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London, Oxford, Edinburgh, England, Scotland

Program Description

Imagine exploring the various occupations and institutions that are completely familiar to you here in the US but are often very different and sometime similar in the UK. For 3 weeks we enjoy the experience of an ancient city and take in sights, explore examples of organizational communication and leave better prepared for the world of work. Students remark on this trip as one that opened their eyes to all the amazing observations and experiences.

Have you ever noticed the way an organization communicates its values? Have you ever interacted in an organization as a customer or employee and thought…“do they beat people here? They all seem to hate their jobs.” On the other hand, experiencing an organization that exudes happiness, care and concern for all the stakeholders is a breath of fresh air. This course will examine the fascinating world of organizational culture as well as provide you with tools for better assessing and understanding organizational culture

Course materials and discussions will address issues related to both theory and practice. As we examine and visit examples of organizations in London and the surrounding area, we will explore different models of categorizing cultures, examine the implications of different conceptual models of culture for diagnosing culture, and consider the usefulness of a variety of tools for diagnosing culture. The course will engage the debate about how to define organizational culture and what key factors determine culture.

During this part of the course we will describe, compare, and contrast the cultures of different organizations. Selected from The Times/The Sunday Times Top 100 Best Small Companies, we will examine, observe and experience10 organizations that range from recruitment, marketing and healthcare to training and consulting organizations both private and not for profit. Trips are varied and include Selfridges, Harrods and Liberty department stores, the Bank of England, Wembley Stadium, a Hindu temple, Oxford University, Innocent Drinks, Dr. Johnson's House and so much more.

During the 3 weeks in the UK, this experience will immerse you into the British world of work, play and entertainment. You will walk cobblestone streets of ancient London as well as enter department stores for the very rich. We will study what makes up organizational culture by observing similar types of industry you are familiar with in the US but compare them to the way things are done in the United Kingdom. In addition, we will look at how various occupations are portrayed in popular British media and compare them to the realities found on our tours and excursions.

Although the natives speak English, many of the ways things are done are unique and different from our American experience. We will visit many organizations that have been listed in the Top 10 Places to Work in the UK and will get to see the range of difference and similarity all while living in central London. As part of this course we will also visit museums, see shows, and visit sports venues. There are no lectures on this experience but our classroom-free experience will allow you the chance to enjoy the experience of life in the UK while living in an urban capital city. Tours could include: Wembley Stadium, Parliament, The Globe Theatre, London Stock Exchange, Oxford University, Westminster Abbey, Harrods and Liberty department stores.

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Location Description

We will spend most of our time in Central London without trips to Oxford, Greenwich and Edinburgh, Scotland. Living in flats in London will give you a real taste of the UK life as you learn the area and begin to feel comfortable living in a new world of experience.


Toni S. Whitfield | | SCOM


Accommodations will be provided for students through furnished apartments with internet access and full kitchen and laundry facilities. Students will be in shared double or triple rooms Housing accommodations are centrally located and public transportation is easily accessible. The trip to Scotland will provide housing in a Bed and Breakfast. There is a chance you will stay in a dormitory for an evening in Oxford.

Group meals will be held throughout the trip. A stipend will cover the remainder of meals.

Additional Items to Consider

A current US passport is all that is required to enter the UK. Accommodations will be provided for students through furnished flats. Students will be housed in centrally located housing close to the underground transportation stops (the Tube). Mobile phones will need a SIM card. No special visas or requirements.

Applicant Criteria

Applicants must have a GPA minimum of 2.0

Prerequisite: SCOM 121, 122 or 123

Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome

Open to all majors

Open to JMU students only

Application Process

This list serves as an application preview. To apply, students will need to complete the following:

  • Study Abroad Online Application ($40 fee)
  • Short essay 
  • Academic references
  • Attend Program Info Session
  • Interview with Program Director is required

Further details and instructions about these application requirements will be available upon log-in. 

Application Deadline


All dates are tentative and subject to change


SCOM 313L: Organizational Culture in the UK (2 credits)

313L: Socialization and British Media (2 credits)

Courses listed here are to be used as a general guideline for program curriculum. *All courses are considered pending until approved by the Academic Department, Program, and/or College.


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