General Information
- COVID-19 is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus that spreads from person to person.
- The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, talking or laughing. Droplets not blocked by masks can travel up to 6 feet. Masks are meant to decrease the chance of you spreading the virus to others.
- COVID-19 is usually a self-limited illness with most people experiencing mild to moderate respiratory illness and recovery without requiring special treatment.
- While most patients have mild to moderate symptoms, some can develop serious illness that requires hospitalization. This may develop after a week of illness.
Personal Care
- Rest
- Drink plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic)
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) 650 mg every 6 hours and/or Ibuprofen (Advil®) 600 mg every 6-8 hours as needed to reduce fever, aches or other pains
- Treat any bothersome symptoms with over-the-counter medication
Limit the spread to others
- Isolate yourself as completely as possible.
When to seek further evaluation:
- Feeling short of breath or having trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion or inability to become fully awake
- Bluish lips or face
- Symptoms last over 10 days and get worse instead of better
If you are unsure whether you need to be seen again, call the UHC at 540-568-6178 and ask to speak to a nurse.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and are getting worse:
- Call 540-568-6178 and speak to a nurse if you feel well enough to see a medical provider at the UHC.
- If you feel the need to go to the Emergency Department, call ahead to let them know you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- If you call 911 related to a COVID-19 illness, be sure to give the emergency operator that information.
- We do not recommend seeking care at any local Urgent care facility. If your symptoms are too serious for the UHC, you should go to the Emergency Department of the local hospital.