- On December 17, 2019, JMU X-Labs received $45,000 from a private foundation to develop a faculty curriculum.
External Funding
- November 8, 2019. Northrop Grumman and Conservation International (Technology for Conservation (T4C) University Grant Proposals) – $20,000 towards developing an innovative technology which will help understand animal behavior to make informed conservation decisions through the Internet of Things class
- May 30, 2019. TSSi – $19,000 in-kind
- March 7, 2019. AT&T – $25,000
- January 2019. Hi-Tech Hobbies – $42,000 in-kind
- September 19, 2018. Unconventional Concepts, Inc. – $2,500
- April 12, 2018. TSSi – $33,000 in-kind
- November 3, 2017. BAE Systems – $7,500
Grants Awarded
- February 2020 – Michigan State University
Rainville, K. N., Ludwig, P. M., McCarthy, S., Swayne, N., Titareva, T., Louson, E., Heinrich, W. F., Title, D. G., & Desrochers, C. G. (2024). Coaching in Transdisciplinary, Experiential, Problem-Focused Learning Contexts. In Faculty peer coaching in Higher Education: Opportunities, explorations, and research from the field (Ser. Faculty Peer Coaching in Higher Education Opportunities, Explorations, and Research from the Field). Essay, Information Age Publishing, Inc.
William F. Heinrich (Orbis, Canada), Patrice M. Ludwig (James Madison University, USA), Seán R. McCarthy (James Madison University, USA), Erica J. Lewis (James Madison University, USA), Nick Swayne (James Madison University, USA) and Eleanor Louson (Michigan State University, USA). 2021. “Chapter 18: Testing Assessments of Integrated Experiential Learning.” Applying Design Thinking to the Measurement of Experiential Learning. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7768-4.ch018.
- Samy S. El-Tawab, Nathan Sprague, Michael Stewart, Mridul Pareek, and Philip Zubov. 2020. “Enhanced Interface for Autonomously driven Golf Cart in a Networked Controlled Environment.” In Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE) (ICSIE 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 174–179. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/
3436829.3436875 - El-Tawab, Samy, Nathan Sprague, and Azeem Mufti. “Autonomous vehicles: building a test-bed prototype at a controlled environment.” In 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2020.
- El-Tawab, S., Sprague, N. & Stewart, M. (2020). Teaching Innovation in Higher Education: A Multidisciplinary Class. In D. Schmidt-Crawford (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 8-13). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 27, 2020 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/215725/.
- Swayne, N., Selznick, B., McCarthy, S. and Fisher, K. (2019), “Uncoupling innovation and entrepreneurship to improve undergraduate education,” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 26 No. 6/7, pp. 783-796.
- “Campus Innovation is Not a Myth.” (Correspondence from Chronicle readers). The Chronicle of Higher Education. Selznick, Benjamin S., Mayhew, Matthew J. and Swayne, Nick. July 1, 2019.
- Wenger-Trayner, Beverly & Etienne. (2019). Designing for Change: Using social learning to understand organizational transformation. Learning 4 a Small Planet, pp. 23, 29, 39, 50, 57, 68, 82.
- Lewis, E. J., Ludwig, P. M., Nagel, J., & Ames, A. (2019). Student ethical reasoning confidence pre/post an innovative makerspace course: A survey of ethical reasoning. Nurse Education Today, 75, 75-79.
- Swayne, Nick; McCarthy, Seán; Selznick, Benjamin S.; Fisher, Kimberly A. (January 2019) Breaking up I/E: Consciously Uncoupling Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Improve Undergraduate Learning. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
- “Stop Blaming Innovation.” (Correspondence from Chronicle readers). The Chronicle of Higher Education. Benjamin S. Selznick, Matthew J. Mayhew, Nick Swayne. November 20, 2018.
- Kishbaugh, Aaron. (2018) An Exploratory Case Study of Cross-Disciplinary Project-Based (i.e. Maker) Curricula as a Catalyst for Entrepreneurship. International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces.
