June 2024

In 2024, MAC secured a partnership with the Art Bridges Foundation, a non-profit that funds collection placements, traveling exhibitions, multiyear cohort programs, Learning & Engagement projects, evaluation, internships, fellows, and more. As a catalyst for change, Art Bridges provides national leadership as well as financial and strategic support to museums and cultural organizations by collaborating on innovative ways of thinking and engaging new and existing audiences for positive social impact. The partnership will commence with Worlds Within and Without: An Exhibition of Contemporary Black Art (September 11 - December 7, 2024), for which Art Bridges generously lent artwork and provided funding for an exhibition catalogue and educational public programming. The exhibition displaying these works was also open during the Furious Flowers Conference at JMU in September, which convenes every 10 years for scholars and writers from around the world to explore contemporary trends in Black literature, culture, and thought, and publish a signature volume of poetry, poetics, and criticism to commemorate each conference.


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