Are you looking for a new space to think and work outside of your home department? New spaces can boost creativity and reset your mindset. Each Friday, we open our doors to provide you with a complimentary space to work, connect with faculty from across campus, brainstorm, and more.

The X-Labs team will be here to say hello, but ultimately, this time is yours to use as you see fit.

Open Tank Hours Details

Join us Fridays, 8:30AM – 12:30PM
Lakeview Hall 1160 (The Tank)
No sign up required!

What to Bring
  • Your own laptop or devices
What's in The Tank
  • Mobile whiteboard tables which flip upright for better visibility as you brainstorm and design.
  • Non-tech design thinking materials - like whiteboards, markers, sticky notes, craft supplies, and more - for you to use to experiment, visualize, and share your ideas.
  • Most importantly, YOU!

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