arts in Political Science (M.A.)
Concentration: European Union Policy Studies in Florence, Italy - Master of Education in Spanish Language and Culture (M.Ed)
Concentration: Spanish Language and Culture for Educators and Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Salamanca, Spain