Recognized student organizations can advertise their organization’s events and activities on campus. There are many different ways to promote your organization, including using flyers, banners, digital ads, etc. The Club House is a great resource to use for creating advertising for your club. JMU Event Management has more information regarding individual methods of advertising and promoting events.
Banner space must be reserved through the VirtualEMS system. There are six reservable banner spaces in The Union, TDU, and Festival each. Space may only be reserved for one week, Sunday–Saturday. For more information about specific banner space, contact Event Management.
Chalking space must be reserved through
the VirtualEMS system. The areas on campus
which can be used for chalking to advertise an
event: Warner Commons, TDU Patio, Festival
(patio), Godwin (front sidewalk), and King
Hall (front stairs). Student organizations may
reserve blocks of three days per area.
Chalking areas are often booked with back
to back reservations—please be aware that
chalk from a previous reservation may still be
in place. The reserving office is not responsible
for cleaning the previous chalking.
Digital Advertising
Digital advertising is shown on the digital signs in The Union. Organizations should follow the guidelines on the Digital Signage form to submit their advertisement. The request form and digital file must be submitted at least five business days before advertisement needs to run.
All flyers must adhere to JMU Policy 3104 Use of Bulletin Boards and Posting Public Notices. To be posted, all flyers must have a stamp, or it will be removed. Flyers can be hung for two weeks. If a club breaks too many posting rules, they could be barred from posting and other publicity/advertising formats
If you have any questions, please contact OSARP at osarp@jmu.edu or Student Life at beinvolved@jmu.edu