Recognized student organizations are eligible to fundraise on campus. Funds raised must be used to support the overall mission of the organization. Only recognized groups in good standing may fundraise on JMU property. When selling merchandise with any form of the JMU name or logos groups must use licensed vendors approved by the JMU Foundation and receive approval through the Merchandise Approval Form process.
Bake sales, or other food sales, must be approved by Aramark prior to the event through a signature on the Event Approval Form.
Student organizations are not considered 501(c) (3) non-profit status and should not advertise themselves as such. If an organization is a student chapter of an established non-profit, check with the national organization to see if they extend that status to campus affiliated organizations.
Possible fundraising options include:
- Working concession stands at JMU football and basketball games
- Food sales (all food sales must be approved by Aramark prior to the event)
- Merchandise sales
- Events with an entrance fee (see the gambling policy)
If you have any questions, please contact OSARP at osarp@jmu.edu or Student Life at beinvolved@jmu.edu