
Participation at the Oak Level involves three simple steps that together take less than 75 minutes: watch a short video of Campus Environmental Stewardship Highlights, complete the Greening Your Office online training, and make a new plan (or update a previous one). While some participants may have taken GYO training years ago, taking the updated training is important due to extensive changes at JMU.

All participants who complete the Oak Level will receive a certificate of participation and be eligible for training credit through Talent Development. Participants will also receive a sticker and a logo to include in email signatures. Employees can pursue the Oak Level without having first completed the Acorn Level.

The online training modules are adaptations of Greening Your Office Training by Dr. Maria Papadakis and Dr. Jennifer Coffman of the Department of Integrated Science and Technology (ISAT). Designed to communicate basic principles and promote individual critical thinking, the modules provide a framework for becoming more environmentally sustainable in the workplace. Those completing the online training can obtain training credit through Talent Development. The worksheet has a space to request credit.

The Greening Your Workspace Recognition Program at the Oak Level can be completed in two ways:

Option A: Login using your JMU e-ID to access the video, training, and online worksheet. 


Option B: Attend a Greening Your Office Workshop through Talent Development.

The Greening Your Workspace Recognition Program is organized by the Awareness Committee of the Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World. 

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