Welcome to the Home of AAASAC!
The committee is charged with providing administrative employees, both full and part-time, with the opportunity to share knowledge, collaborate to develop effective strategies for unit-assigned activities, gain experience in committee service, and to provide feedback to the Provost Office on problems and emerging issues.
Have Any Questions, Ideas or Feedback for AAASAC?
If you have suggestions, ideas or topics that you would like to see discussed during either the Network or the Mentoring Gatherings, please reach out to any member of the Mentorship Committee, the Executive Council or your AAASAC representative.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, or if there is an issue you would like to refer to AAASAC, please contact either your AAASAC representative or a member of the Executive Council.
We want to hear from you!
Thank you for all you do to contribute to the success of Academic Affairs and JMU!
September 2024 | October 2023 |
June 2024 | September 2023 |
May 2024 | August 2023 |
April 2024 | July 2023 |
February 2024 | June 2023 |
January 2024 | May 2023 |
December 2023 | April 2023 |
November 2023 | March 2023 |
Have a submission for the newsletter? Send to aaasacnews@jmu.edu for consideration!
Network Gatherings:
The AAASAC Mentorship committee continues to welcome all administrative staff to join us for special network gathering sessions. We are planning two gatherings this academic year, one in October and one in March. Stay Tuned for more information via email and the AAASAC Newsletter!
Mentoring Opportunities:
Mentoring Opportunities via Network Gatherings
Have you taken a workshop but would now like to do a deep dive on the topic? Do you want the in-depth details of how a process works? If so, these opportunities are for you!
The AAASAC Mentoring Committee hosts Network Gatherings on an array of topics (finance, event planning, course scheduling, etc.). Administrative staff will have the opportunity to interact with experienced administrative professionals and topic experts. These Q&A sessions are designed to provide information and networking opportunities, which will help you excel in your work!
Connect and Learn opportunities will be scheduled twice per semester, so stay tuned as information will be coming via email and the monthly AAASAC Newsletters.
New Employee Campus Tours:
The AAASAC Work/Life Balance Committee has created an Administrative Assistant Walking Tour Map to help new hires find buildings on campus that we often find ourselves involved with. This map highlights buildings on campus along with the department, spaces and features within.
Nominations for the Provost Award for Administrative Excellence for 2024-2025 are open beginning October 28, 2024. To find the Provost Award for Administrative Excellence nomination information, please visit the website. The deadline for electronically submitting nominations is Friday, January 31, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
Provost Award for Administrative Excellence for 2023-2024 recipients
- Kathy Lubkowski, Dean's Office, College of Integrated Science and Engineering
- Sheila Ward, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities, College of Education
Provost Award for Administrative Excellence for 2022-2023 recipients:
- Benita James, Education Support Center, College of Education
- Sandra Kinsey (Part-Time), Education Programs, College of Education
- Susan Thomas, Libraries
Provost Award for Administrative Excellence for 2021-2022 recipients:
- Liana Bayne (Part-Time), Libraries
- Erica Kann, Professional Development & Undergraduate Suite, College of Business
- Sandra Purington, Dean's Office, College of Arts and Letter
Attend AAASAC Sponsored Events
- Networking workshops
- Connecting and Learning Together sessions
Volunteer to Share your Expertise
- Contact a member of the Outreach and Engagement Committee to volunteer
The Academic Affairs Administrative Staff Advisory Council (AAASAC) recruits new members at the beginning of each calendar year. All employees, including those who are new to JMU, are welcome. Appointments will be for one-year terms that run July through June.
Each AAASAC council member also serves on a standing committee. We are seeking members who will be actively engaged as both a council and standing committee member. The full council meets the second Wednesday of each month, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm.; standing committees meet once a month for approximately an hour, with meetings scheduled to suit committee members and their work schedules. Day and time for committee meetings are set by the chair in consultation with all committee members. Total time commitment would be approximately 2 hours each month.
The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.
AAASAC Representatives
Unit(s) Represented | Representative | AAASAC Committee | |
Office of Vice Provost for Strategic Initiative and Strategic Affairs | Sarah Burke | burke2se@jmu.edu | Outreach & Engagement |
College of Integrated Science and Engineering | Nikki Corley | corleyna@jmu.edu | Recognition |
Libraries | Kimberly Gillette | gilletkm@jmu.edu | Outreach & Engagement |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies | Andee Henriques | henriqas@jmu.edu | Outreach & Engagement |
University Studies | Mindy Koon | koonmf@jmu.edu | Outreach & Engagement |
Department of Psychology | Megan Loucks | loucksmm@jmu.edu | Recognition |
College of Health and Behavioral Studies | Julie Love | lovejl@jmu.edu | Mentorship |
College of Integrated Science and Engineering | Kathy Lubkowski | lubkowka@jmu.edu | Mentorship |
Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication | Sandra Purington | puringsk@jmu.edu | Outreach & Engagement |
College of Education | Melissa Rebich | rebichmm@jmu.edu | Co-Chair |
Department of Engineering | Laresa Roberts | rober4lm@jmu.edu | Recognition |
Geology and Environmental Science | Whitney Sites | siteswk@jmu.edu | Recognition |
College of Visual and Performing Arts | Donna Wampler | wampledk@jmu.edu | Mentorship |
College of Arts and Letters | Rebecca White | whitera@jmu.edu | Mentorship |
Department of Health Professions | Marissa Zane | zanemj@jmu.edu | Co-Chair |