JMU Online Learning: A Collaborative Effort
Online learning at JMU is made possible through the collaborations of several offices and people from several areas of the University:
- Online Learning Strategy, led by the Associate Provost for Online Strategy ensures that policies, procedures, contracts and other elements of organizational infrastructure are in place to enable all online and blended learning efforts and the services that support them.
- Many of our online programs are offered through JMU's School of Professional and Continuing Education.
- Faculty development and support, and support for our learning management system is provided by our Libraries.
- Additional faculty development and other support is provided by our Center for Faculty Innovation.
- JMU's Online Teaching and Learning Committee, established by the Provost Office and reporting to the Associate Provost for Online Strategy provides structure and coordination for initiatives the support success in online teaching and learning. OTLC members are representatives from the Office of Disability Services, the Learning Centers, Information Technology (IT), Faculty Senate, and Online Learning Strategy.