- McCarthy, Seán; Barnes, Audrey, Holland, S. Keith; Lewis, Erica; Ludwig, Patrice; Swayne, Nick. (2018) Making It: Institutionalizing Collaborative Innovation in Public Higher Education (p. 1,549-1,557). 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18).
- Patrice M Ludwig, Ph.D.; Erica J Lewis, Ph.D.; Jacquelyn K Nagel, Ph.D. (2017). Student learning outcomes from a pilot medical innovations course with nursing, engineering and biology undergraduate students. International Journal of STEM Education, STEM-D-16-00048R3.
- McCarthy, Seán; Barnes, Audrey; Briggs, Fred; Giovanetti, Kevin; Ludwig, Patrice; Robinson, Kelsey; Swayne, Nick. (Fall 2016). Undergraduate Social Entrepreneurship Education and Communication Design. SIGDOC 2015 Conference Proceedings.
- Ludwig, P., Lewis, E., McCarthy, S., Swayne, N. (2022). Developing Social Innovators: A Gen Z-Responsive Pedagogy. January 2022.
- Swayne, N., Lewis, E., Ludwig, P., McCarthy, S. (2021). The American Association of Colleges and Universities. 2021 Virtual Conference: Transforming STEM Higher Education. November 2021.
- Swayne, N., Lewis, E., Ludwig, P., McCarthy, S. (2021). Seeding a Post-Pandemic Culture of Wicked Education. ASU GSV Summit. Online panel. August 11, 2021.
- Swayne, N., Kaussler, B., Lewis, E., Ludwig, P., McCarthy, S., Selznick, B. (2021). No Textbooks, No Lectures, No Right Answers — Is this What Higher Ed Needs? Hacking the Curriculum to Develop Wicked Students! ASU GSV Summit. Online. August 9-12, 2021.
- Swayne, N. (2021). The JMU X-Labs Ecosystem. LEC Teaching Fellows Speaker Series. Lubar Entrepreneurship Center. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (online). February 5, 2021.
- Swayne, N. (JMU X-Labs); Britos Cavagnaro, L. (Stanford University); Hunter-Larsen, J. (Colorado College); Mehta, K. (Lehigh University); Facilitator: Beckie Supiano (The Chronicle of Higher Education). (2020). Closing Plenary Panel: “Critical & Creative Thinking in Action”. Critical & Creative Thinking Conference. University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus. Online. October 2, 2020.
- Swayne, N., Kaussler, B., Lewis, E., Ludwig, P., McCarthy, S., Selznick, B. (2020). No Textbooks, No Lectures, No Right Answers — Is this What Higher Ed Needs? Hacking the Curriculum to Develop Wicked Students! ASU GSV Summit. Online. October 1, 2020.
- Swayne, N., McCarthy, S., Selznick, B. (2020). Developing, Implementing, and Sustaining a Social Innovation Curriculum. EAIR / HCE Summit on Social Innovation. Online. September 25, 2020.
- Swayne, N. (2020). Innovation Happens Intentionally. End Hype: Startup Traction through Innovation Challenges by American-Made Solar Prize through the U.S. Department of Energy. September 24, 2020.
- Lewis E., & Geist, M. (2020, March 5). Design thinking in nursing education. [Invited speaker]. Arkansas Nurse Educators Conference.
- Ludwig, P., Swayne, N. (2020). Real problems, real solutions, real impacts: Scientists as innovators and entrepreneurs. Virginia Sea Grant Symposium (invited presentation). Richmond, VA. February 2020.
- Swayne, N., McCarthy, S., Kaussler, B., Ludwig, P. (2019) JMU X-Labs: Transforming higher education with H4X since 2015. VentureWell Lean Educators Conference (invited presentation). Santa Cruz, CA, December 2019.
- Ludwig, P. (2019) Expert panel discussion – Best practices in Lean Launchpad Education. VentureWell Lean Educators Conference (invited panelist). Santa Cruz, CA, December 2019.
