Room and Space Reservations
Recognized student organizations can reserve rooms and space on campus through Event Management. This can serve as space for meetings, events/ programs and other organization activities.
Reservable spaces include:
- The Union
- Festival
- Grafton-Stovall
- Warner Commons
- Wilson Auditorium
- Memorial Auditorium
- Specific academic buildings
All student organizations wishing to book space on campus must have a certified Student Event Planner representative. Each organization may have two representatives at a given time. The Student Event Planner representative can request space through the VirtualEMS system.
Room Usage
Room use at JMU is a collective responsibility. We all share the goal of keeping our facilities clean and organized, not only for our use, but for others who are using the same space following your event. Student organizations are responsible for following all building policies as set by the individual building managers and Event Management, including, but not limited to, leaving the room as it was found (i.e. furniture returned to its original placement and excessive trash removed). Misuse may result in the suspension of room reservation privileges. Organizations will be financially responsible for repairs and/or replacements of property in and on the facility, which may be damaged by actions beyond the normal use category.
Student organizations must adhere to Policy 4101: Student Clubs and Organizations - Contractual Agreements. Students are prohibited from signing contracts.
Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations should contact the FSL Office with all questions regarding contracts and should follow their national organization policies.
- Contracts must be brought to Business Services in The Union prior to being signed by the performer/artist/ speaker/etc. Business Services staff will prepare the contract by striking necessary clauses and/or attaching the JMU Addendum and a W-9 form.
- The student organization must mail the contract to the performer and get an original signature in blue ink.
- After the performer or agent has signed the contract and returned it to the organization with an original signature (emailed or faxed contracts will not be accepted), the organization must return the contract to Business Services for final signatures.
- The contract will be signed by a designated University official within 3–5 business days and the student organization will be notified to pick it up.
- The student organization must mail a fully executed contract to the performer or agent once all signatures have been obtained.
Allow at least 7 business days to complete these actions; however, the process could take up to 2 weeks.
Amplified Sound
An organization may use amplified sound as follows, except for approved major university events.
Approved Locations – Athletic fields/facilities, Festival Amphitheater and Lawn, Hillside Field and TDU Patio.
Approved Times – Monday–Friday: 8 a.m.– 10 p.m., Saturday–Sunday: noon–10p.m.
Exception for Warner Commons Approved Times – Monday–Thursday: noon–1 p.m. and 5–6 p.m., Friday: noon–1 p.m. and 5–11 p.m., Saturday: 9 a.m.–11 p.m., Sunday: 10 a.m.–10 p.m.
Public Safety
Certain events require a meeting with Public Safety to discuss event specifics and obtain an approval signature. This meeting should take place shortly after booking your space in order for Public Safety to prepare for the event. Waiting until two weeks prior to your event may result in cancellation due to lack of staff availability. The following events require the approval of Public Safety:
- Dance/concert
- Large events (attendance of 250 or more)
- Overnight events
- Event determined appropriate by the scheduling authority
Contact Public Safety for approval signature. You must call 540-568-6910 to set up an appointment. Completed and signed paperwork is due to the appropriate scheduling authority two weeks before the event date. If the discussion and approval from Public Safety has not taken place prior to the due date for paperwork, the event will be canceled.
Some events may require the presence of an officer or cadet and charges may be incurred by the sponsoring student organization.
Campus Speakers
Organizations must follow Policy J15-100 Guest Speakers. The name of the speaker must be submitted when the event is being scheduled. If Event Management deems the speaker as potentially controversial, a JMU Event Approval Form will be required and Public Safety will need to approve the event. If you plan to have a press conference, notify the Director of Communications and Spokesperson. If you have security needs, contact the Public Safety - Special Events.
If an organization hosts or sponsors an event, speaker or group, the organization takes responsibility for the actions, costs and money accountability of the activity/person sponsored. Members of the sponsoring group must be present and take an active role in the event for the duration of the event.
Open Flame
Any open or exposed flame, such as bonfires, candles, grills, etc. hereto known as open burns, on state property require approval at the JMU Vice President level or higher. This burn policy does not apply to the “built-in” grills at UREC, Village volleyball/basketball area, or Jennings Hall.
Scheduled start times for open burns must be observed or the event will be canceled, with a maximum variation of one hour for inclement weather being the only exception. Failure to follow these requirements or follow proper safety precautions may result in cancellation of the event. The State Fire Marshal’s office reserves the right to cancel any open burn without notice.
The Open Burn Requirements form must be completed and JMU Safety Office must be contacted at least thirty days prior to the event.
Film Copyright
Any copyrighted film (DVD, streaming, etc.) in any university facilities, other than a private residence hall room, cannot be shown unless a license to show the film is obtained or special permission from the owner of the copyright is received. This requirement is mandatory whether or not an admittance fee is charged. A copy of the license or permission letter must be received prior to the scheduled event and submitted to the appropriate scheduling office.
JMU, through contract with Aramark Corporation, maintains exclusive right to provide food service on all university property. Organizations must utilize JMU’s Catering and Dining Services unless permission to use an outside vendor is obtained in advance of the event from Catering and Dining Services. In such case, the JMU Event Approval Form is required for the non-catered food approval signature.
Events with Minors
Events hosting minors must adhere to JMU Policy 3118 – Programs, Events, and Camps Involving Minors and follow all procedures listed therein.
Dances are social events with a DJ or band. Concerts are performances by a band, group or solo artist which may expect a large crowd and have amplified sound. The playing DJ/ band must provide their own equipment.
Dances and concerts require a meeting with Public Safety to discuss event specifics and obtain approval signatures on the JMU Event Approval Form. This meeting should take place shortly after you book your space in order for Public Safety to prepare for your event. Waiting until two weeks prior to your event may result in cancellation due to lack of Public Safety staff availability.
Certain events may require the presence of an officer or cadet and charges may be incurred by the sponsoring student organization.
If you have any questions, please contact OSARP at osarp@jmu.edu or Student Life at beinvolved@jmu.edu