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Resource Contact Information You should contact this office if...

Communication Center

  • You’re working on an individual or group communication project and want some assistance with planning or rehearsing for the presentation
  • You’re nervous about speaking in front of a group and want advice on how to reduce speech-related anxiety

Counseling Center

Location & Contact Info

  • You experience a high level of stress or anxiety that impacts your ability to study
  • You are having relationship problems with your friends, family or partner
  • You have existing or previous mental health concerns and want assistance with adjusting to being a student at JMU

First Year Involvement

  • You’re a first year student and would like help being successful in the classroom
  • You’re on academic probation and would like to connect with a mentor
  • You want to connect with other students to receive tutoring, stay motivated, set goals, improve time management and positively change your study behaviors

Learning Strategies Instruction (LSI) 


  • You want some ideas about how to manage your time better
  • You want to work on your test-taking skills or managing test related anxiety
  • You want help with reading, note-taking, studying or improving your memory
  • You have high academic achievement goals and want help meeting them

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE)



  • You are a student who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) or are questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity.  
  • You are seeking education, support, or advocacy related to sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • You are a member or ally of the LGBTQ community and want to learn more or get more involved on campus.  

Office of Disability Services (ODS)

  • You are a student with a physical, mental, sensory, learning or other disability
  • You wonder if you might have a disability and want to be screened to find out
  • You need access to services or accommodations to be able to participate fully in the classroom experience

Center for Global Engagement (CGE)

  • You would like information on studying abroad in another country
  • You are an international student with a question about how to maintain your immigration status

Office of the Dean of Students 

  • You or your family are dealing with a personal crisis or challenging life situation
  • You are considering withdrawing from classes before the end of the semester
  • You will be absent from classes for an extended period of time for any reason

Office of the Registrar

  • You wish to change or declare a major, minor or pre-professional program
  • You have questions about registration or course enrollment dates and deadlines
  • You have questions about requesting a transcript or applying for graduation

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) 

  • You’re taking certain courses and want support with your studying. Supported subjects include BIO, COB, CHEM, ECON, and MATH. Classes are subject to change.  Check the PASS website to see if your section is supported.

Science and Math Learning Center (SMLC) 

  • You want help understanding course content, doing homework or a lab report in a first or second year physics, chemistry, calculus or statistics course
  • You want help in any Gen Ed math or science course
  • You want help with an online assignment in ARIS, LON-CAPA, SPSS, etc.

University Career Center 

  • You’re considering changing majors and want to talk about which one is best for you
  • You want to learn more about possible career options available to you
  • You’re applying for a job, internship or graduate school

University Writing Center 

  • You want help with a writing assignment you are working on
  • You want some support with improving your overall writing skills
  • You want help choosing a topic or coming up with ideas of what to write about
  • You want assistance with how to include and cite sources correctly in an essay

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