- Hartman, Kelsey; Winter, Emily; Fisher, Kimberly A. (2019) Redesigning events to empower women. Feminisms and Rhetorics 2019 Conference, Harrisonburg, Virginia, November 14, 2019.
- McCarthy, Seán; Ludwig, Patrice M.; Watson, Will. (2019) Social Network Analysis as a Research and Pedagogy Tool in Problem-Focused Undergraduate Social Innovation Courses. International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ICSEI) , Barcelona, Spain, May 2019.
- Swayne, Nick; McCarthy, Seán; Selznick, Benjamin S.; Fisher, Kimberly A. (2019) Breaking up I/E: Consciously Uncoupling Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Improve Undergraduate Learning. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 52 (HICSS-52), Grand Wailea, Maui, January 2019.
- Lewis, E.J. (2018, December). Design thinking [Invited speaker]. University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. https://designthinkingforhealth.org/
- Barnes, James; Ludwig, Patrice; McCarthy, Seán; Barnes, Audrey. (August 2018). Unmanned systems for ecological research – An applied, interdisciplinary partnership bridging student researchers, conservation organizations, and industry. 2018 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, August 5-10, 2018.
- Grimshaw, Kristen T.; Barnes, James S. and Johnson, Amy E.M. (Poster) Using small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) to detect nests of ground breeding birds, 2018 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, August 10, 2018.
- Kishbaugh, Aaron. (2018) An Exploratory Case Study of Cross-Disciplinary Project-Based (i.e. Maker) Curricula as a Catalyst for Entrepreneurship. International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, Stanford, CA, August 2018.
- McCarthy, Seán; Barnes, Audrey, Holland, S. Keith; Lewis, Erica; Ludwig, Patrice; Swayne, Nick. (2018) Making It: Institutionalizing Collaborative Innovation in Public Higher Education. 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18).
- Holland, K., Ludwig, P., Lewis, E., McCarthy, S., Barnes, A., Swayne, N. (March 2018). Scaling Interdisciplinary Education at James Madison University. Presented at VentureWell Open 2018, Austin, TX.
- McCarthy, Seán (October 2017). Blurred Lines: Community Writing and its Relation to Social Innovation in Higher Education. Conference on Community Writing, Boulder, CO.
- Swayne, Nick (September 2017). Using Drones and Unmanned Systems in Undergraduate Education. Presented at Escape Velocity 2017, Museum of Science Fiction, Washington, DC.
- Swayne, Nick (September 2017). The Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality – Uses in Undergraduate Education. Presented at Escape Velocity 2017, Museum of Science Fiction, Washington, DC.
- Swayne, N., Liu, C. (June 2017). Design for Deep Learning through Facilitating an Entrepreneurial Mindset. Presented at Hong Kong AECT Conference, Hong Kong, PRC.
- McCarthy, S., Ludwig, P., Lewis, E., Barnes, A., Swayne, N., Briggs, F. (October 2016). Transdisciplinary Collaborative Learning: Design, Practices & Experience with Telepresence, Robotics, & Makerspaces. Presented at AECT Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- McCarthy, Seán (September 2016). Communication Design and Undergraduate Social Entrepreneurship Education. ACM Special Interest Group in Document Design, Washington, DC.
- McCarthy, Seán. (August 2016). Fab(ricating) Makerspaces: A Networks Approach. 50th Anniversary Dartmouth Institute and Conference, Dartmouth, NH.
- Swayne, D., Ashley, C., (March 2016). The Role of Faculty – Student Partnerships in Leading Innovation in Higher Education. Presentation at South by Southwest (SXSWedu), Austin, TX.
- McCarthy, Seán; Barnes, Audrey; Briggs, Fred; Giovanetti, Kevin; Ludwig, Patrice; Robinson, Kelsey; Swayne, Nick. (Fall 2016). Undergraduate Social Entrepreneurship Education and Communication Design. SIGDOC 2015 Conference Proceedings, Limerick, Ireland.