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London, Dublin, England, Ireland

Program Description

Information Session

Watch a recording of an information session! Passcode: Ds4S.fFr

This course, entitled the England and Ireland: The Culture of Leisure, explores historical and contemporary leisure and recreation phenomena within the context of societal diversity and multicultural considerations. The international evolution of leisure is examined, as well as contemporary perspectives of leisure within and across cultural and ethnic segments of society. Diverse perspectives on the meaning of leisure and the role it plays within cultures and ethnic groups will be considered, as well as the potential implications of assimilation into dominant cultural norms. Specific issues to be addressed include the examination of leisure roles within the family, religion, government, economics, individual identity, social belonging, social rebellion, and as a mechanism for delivering benefits to society.

Coursework: Asynchronous assignments before departure; Reflection diary during trip Meetings: Four (4) meetings before the trip (in-person)

This program will offer an amazing opportunity for students to explore two European capitals that are thriving hubs for leisure and recreation. From visits to local leisure and recreation organization to insightful lectures, panel and group discussions, as well as reflections, students will get a good look at the differences and similarities between the American, British, and Irish leisure and recreation practices. Students will immerse themselves in the unique leisure activities, cultures, and experiences of these places by taking time to explore common sites and attractions. Tour of iconic locations; several meals together (including Sunday Roast at the Princes Head, fish and chips, Guinness stew dinner, etc.); a theater performance; and many more opportunities to experience the culture of leisure in London and Dublin.

Location Description

This program will be traveling through London, UK and Dublin, Ireland.


Augustus Hallmon | | Hart School of Hospitality, Sports and Recreation Management


Twin or Triple/Quad rooming in vetted hotels with private bathrooms. Each student will have their bed. Locations will be near local shops and restaurants, with easy access to transportation (e.g. the Tube station, Trolleys, etc.).

Daily breakfast is included with lunch at an outdoor market. Several group dinners: 3-course meal with food that is authentic to both London and Dublin.

Applicant Criteria

Applicants must have a GPA minimum of 2.0.

Open to all majors and academic levels, including graduate students.

Open to non-JMU students

Application Process

This list serves as an application preview. To apply, students will need to complete the following:

  • Study Abroad Online Application ($40 fee)
  • Short Essay 
  • Interview with Program Director
  • Official transcript required for non-JMU students

Further details and instructions about these application requirements will be available upon log-in.

Application Deadline


All dates are tentative and subject to change


SRM 490: Special Topic - England and Ireland: The Culture of Leisure (3 credits)

Courses listed here are to be used as a general guideline for program curriculum. *All courses are considered pending until approved by the Academic Department, Program, and/or College.


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