Below are the expectations of student organizations recognized through Student Leadership and Involvement when it comes to financing and fundraising. If a student organization will be collecting dues, fundraising or expects to have funds allocated on their behalf, they need to have an organization bank account.
All organizations must pay their debts accrued both on and off campus in a timely and approved manner. JMU is not liable for debts accrued by a student organization.
Each organization is accountable for the appropriate and lawful handling of club funds in accordance to the group’s constitution and JMU policy. If an organization is using any form of university funding, the group will keep a report of all money use including receipts, canceled checks and invoices for 3 years.
Money Handling
The designated treasurer of the student organization is required to complete the online Cash Handling Training certification at the beginning of the academic year or before the organization’s first event involving money. This certification will apply to all events where cash is handled during the current academic year. If the position of treasurer changes during the academic year, the new treasurer must be certified by completing the online Cash Handling Training.
If you have any questions, please contact OSARP at osarp@jmu.edu or Student Life at beinvolved@jmu.edu