The Office of Orientation and Transition at James Madison University is comprised of full-time professional and student staff who develop, coordinate and supervise the transitional needs of first-year and transfer students entering JMU. The Office of Orientation and Transition coordinates Summer Orientation, Weeks of Welcome, prepares publications such as The One Book, selects, hires, and trains approximately 350 student staff to assist new students and family members in their transition to JMU. Staff members work throughout the year to ensure incoming first-year and transfer students are provided with the resources, knowledge and peer connections for success at JMU.

Casey Ouren

Rob Olewine
Associate Director of Transition Programs

Justin Gambone
Associate Director of Orientation

TJ Stafford
Assistant Director of Orientation

Mallory Powers
Assistant Director of Transition

Chloe Thompson
Fiscal and Administrative Manager

Stephanie Fergenbaum
Customer Service and Operations Coordinator

Zack Beasley
Coordinator of Student Staff

Bella Cabaccan-Picart
Graduate Assistant

Emma Hines
Graduate Assistant

Courtney Roberts
Graduate Assistant