The UHC is a confidential and judgment-free environment. STI/STD test results are confidential and available via MyJMUChart secure online portal.
Getting screened for STIs is an important part of taking control of your health. Understanding your risks and openly communicating with your health care provider will assure that you are getting the right testing for your personal health. If you are or have been sexually active, please use the following recommendations to understand what testing best fits your needs.
**NOTE: If you are wanting to be tested for Syphilis and/or HIV you must have an appointment in the Nurse Clinic.
For optimal test results, testing should be done no sooner than 14 days after your last unprotected sex.
Each area swabbed has a charge of $20.
HIV blood work: $10
Syphilis: $5
Looking For STI/STD Testing?
Are you having any of the following symptoms: itching, burning, sores, pain, discharge?
If you are experiencing symptoms you will need to go to MyJMUChart and make an appointment with a provider. Or, you can call the University Health Center at 540-568-6178 and have an appointment scheduled for you. For optimal test results, testing should be done no sooner than 14 days after your last unprotected sex.
If you DO NOT have symptoms, you have two options:
- Login to MyJMUChart and complete the STI Self Testing form under the “Forms” tab. Once the form has been submitted, you will be notified via secure message that your self-testing kit is ready for pick up, along with complete instructions. You can complete your test at UHC or you can take the kit home and return to UHC within 7 days. You can also view these videos for step by step-by-step instructions:
- Schedule an appointment on MyJMUChart for an “Asymptomatic STI” appointment with a nurse through the Nurse Clinic or call to make an appointment in the Nurse Clinic.
No Cost STI/STD Testing
Is available for students who are testing for the FIRST time at JMU UHC.
- To qualify for free testing you must complete the “Get Yourself Tested Screening Form” found in MyJMUChart. A nurse will review the form and call you for an appointment if you meet the criteria for free testing. If you do not meet the criteria, you can self-schedule through your MyJMUChart.
STI Frequently Asked Questions
Sex and Consent
Oral sex consists of a mouth on a penis, vagina or an anus.
Penetrative sex consists of penetration of a vagina or anus by a penis, finger, or sex toy.
This is not an exhaustive list. Oral and penetrative sex are the most likely to contribute to sexual health.
Safe sex means that you and your partner are:
- Protected against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy (if applicable)
- Consenting
“Consent, the context of sex worth having, is everyone is glad to be there and free to leave with no unwanted consequences.” - Emily Nagoski
- Consent is clear. It’s not open to interpretation.
- Silence is not consent. Don’t assume, clarify by asking.
- The absence of NO does not mean YES.
- Consent is coherent. Drunk/ incapacitated/unconscious people cannot give consent. Failure to recognize this is sexual assault.
- Consent if voluntary. Repeatedly asking someone to engage in a sexual act until they eventually say yes is not consent, it is coercion.
- Consent is ongoing. Anyone can change their mind at any time.
- Consent is required.
- Consent is a Yes - Bing Video
- Condoms (internal and external)
- Easily accessible and the only method that is also effective against minimizing STI Exposure. Learn more about the Safer Sex Stations on campus JMU Safer Sex Stations
- Oral contractive pills
- IUD (Intrauterine device)
- Implanted devices (like Nexplanon)
- Nuva Ring
- Depo-Provera injection
*Plan B or “morning after pill” while not meant to be used as primary birth control, it is good to have on hand. Plan B is available at the UHC Pharmacy
STI Testing
- A sexually transmitted infection (STI) occurs when one person that is infected (positive) has sex with another person. Sex without protection is the most common way that STIs are transmitted and can happen during all types of sex – vaginal, oral, and anal sex.
- STI Education
Some common STIs include:
- STIs are common
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can have no symptoms
- STI screenings are easy, accessible, and quick
- Early STI detection and treatment can protect your partner(s) and preserve future fertility
- For more information, check out Know Your Chances
- The most effective way to prevent an STI is to not engage in sex (abstinence). However, if you do have sex, there are many ways to keep you and your partner(s) safe!
- Communicate
- Talk to your partner(s) before having sex.
- Get to know your partner(s).
- Example -
- "So, I got tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia last month, and they are both negative. I get tested once a year for HIV and syphilis. And I always use a condom. What about you?"
- Use Condoms (external or internal), barrier methods, and other preventative measures.
- On the penis
- On shared sex toys
- Dental dams
- Finger cots and/or gloves
- PrEP- for HIV prevention
- Check out the Safer Sex Stations on campus to be proactive about your sexual health. JMU Safer Sex Stations
- Get tested regularly
- Communicate
- Know Your Chances
- When to test:
- Chlamydia or Gonorrhea (Swab/Urine) – no sooner than 14 days after unprotected sex
- HIV or Syphilis (Blood tests) – no sooner than 1 month after unprotected sex with repeat in 2 months (3 months from unprotected sex) if the first test is negative.
- If you use it test it!
- Different STIs can be transmitted through all types of sex.
- Many who test positive for an STI have no symptoms at the time of testing
- Below are the body parts that we can test at UHC:
- Vagina
- Penis
- Anus
- Mouth
- Blood draw for HIV and Syphilis
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (Swab/Urine)
- Optimal testing for accurate results is at least 14 days after unprotected sex.
- Syphilis and HIV (both blood tests)
- You should have testing done 1 month after the encounter with repeat testing in 2 months (3 months from encounter), if the first test is negative.
- Every 3-6 months if you have multiple partners
- If you have any symptoms (Genital itching, burning, lesions, pain, or discharge)
- After a hookup (aka one night stand, or sex with someone you just recently met)
- At the beginning of a new relationship (Both partners get tested)
- Chlamydia/Gonorrhea - Every 3 months if you have multiple sexual partners
- Syphilis and HIV – At least annually, or every 3-6 months if you have multiple sexual partners
- Herpes and HPV – If you have lesions or symptoms (sores on or around your genitals).
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are bacterial infections and are always tested together at UHC. Depending on the body parts used during sex, there are different ways to test.
- If you have a penis and have used it during sex, a urine sample will be collected.
- If you have a vagina and have used it during sex, a vaginal self-swap will be collected.
- If you have used your mouth to perform any type of oral sex, a throat self-swab will be collected.
- If you have engaged in anal sex, a rectal self-swab will be collected.
- Syphilis and HIV required a blood draw.
- You’re not alone.
- Some are curable, all are treatable.
- Talk to your medical provider.
- Notify your recent and/or future sexual partners.